
2017-11-14 09:46:42张万红刘文兆





在弱光条件下,采用色调(H)和饱和度(S)颜色分量的K均值聚类分析结合相应色差运算方法,对覆膜玉米冠层图像进行分割,并将分割所得影像的二值图分别与超绿、超红和超绿-超红算法分割结果进行比较。结果表明,该方法更能精确反映玉米的冠层形状。将该方法得到的玉米冠层覆盖度计算结果与Samplepoint软件分析结果进行比较发现,前者均方根误差取值较小,仅为0.004 2,分割误差率低至3.37%,分割图像准确率高。综合分析表明,在弱光背景下,基于H和S颜色分量的K均值聚类分析结合色差运算的分割方法对覆膜玉米冠层的分割结果准确可靠。




目前,利用数字相机拍摄作物冠层照片,在计算机中将影像分成作物和非作物(土壤、作物残留物等),并利用二值图像计算作物覆盖度的方法操作简单,结果准确率高,是一种适宜的方法[5]。对于背景简单的田间作物图像,例如大田玉米图像中背景仅包含土壤和少许作物残留,通常采取单阈值的方法即可快速实现对目标的识别与分割,但对于多背景的影像,单阈值分割法的准确率低,往往会产生过度分割。为了实现对多背景目标影像的准确分割,通常将RGB颜色空间转化为HIS[7-11]、HSV[12-13]和Lab[14-16]等颜色空间并结合最大类间方差法(Otsu)[14]、K均值聚类[15,17]和模糊C均值聚类(fuzzy C-mean clustering,FCM)[18]等算法对图像进行分割。这些方法虽然能准确将目标影像分割,但目前仍没有统一的算法来实现对不同环境条件下所有特定作物图像的分割[19]。

地膜覆盖可以改善农田土壤的水热状况,提高养分有效性和水分利用效率,该种植方式已在玉米田得到广泛推广和应用[20-21]。但目前将玉米植株从地膜、土壤等背景中分离并获取玉米冠层覆盖度的方法鲜有相关文献报道。基于此,本试验拟采用图像处理方法将玉米植株从地膜、土壤等背景中分离,并最终实现对玉米冠层覆盖度的准确计算。此方法首先将覆膜玉米影像从RGB颜色空间转换到HIS颜色空间,然后分别提取H和S颜色分量,通过对H和S颜色分量进行K均值聚类分析[22],选取合适的2类聚类图进行相应色差运算,以分割覆膜玉米冠层图像。将图像分割结果分别与超绿(excess green,ExG)[23]、超红(excess red,ExR)[24]以及超绿减超红(ExG-ExR)[25]算法的分割结果进行比较,在比较的基础上选用合理的分割图像进行玉米冠层覆盖度计算。

1 材料与方法

1.1 大田玉米图像采集

试验于2016年6月4日—6日(玉米苗期)在中国科学院长武黄土高原农业生态试验站覆膜玉米试验田进行。首先用1 m2的样方框将玉米植株框定,然后使用华为荣耀7手机,在下午和早晨太阳光较弱的时间段,采用自然曝光模式,垂直于每个框定样方在地面上2 m处进行拍照,收集光照均匀、少有阴影的图片备用。在进行图像分割处理前,为方便图像处理,在不影响图像中目标与背景形状及颜色的前提下,将图像统一变换为1 358×1 314像素,以JPEG格式导入计算机,如图1所示。

图1 覆膜玉米影像Fig.1 Original image of plastic-film corn

1.2 玉米植株图像分割





图2 玉米冠层图像分割方法流程图Fig.2 Flow chart for image segmentation method of plastic-film corn canopy

