马丽娜,王警梁,宗望远,黄小毛,冯 军
马丽娜,王警梁,宗望远※,黄小毛,冯 军
(华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070)
挖坑机钻头进给量是影响其扭矩和工作效率的重要因素,研究挖坑机进给量与其动态力学参数之间的变化规律对开发挖坑机具有重要意义。该文首先根据开合螺母的工作原理,利用解析法分析了开合螺母机构的运动特性,确定出了其动销轨道角为105°,进而设计出了一种开合螺母式自动进给机构的手提式挖坑机,不仅实现了挖坑作业的自动化,又能迅速完成回程运动。然后基于挖坑机升土理论,分析了挖坑机钻头进给量与其升土效果之间的影响关系,并通过试验进行了验证,从而为挖坑机进给量的设计提供了参考。研究表明,开合螺母螺距为5 mm时,挖坑机扭矩及其波动幅度均较小、工作效率最高。
1.1 开合螺母式自动进给机构螺距的设计
式中v为土壤垂直运动速度,m/s;0为钻头半径,m;为钻头转速,rad/s;为土壤速度损失系数;为钻头升角,(°);2为土壤之间摩擦系数;为钻头半径处的质点速度与水平面的夹角,(°);与为系数;1为土钢摩擦角,一般取20°;为重力加速度,9.8 m/s2。
本文中选用的钻头半径为0.15 m,钻头升角为20°。根据文献[1],土钢摩擦角和土壤内摩擦角分别取20°和44°。由式(1)~式(3),可得出土壤垂直速度和堵塞临界速度分别随钻头进给量变化曲线,如图1所示。
由图1可知,土壤垂直速度和堵塞临界速度随进给量变化曲线相交于点(5.3,0.048)。当进给量小于5.3 mm/r时,土壤垂直运动速度大于钻头堵塞临界速度,挖坑机能够正常升运土壤。当进给量大于5.3 mm/r时,土壤垂直速度小于钻头堵塞临界速度,挖坑机钻头发生堵塞。当钻头进给量满足顺利升土条件时,进给量越大,挖坑效率越高。结合螺母丝杠螺距在国标中的规定,开合螺母螺纹规格选为Tr24×5,即直径为24 mm,螺距为5 mm的梯形螺纹。为匹配挖坑机钻头旋向和动力输出轴的转向,自动进给机构螺纹旋向设计为右旋。
1.2 开合螺母结构设计
a. 开合螺母结构示意图a. Half nuts structure diagramb. 螺母开合运动简化示意图b. Schematic diagram of nuts opening and closing movement
c. 螺母开合运动分析图
c. Analysis of nuts opening and closing motion
1.螺母拨片 2.定销 3.半螺母 4.动销 5.基座
1.Nut picks 2.Fixed pin 3.Half nut 4.Movable pin 5.Base
Note:is the swing angle of rod, (°);is the swing angle of rod, (°);is the orbit angle of movable pin, (°);1is the distance between pointand point, m;2is the distance between pointand point, (m);3is the distance between pointand point, m;4is the distance between pointand point, m;1is the angle between rodand horizontal level, (°);2is the angle between rodand horizontal level, (°);3is the angle between rodand horizontal level, (°).
