There are many different varieties of plants and nearly as many ways to describe them. But aside from the occasional "beautiful", "lush1)" or even "prickly2)" adjective, have you ever attached the word "intelligent" to a plant?
Turns out, we're learning a host of new things about our foliage3)-minded friends. Among the biggest revelations4) is evidence that plants can communicate using a complex system of chemical compounds. These molecular5) responses allow plants a measure of self-defense by, for example, attracting predators to attack the insects munching6) on their body. These chemical signals can also alert neighboring plants to danger, be it an insect, a parasite7) or an environmental red flag. In some cases, a plant's chemical response can produce poison that makes a clear and present8) pest unable to do anything. Further, plants that are injured emit chemicals that are the equivalent of a silent scream.
Even with all this complex communication, plants still lack brains or central nerve centers that can process and spread information. Without a brain, can a plant think? Not in the traditional sense. You'll never sit next to a plant in a college class or while waiting for a job interview. However, some scientists believe plants do exhibit a form of alternative intelligence, including the ability to judge consequences well9) into the future.endprint
Take the European barberry10) plant. It's likely to be attacked by the tephritid fruit fly11), which lays its eggs inside the barberry's berries. After the eggs hatch, the larvae12) survive by eating the seeds inside the berries. While this is clearly bad news for the barberry, it's also bad news for the larval fruit fly, thanks to the plant's highly developed response. As the parasite takes hold, the barberry calculates risks and recalls previous actions based on internal and external conditions.
As the fruit becomes home to too many larvae, the barberry's response depends on several factors. If the fruit has two seeds and one of them is infested13) with the parasite, later on the developing larva will feed on both seeds. If however the plant aborts14) the infested seed, then the parasite in that seed will also die and the second seed in the berry15) is saved. The seeds of the infested fruits are not always aborted, but rather it depends on how many seeds there are in the berries. If the barberry aborts a fruit with only one infested seed, then the entire fruit would be lost. Instead it appears to "speculate" that the larva could die naturally, which is a possibility. Slight chances are better than none at all. In short, scientists speculate that the plant expects both the losses and risks by either selectively terminating the infested seed in order to save the second intact16) seed or allowing the fruit to continue to grow when its termination will have little effect.
In addition, plants have been shown to have a sense of direction; they'll aim their roots downward to the ground, no matter how they are oriented. Some also have the ability to use camouflage17) by appearing to shrivel18) when touched and look less attractive to plant eaters.
1. lush [l..] adj. 茂盛的;茂密的
2. prickly [.pr.kli] adj. 多刺的
3. foliage [] n. (植物的)葉;枝叶
4. revelation [.rev..le..n] n. (尤指出人意料的)被揭示的真相;(惊人的)新发现
5. molecular [m..lekj.l.(r)] adj. 分子的
6. munch [m.nt.] vi. 大声咀嚼,用力咀嚼(脆的食物)
7. parasite [] n. 寄生生物;寄生虫
8. clear and present: 迫在眉睫的;就在眼前的
9. well [wel] adv. 完全地;彻底地;全部地
10. barberry [.bɑ.b.r.] n. 小檗属植物(多刺,开黄花,结红色酸果,常用作围篱);伏牛花
11. tephritid fruit .y: 实蝇科果蝇
12. larva [.lɑ.v.] n. 幼虫;幼体(复数形式为larvae或larvas)
13. infest [.n.fest] vt. (昆虫、老鼠等)成群侵扰,大批出没于
14. abort [..b..t] vt. (因困难或危险)使(活动)终止
15. berry [.beri] n. 浆果
16. intact [.n.t.kt] adj. 完好无损的
17. camouflage [.k.m.flɑ..] n. 伪装,隐蔽
18. shrivel [..r.vl] vi. 枯萎, 干枯endprint