设计公司:协调亚洲 / Coordination Asia(中国)
Nike Studio Beijing, Beijing, China 北京Nike健身室,中国
设计公司:协调亚洲 / Coordination Asia(中国)
将健身室与零售店面合而为一,这间位于北京的健身室精致得令人目炫。黑墙加上霓虹灯打造的更衣室,引人注目。整个空间充满田径运动场的元素。健身室装潢令人热血沸腾,墙上和镜上写满“不要空想,以行动证明。”(Don't dream of it. Train for it.)等品牌的励志标语,旁边挂着运动员的人像。霓虹灯为健身室加入亮点,健身器材完全融入室内设计,令运动员能专注训练。
Japanese architect Katsutoshi Sasaki came up with a brilliant solution to create 13 rooms in a twostorey house for intergenerational living. In the mostly windowless house, waist-high partitions divide up the top floor, framing different activities without cutting off the scarce light entering the residence. Pillar-less space removes visual obstruction and enhances a sense of space. The arrangement creates a space which appears to be open when a person stands up but simultaneously give privacy when that person sits down. All residential rooms lie along the grids, but the designer also left buffering space for fl exibility, in case the floor plan needs further modification as the children grow up.