1.3 数据处理

采用Excel 2013进行数据处理及运算。

2 结果与分析

2.1 超绿、超红以及超绿-超红算法结合Otsu阈值分割法


图4 超绿算法结合自适应阈值法分割的影像Fig.4 Image segmented by ExG and Otsu methods

图5 超红算法分割的影像Fig.5 Image segmented by ExR method

图3 超绿算法分割的影像Fig.3 Image segmented by ExG method

图6 超红算法结合自适应阈值法分割的影像Fig.6 Image segmented by ExR and Otsu methods

图7 超绿减超红算法分割的影像Fig.7 Image segmented by ExG-ExR method

图8 超绿减超红算法结合自适应阈值法分割的影像Fig.8 Image segmented by ExG-ExR and Otsu methods

2.2 基于H和S颜色分量的K均值聚类分割法

2.2.1 H和S颜色分量的K均值聚类分析


图9 H颜色分量影像Fig.9 Image of hue

图10 S颜色分量影像Fig.10 Image of saturation

2.2.2 运用“Bwareaopen”程序及相应数学运算分割图像


图11 H颜色分量的聚类分析Fig.11 Clustering analysis for image of hue

图12 S颜色分量的聚类分析Fig.12 Clustering analysis for image of saturation

图13 经Bwareaopen软件程序处理后的图像Fig.13 Image treated by Bwareaopen program

图14 最终分割的图像Fig.14 Segmented image

2.3 实验结果及分析

为了验证算法的准确性,运用上述分割算法对采集到的20幅覆膜玉米图像(每幅图像代表的实际土地面积为1 m2)进行分割,并根据计算公式(7)[27]和(8)分别计算玉米冠层图像分割误差率和均方根误差(RMSE)。


计算结果显示,RMSE取值较小,仅为0.004 2,误差率低达3.37%:表明利用本文算法分割图像后计算所得的玉米冠层覆盖度与Samplepoint软件测定结果非常接近,分割结果可靠。

3 讨论与结论



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Image segmentation method of plastic-film corn canopy.Journal of Zhejiang University(Agric.&Life Sci.),2017,43(5):649-656

ZHANG Wanhong,LIU Wenzhao*
(Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,Shaanxi,China)

hue;saturation;K-mean clustering analysis;image segmentation;corn canopy

S 513;TP 391



Summary Percent ground cover of vegetation is an important parameter which

attention of both agronomists and ecologists.Not only does it reflect dynamic growth of plants in a long time,but also it is associated with abstraction of photosynthesis available radiation(APAR)of plants.So far as the maize crop cover is concerned,current researches mainly focused on calculating percent ground cover of maize on bare ground.It is a fact that plastic film mulching has been widely adopted for maize planting due to its effect on reducing water loss,regulating soil temperature,improving the infiltration of rainwater into the soil,enhancing soil water retention,accelerating crop growth,and significantly increasing crop yield.In addition,the recent advances in image analysis software offered potential for analyzing the digital camera images of habitat to objectively quantify ground cover of vegetation in a repeatable and timely manner too.Here we evaluated use of Matlab software for analyzing the digital photographs of plastic-film maize to quantify the percent ground cover.

In this study,the images of plastic-film maize were firstly taken by smart phone under weak light condition,which were JPEG(joint photographic expert group)format here and were in 1 358×1 314 resolution.Then the method combined the K-mean clustering analysis of hue(H)and saturation(S)color components with performing a corresponding mathematical operation was proposed to discriminate the maize and background.The proposed method was comprised of three main steps.First,color images yielding red(R),green(G),and blue(B)subimages were mathematically transformed to hue(H),saturation(S),and intensity(I)ones.And then,the images were respectively segmented using the methods of excess green(ExG),excess red(ExR),excess green minus excess red(ExG-ExR),and Otsu thresholding of excess green,excess red and excess green minus excess red.Second,the K-mean clustering analysis of H and S color components was carried out.Finally,the color difference operation between the K-mean clustering analysis of H and S color components was performed for segmentation of target object.



(First author):张万红(http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0101-3220),E-mail:zhwhong@nwafu.edu.cn


Results of images processing indicated that the images,which were segmented respectively by excess green,excess red,excess green minus excess red,and Otsu thresholding of excess green,excess red and excess green minus excess red,showed incomplete construct of maize and plastic film,but relatively satisfactory results were achieved by clustering analysis of H and S color components.Specifically,the K-mean clustering analysis of H color component clearly delineated leaf edge of maize,and the K-mean clustering analysis of S color component produced complete plastic film construct.The maize plant was successfully separated from plastic film,soil and other backgrounds by application of the color difference operation between the K-mean clustering analysis of H and S color components.Root mean square error(RMSE)and error rate were calculated to verify the reliability of the method proposed in this paper for segmentation of maize plant.The results showed that the RMSE and error rate of segmentation were 0.004 2 and 3.37%,respectively.The low RMSE and error rate further confirmed the rationality of the method used in this paper.

In conclusion,the method presented in this paper for image segmentation of plastic-film corn canopy is reliable under the weak light condition.

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