
2017-10-25 04:54赵青奇
新东方英语·中学版 2017年10期



Since the first edition of the Michelin Guide was published, back in 1900, the inspection process has been kept a closely guarded secret. However, over the years a number of clues have emerged which help to shine a light on1) how restaurants are awarded Michelin stars.

How did the guide

come about?

Yes, it is the same Michelin that make the tires2). In fact, the purpose of the first guide tied in with their tire making heritage. To boost the demand for cars and, therefore, car tires, the company began making atlases3) which included certain restaurants on different routes. At that time, one star meant the restaurant was worthy of a stop along the way; two stars meant it was worth a detour4) and three stars that you ought to make a special journey to visit the restaurant.

Michelin claim that the stars mean the same thing today, only adjusted for a more mobile society. Yet with the proliferation5) of restaurants in the 114 years after the foundation of the guide, many people think Michelin stars actually possess more value than that—particularly with the degree of prestige6) the stars hold in today's society.







1. shine a light on: 使……显得更加清楚;使……更易于理解

2. tire [.ta..(r)] n. 轮胎

3. atlas [..tl.s] n. 地图册;地图集






The life of a Michelin inspector

Surprisingly to many, there are only around 120 inspectors worldwide. This is despite the guide now operating in 23 different countries. Every inspector is anonymous7); if an inspector heard any hint that a restaurant suspected who they were, they would immediately cancel the booking and have a colleague reschedule at a random date in the future. They would then stay away from the region for the next 10 years.

But even if they were rumbled8) without being aware of it, one inspector said, it would be unlikely to change much. "[The chef] is not going to be better, and nor is his food, simply because I'm eating at the restaurant. The only thing he could do would be to add some ingredients to my plate, but that's risky too, since a recipe is made with very precise proportions."

Due to the small number of Michelin inspectors, each is on the road for three out of every four weeks, staying in a different hotel every night. They eat lunch and dinner every day, sampling9) around 240 different restaurants every year. Michelin, of course, picks up the inspector's bill10). The perks11) don't extend to a plus one, though—their cost would have to be paid independently.

Driving over 18,000 miles every year, dangers on the road are more of a concern to inspectors than the health risks one might perceive to be associated with enjoying such a rich diet. Michelin ensure there are regular health check-ups for inspectors, while they are also entitled to a six-monthly cholesterol12) check.

4. detour [.di.t..(r)] n. 绕行的路,迂回路

5. proliferation [pr..l.f..re..n] n. 激增;涌现;大量的事物

6. prestige [pre.sti..] n. 威信,声望

7. anonymous [..n.n.m.s] adj. 匿名的;不具名的

8. rumble [.r.mbl] vt. 察觉,发现;看穿,识破

9. sample [.sɑ.mpl] vt. 品尝

10. pick up the bill: 付账

11. perk [p..k] n. (工资以外的)补贴,津贴

12. cholesterol [k..lest.r.l] n. 胆固醇

13. premises [.prem.s.z] n. (商店、参观、公司等使用的)房屋及土地

14. décor [.de.k..(r)] n. (房间、家具等的)装饰(布局),装潢(风格)

15. signature dish: 招牌菜。signature [.s.ɡn.t..(r)] adj. 显示个人特色的,个性化的

16. re.nement [r..fa.nm.nt] n. (精细的)改进,完善

17. set apart: 使显得突出,使显得与众不同

18. culinary [.k.l.n.ri] adj. 烹饪的;厨房的

How do the inspectors come to their decisions?

The exact scoring systems used by Michelin inspectors remain a very closely guarded secret. Yet we do know some aspects of the process. Inspectors visit premises13) around once every 18 months, unless it is being considered for gaining or losing a star. In these instances, a one star restaurant will receive four visits before it can gain its second star. A two star location must be inspected on ten occasions before it can claim the ultimate honor of three stars.

After every meal, the inspector writes a report. It was thought that service, décor14) and location were each considered as part of the process, but the Michelin Guide editor, Rebecca Burr, this year told us that "It is all about the food. Absolutely". Burr suggested that to go from one star to two means displaying "that technical strength, signature dishes15), refinement16), something that sets them apart17)". While the journey from two to three stars is about the "ultimate culinary18) experience".




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