
2017-10-25 04:45Jasmine
新东方英语·中学版 2017年10期



I never really knew exactly how I felt about starting high school. While I was excited to make new friends and learn new things, I was also very nervous about finding my way around and trying to stay out of the way of upperclassmen. I knew the work would be difficult, so I was dreading that. But I also knew that there were so many extra-curricular activities and that I would have a blast1). All these feelings built into one confusing emotion. Knowing what I know now, though, there really isn't much to be scared about! So, for all those new freshmen out there, I'm here to help you make it through your first year of high school!

Here are some of the things I found helpful throughout my .rst year.

Remember, you aren't alone. There are hundreds of teens experiencing what you are experiencing this very moment! Although you may feel a million different things, just remind yourself that there are people that are feeling the same way. Brush those feelings aside2) and put a smile on your face!

Don't be afraid to make new friends. There are many people who share the same interests as you and are seeking those who share that interest. Sometimes you may have nothing in common but the desire to make friends! Remember, there are plenty of teens out there in this same situation.

Join an interesting club or sport. High school is the time to try new things, and luckily your school has so much to offer! There are so many clubs to choose from, like the environmental club, Spanish club, cooking club, mathletes, and so many more! Many schools also offer a wide variety of sports, including a freshman level! So if you've always wanted to tryout golf or give soccer a try, now's your time to try! Joining a club or sport is also a great way to meet people!

Your teachers are there to help you. This has probably already been drilled into3) your heads many other times, and I'm going to drill it even deeper. High school teachers want to make sure you clearly understand the material, as it becomes more and more crucial4) as college nears. Even though your teacher might not be the brightest, keep in mind that they are only trying to help you.

Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you aren't comprehending the material, ask your teacher! Chances are, there are others who also don't get it and are silently asking the same question. They'll be glad someone spoke up! If you are having great difficulty, you can also set up a time before or after school to meet with your teacher. Remember, they are there to help you!endprint

Upperclassmen really aren't so bad. They may look super intimidating, but they were in your same position years ago. They understand how you feel. You can always go to one of them if you have a question about anything. Plus, they can make pretty great friends.

Popularity means nothing, especially if you go to a small school. Don't worry about trying to impress people, you shouldn't have to! Just be you and make people accept you for who you are!

Doing the homework really benefits you. Sure, sometimes it may seem like busywork, but it's only making you better! You need to be devoting a good amount of time on your homework. Plus, if you do it, you will get way with better grades and relieve a lot of stress off your shoulders.

The littlest things can get you into trouble. For example, at my school if you put your backpack on the floor next to the lunch line instead of on the table, you get it taken away AND a detention. Yeah, it's pretty stupid, but rules are rules! Make sure you are in-the-know5) about your school rules so you can avoid all those silly detentions. They do show up on your resume!

Have fun! I cannot stress this enough! High school is supposed to be one of your greatest moments in life! Live it and love it to the fullest everyday!

See? It really isn't that hard! Knowing these things will hopefully make you feel a little more confident about your freshman year of high school. Just keep your head held high and enjoy it while you can!














1. blast [blɑ.st] n. 痛快,欢乐,满足

2. brush aside: 把……推到一边;不理会

3. drill into: 通过不断的练习和重复来灌输(或教授)

4. crucial [.kru..l] adj. 决定性的,关键性的;极重要的

5. in-the-know: <口熟悉内幕(或内情)的,知情的endprint

教育是能力的培养 而不是知识的灌输
6-year-old girl uses lemonade stands to help fellow students