图2 开合螺母机构运动分析图
Fig.2 Movement analysis chart of half nut mechanism
表1 动销轨道角和杆AE转动角对杆BF转动角的影响
1.3 手提式挖坑机整体结构设计
2.1 试验装置
2.2 试验方法
为分析不同进给量对挖坑作业过程中钻头扭矩变化的影响,选用Tr24×3、Tr24×5和Tr24×8 3种不同螺距的自动进给机构进行挖坑作业对比试验。试验过程中保证挖坑机钻头匀速工作。
表2 各测点土壤坚实度
2.3 试验数据处理与分析
扭矩仪数据采集卡采集到的数据为各测点对应的钻头转速、钻头扭矩,进而计算出各测点对应的钻头位移。而后将各组数据按时长为1 s分段,计算出扭矩标准差,各组数据见图5、图6和图7。
a. 测点1
a. Test point 1
b. 测点2
b. Test point 2
c. 测点3
c. Test point 3
a. 测点1
a. Test point 1
b. 测点2
b. Test point 2
c. 测点3
c. Test point 3
对比分析图5、图6和图7可知:1)螺距为8 mm各测点钻头扭矩均比螺距为3和5 mm大,且波动幅度大。螺距为8 mm时,钻头对应的进给量8大于5.3 mm/r,土壤垂直运动速度小于钻头堵塞临界速度,挖坑机钻头发生堵塞,所以扭矩增加且波动幅度增大;2)螺距为3和5 mm时,对应的进给量分别为3和5 mm/r,均小于5.3 mm/r,土壤垂直速度大于钻头堵塞临界速度,挖坑机能够正常升运土壤,因此二者各测点钻头扭矩和波动幅度均相对较小。但是当钻头进给量满足顺利升土条件时,进给量越大,挖坑效率越高,因此开合螺母螺距为5 mm时,不仅可以满足正常升运土壤,而且工作效率最高。
a. 测点1
a. Test point 1
b. 测点2
b. Test point 2
c. 测点3
c. Test point 3
2)运用经典挖坑理论,明确了挖坑机钻头进给量对其升土效果的影响关系,并通过试验进行了验证,为挖坑机进给量的设计提供了参考。研究表明,开合螺母螺距为5 mm时,挖坑机扭矩及其波动幅度均较小、工作效率最高。
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Design and experiment of automatic feed mechanism with half nuts structure of portable digging machine
Ma Li’na, Wang Jingliang, Zong Wangyuan※, Huang Xiaomao, Feng Jun
Digging machine is a kind of digging and tillage machine. Because its structure is simple and it can be operated conveniently, it is widely used as a hole digger. There are mainly 4 types of digging machines, i.e. suspension type, portable type, traction type and self-propelled type. On the mountains, hills, ravines and other complex terrain conditions, portable type of digging machine is popularly used to dig a hole so as to plant or transplant trees. Hence, this paper designed a new portable digging machine with a half-nut mechanism to keep the feed rate stable and decrease the torque of the drilling bit as far as possible when drilling the hole. In addition, the support structure was also designed for the digging machine for the sake of guaranteeing the verticality of the hole and ensuring the reliability and stability of the digging machine, as well as making the structure more secure. The feed rate of the digging machine was an important factor, which affected the torque and work efficiency of the drilling bit greatly. Research on the effect of the feed rate on the dynamic mechanical parameters of digging machine was of great significance for developing a new model of digging machine. However, the power of the digging machine was gasoline engine, so the power output shaft could not reversely rotate, and it could not be used for actual digging. Thus there was a great need to design a new structure that could solve the gasoline engine’s problem of rotating only in one direction. Accordingly, the half-nut mechanism was designed. According to the working principle of the half-nut, the motion characteristics of half-nut mechanism were analyzed by using the analytic method. The straight track angle of half-nut picks was decided as 105°, and thus a portable digging machine with half-nut mechanism was designed. The new designed digging machine could not only realize the digging operation automatically, but also complete the return movement rapidly. Then based on the working principle of digging machine, the relationship between the feed rate and the effect of lifting soil was studied. In order to verify the result, the experiment of testing the torque and rotational speed during the process of drilling a hole was conducted by using the torque measuring device JN338-100A made by Beijing Xinyuhang Century Science and Technology Co., Ltd. to collect the data afterward. Therefore it successfully provided a theoretical basis for the determination of feed rate of a new type of digging machine. It showed that when the pitch of half nut was taken as 3 or 5 mm, the torque and its fluctuation both were small. However when the pitch of half nut was taken as 8 mm, for it did not satisfy the working principle of digging machine, the torque and its fluctuation varied greatly, and the digging machine could not lift soil smoothly. In order to improve the work efficiency, the pitch of half nut was taken as 5 mm for this new designed digging mechanism finally. This paper provides a theoretical basis for the design of automatic feed mechanism of a new portable digging machine.
mechanization; design; soils; digging machine; half nuts; feed automatically; feed rate; torque
马丽娜,女,讲师,山东莱芜人,主要从事农业装备数字化设计技术研究。武汉 华中农业大学工学院,430070。Email:sunnylina@163.com
宗望远,男,河南周口人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事现代农业装备设计与测控技术研究。武汉 华中农业大学工学院,430070。 Email:zongwangyuan@mail.hzau.edu.cn
马丽娜,王警梁,宗望远,黄小毛,冯 军. 手提式挖坑机开合螺母式自动进给机构的设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(4):25-31. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.004 http://www.tcsae.org
Ma Li’na, Wang Jingliang, Zong Wangyuan, Huang Xiaomao, Feng Jun. Design and experiment of automatic feed mechanism with half nuts structure of portable digging machine[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 25-31. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.004 http://www.tcsae.org