柯明耀 罗炳清 林连城 雍雅智 李远鹏 曾俊莉
柯明耀 罗炳清 林连城 雍雅智 李远鹏 曾俊莉
随着介入肺脏病学的发展,气道支架广泛应用于良恶性气管狭窄、气道瘘的治疗。[1]自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,Dumon硅酮支架,被越来越多地运用于治疗良恶性气道狭窄。[2-3]Dumon支架需在全身麻醉下经硬质支气管镜(硬镜)置入,因Dumon支架直到2014年才引进我国,相关报道有限。自2014年3月至2016年8月以来,本中心共开展了全麻硬镜下放置Dumon支架的病例304例,其中放置失败23例。本文将对全麻下经硬镜放置Dumon支架失败的原因进行分析,借以提高Dumon支架放置的成功率。
器械和设备 硬质支气管镜为德国 STORZ 型,可弯曲电子支气管镜为治疗镜1T260。支架为法国 Novatech 公司 Dumon 支架,尺寸根据患者病变情况进行剪裁。法国 Novatech 公司提供支架输送器。
图1 镜管未能插到瘘口远方导致支架释放到胸腔胃
图2 (A-C)良性狭窄扩张不够致支架未能完全放到狭窄管腔
图3 左主软化支架前推时气道破裂
图4 瘢痕狭窄支架放置前应先球囊或金属支架充分扩张管腔
图5 主支气管均严重狭窄时可采用边球囊扩张边前推Y支架
自20 世纪 80 年代以来,Dumon支架越来越多地被运用于气道病变[4-5]。近年来,其在气道、消化道瘘中的应用也逐渐增多[6-8]。尽管硅酮支架对置入技术要求相对较高,但硅酮因其生物相容性较好及取出相对方便等优点应用越来越广泛[9]。
本中心近2年多来,共成功放置硅酮支架307例,放置失败23例。硅酮支架开展的第一年放置失败15例、第二年8例,而自2016年3月起无失败病例。这提示随着放置技术的提高及对硅酮支架特性认识的深入,可以减少或避免硅酮支架放置失败。通过分析Dumon支架置入失败的常见原因,并结合近几年的临床经验,总结出几点提高Dumon支架置入成功率的策略。首先,掌握好Dumon支架的适应证 、熟悉Dumon支架的特性、做好充分术前评估及支架放置前的准备。操作过程中予以高浓度氧吸入以及射流式机械通气以备植入过程中的缺氧,可使患者更好的耐受支架置入过程[10]。 其次,对于瘢痕狭窄病例,放置支架前应通过球囊或金属支架充分扩张管腔(图4);当支架不能前推到狭窄管腔时,可酌情现场去除部分防滑钉;此外,当双主支气管均严重狭窄时,可采用边球囊扩张边前推Y支架的方法(图5),提高放置成功率。第三,个体化的定制支架尺寸规格,现场加工剪裁也是放置成功的关键步骤。最后,对于气道瘘者,支架放置时镜管应尽量插到瘘口远端,尽量避免因硬镜未能插到瘘口远方而导致支架推送至消化道腔内。
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ObjectiveTo improve the success rate of stent implantation through analyzing the failure reason on implantation of Dumon stent.MethodsThe clinical data about preoperative preparation and operational process of the failure cases were retrospectively analyzed. A total of 23 cases were included, and the reasons of implantation failure were analyzed.ResultsAmong the 23 cases, 6 cases failed to place stent for the limitation of cervical movement or narrow opening which resulted in rigid bronchoscopy not be inserted. Both left and right primary bronchus were severely stenosis which leaded to Y-shape stent failed to be promoted in 3 cases. The stents were promoted into alimentary canal because of the rigid bronchoscopy were unable to insert into distal end of fistula orifice in 4 cases.?Besides, benign stenosis was not being expanded enough in 5 cases. Rupture of airway happened in 3 several airway malacia cases. The operation was suspended because of serious cardiovascular events in 2 cases.ConclusionTo improve the success rate, the following issues should be noted: preoperative assessment of conditions, mastering the indication, implanting the metal stent temporarily or using balloon to dilate the lumen in scar straitness cases, trying to insert rigid bronchoscopy into the distal end of fistula orifice in airway fistula cases, and the field processing of Dumon stent to adapt to the special cases.
Dumon stent; failure implantation;rigid bronchoscopy
361021 福建 厦门,厦门市第二医院呼吸中心