
2017-12-15 22:07陈凯明
中国当代医药 2017年31期


[摘要]目的 统计冠状动脉再狭窄的研究文献,分析目前医学领域内对该主题的研究情况。方法 基于PubMed数据库,检索在2012年8月~2017年7月发表的有關冠状动脉再狭窄的文献,并进行调查分析,统计主题词出现的频次,使用SPSS统计软件对词篇矩阵进行聚类分析,分析当前关于冠状动脉再狭窄的研究热点。结果 检索到关于冠状动脉再狭窄的研究文章共1405篇,高频主题词48个,累计百分比61.35%,其中出现频次最高的主题词为药物洗脱支架(Drug-Eluting Stents),出现频次542次。通过对48个主题词的聚类分析得到10个研究热点。结论 心脏导管及包被材料与冠状动脉再狭窄的关系,可吸收内固定支架与冠状动脉再狭窄的关系,使用冠状动脉造影术对冠状动脉再狭窄进行医学诊断,外科对冠状动脉再狭窄的影响,冠状动脉再狭窄临床常用支架包被治疗药物,使用与光学相关的断层扫描方法研究冠状动脉再狭窄形成的病因学,PCI手术引起的冠状动脉再狭窄,血液与冠状动脉再狭窄的关系,心肌梗死患者PCI术后冠状动脉再狭窄的预防与治疗,冠状动脉再狭窄的遗传学研究,为近五年冠状动脉再狭窄的研究热点,以上研究热点为临床及基础研究人员的深入科研提供了方向。


[中图分类号] R654.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2017)11(a)-0029-04

Research focus analysis of coronary restenosis based on PubMed database

CHEN Kai-ming

Department of Cardiology,Central Hospital Affiliated to Shenyang Medical College,Liaoning Province,Shenyang 110024,China

[Abstract]Objective To analyze the current research on coronary restenosis by reviewing the related literature.Methods Based on PubMed database,the literature on coronary restenosis published from August 2012 to July 2017 was searched and analyzed,and the frequency of subject headings was calculated.Term-paper matrix was in cluster analysis by using SPSS statistical software in order to obtain the research highlight of coronary restenosis.Results In total,1405 papers related to coronary restenosis have been retrieved and 48 high-frequency subject words were obtained with a cumulative percentage of 61.35%.The highest frequency subject word was drug-eluting stents in 542 times.Ten research focus were obtained by the cluster analysis of 48 subject headings.Conclusion Research focus of coronary restenosis in recent five years are relationship between cardiac catheter and coating material and coronary restenosis,relationship between absorbable internal fixed support and coronary restenosis,medical diagnosis of coronary angiography on coronary restenosis,impact on surgery on coronary restenosis,common drugs of support and coating in clinic on treating coronary restenosis,etiology of optical coherence tomography on coronary restenosis,coronary restenosis caused by PCI,association of blood and coronary restenosis,prevention and treatment of coronary restenosis after PCI in patients with myocardial infarction,and genetic research on coronary restenosis.The above research focus provides a direction for the in-depth research of clinical and basic researchers.

[Key words]Coronary restenosis;Research focus;Bibliometricsendprint

冠状动脉再狭窄(coronary restenosis)大多是由经皮冠状动脉介入术(Percutaneous Coronary Intervention,PCI)与心脏支架术后新生内皮组织异常增生引起的血管再次狭窄,严重影响了PCI与支架的治愈率,现已经成为国内外研究的热点[1]。本文采用文献计量学方法,对近5年来发表在PubMed数据库中有关冠状动脉再狭窄的文章进行统计分析,总结当前该主题的研究热点,为开展深入研究提供参考依据。





以“Coronary Restenosis”为主题词,检索PubMed数据库中近5年发表的文献,检索策略为“Coronary Restenosis”冠状动脉再狭窄[Mesh] AND("2012/08/02"[PDat]:"2017/07/31"[PDat])。




数据处理采用信息共现挖掘系统。运用SPSS 19.0对高频主题词进行聚类分析,生成聚类分析树状图。








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(收稿日期:2017-08-17 本文編辑:孟庆卿)endprint
