韩延成,徐征和,高学平,Said M. Easa
韩延成1,徐征和1,高学平2,Said M. Easa3
(1. 济南大学资源与环境学院,济南 250022; 2. 天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室,天津 300072;3. Dept. of Civil Engineering, Ryerson Univ., Toronto, ON, Canada, M5B 2K3)
为提高抛物线形断面的水力特性,增加输水能力,该文提出了一种二分之五次(以下简称2.5次)方抛物线形渠道断面,推导其水力断面特性。将湿周用高斯超几何函数表示后,将水力最优断面的最优化模型转换为关于宽深比的一元方程,得到2.5次方抛物线形渠道水力最优断面的解析解,其最优宽深比为2.088 3。比较结果表明,2.5次方抛物线形断面较常规抛物线形断面具有更好的水力学特性。与平方、半立方抛物线形断面比较,在相同水深条件下,2.5次方抛物线形水力最优断面的过流能力更大。相反,在相同流量下,2.5次方抛物线形水力最优断面的过流面积、湿周、水深更小。2.5次方抛物线形水力最优断面的建造成本与其他2种断面相比是最小的。进一步地,为便于工程应用,基于高斯勒让德算法,提出2.5次方抛物线形断面的三点和四点格式近似湿周算法。结果表明,四点格式近似算法具有较高精度。研究可为明渠设计提供理论依据。
渠道输水断面对渠道过流能力、水深、建造成本等均有很大的影响。常见的渠道输水断面为梯形、矩形断面。随着渠道建造工艺的改进,大型衬砌机器的应用,曲线形断面的建造越来越容易,也越来越受到欢迎。例如巴基斯坦的High Level渠,西班牙Genil-Cabra渠等[1]均采用了平方抛物线形断面。学者们普遍认为曲线形断面有以下优点[2-4]:曲线形渠道断面没有或拐角点少、应力集中点少,因而由应力集中可能产生的裂缝少,渗漏量少;自然形成的河道或非衬砌渠道更多呈现曲线形断面的形状;曲线形渠道断面从渠底到渠堤边坡是渐变的,因而稳定性更好;曲线形渠道具有更好的水力学特性。
1.1 断面形状
1.2 面积与湿周
1.3 湿周的显式近似解
以为0.3为例,比较三点法和四点法计算2.5次方抛物线形渠道为1.0~3.5 m时湿周的精度。将=0.3和值代入式(3)得到,然后代入式(5),用数值积分法求得湿周理论值P。同样,将和分别代入式(6)和式(8)得到基于三点和四点高斯勒让德的湿周近似值3和4(表1)。表中绝对误差为近似值与理论值差值的绝对值。由表1可知,三点法计算的湿周的最大绝对误差为0.004 01 m,四点法湿周的最大绝对误差0.000 97 m。可以看出,四点高斯勒让德近似算法具有较高的精度,更接近理论值。
表1 基于高斯勒让德近似算法的湿周值
2.1 明渠均匀流
2.2 水力最优断面求解模型
水力最优断面是面积一定的情况下,使过流能力最大的断面,或过流能力一定的情况下,使过流面积最小的断面[17, 20-23]。两者得到的最终结果是相同的。因此,求解水力最优断面的模型表示为
2.3 水力最优断面的解析解
其中S=Hypergeom([1,2],3,4) ,为高斯超几何函数,14为高斯超几何函数的参数。
因此,2.5次方抛物线形最优断面的宽深比(水面宽与水深比)是一个常数,/=2.088 3。由可以得到其他参数,将代入式(2)可以得到最优断面的形状系数
将/=2.088 3和式(25)代入式(4)可以得到水力最优断面的过流面积的直接计算公式为
=1.491 62(26)
将/=2.088 3和式(25)代入式(18)可以得到水力最优断面的湿周的直接计算公式为
=3.096 33(27)
2.4 水深、水面宽度、过流面积、湿周与流量的关系
2.5 正常水深和临界水深的计算
将/=2.088 3和式(26)代入式(35),可以得到临界水深h的显式表达式
2.6 案例分析
一个2.5次方抛物线形渠道,流量=25 m3/s,=0.014,=1/12 000,=1。要求:1)按2.5次方最优抛物线形断面设计渠道。2)验证最优断面宽深比为2.088 3。
将已知条件代入式(29)可得到水深4.055 5 m,代入式(25)得最优形状系数0.109 91。由/=2.088 3得到=8.469 1 m。代入式(36)得临界水深h=2.092 2 m。代入式(26)~(27)或式(32)~(33)得24.533 m2、=12.557 m。
取=24.533 m2,取0.5~10 m内步长0.000 5 m的不同值,根据式(4)计算得到,将和代入式(2)得到。利用式(5)得到,式(10)得到,绘制/与的关系曲线。如图2所示,面积一定时,=2.09时最大,其结果与式(24)(2.088 3)近似。
3.1 过流能力的比较
2.055 5,=1.370 32,=2.998,=0.946 7-1(37)
3.2 建设成本比较
表2 不同抛物线形渠道水力最优断面的水力特性
Note:,is discharge,is roughness,is slope of canal base。
建立了2.5次方抛物线形断面的水力最优断面模型,用拉格朗日法推导了最优断面的微分方程。将湿周用高斯超几何函数表示后,将水力最优断面模型转化成了关于宽深比的方程,并最终求得了2.5次方抛物线形断面的水力最优断面。结果表明其最佳宽深比为2.088 3。
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Design of two and a half parabola-shaped canal and its effect in improving hydraulic property
Han Yancheng1, Xu Zhenghe1, Gao Xueping2, Said M. Easa3
(1.250022,; 2.300072,; 3.)
Shapes of canal cross sections affect their discharge capacity, water depth and construction cost. Researches have shown that the curve-shaped canal such as quadratic parabolic and semi-cubic parabolic shape has good hydraulic property. However, the less smooth base of the quadratic parabolic and semi-cubic parabolic shape canal can affect the discharge capacity. To improve the hydraulic property and increase the discharge of the quadratic parabolic sections of canals, a section with two and a half parabola shape was proposed in this paper. Formulas for flow area, shape factor and water surface width for this new section were derived. The theoretical formula for the wetted perimeter was deduced using Gauss super-geometric functions. A model of the optimum hydraulic section that minimized the flow area for a given discharge was developed based on the Manning formula. The partial differential equation for the optimum hydraulic section was deduced using Lagrange’s multiplier method. After substituting the derivatives of wetted perimeter and flow area with respect to water depth and water surface width into this partial differential equation, the optimum model was successfully converted into an equation about the water surface width-depth ratio. Various explicit formulas to compute the characteristic’s parameters such as wetted perimeter, shape factor, flow area, normal water depth and critical water depth for the best hydraulic section were obtained. Using these formulas, the hydraulic design could be achieved easily. The results showed that the best ratio of water surface width-depth ratio for the optimum hydraulic section of the two and a half parabola-shaped canal was a constant (2.0 883). The two and a half parabola-shaped canal had better hydraulic properties than that with quadratic or semi-cubic parabolic sections. Comparisons with quadratic and semi-cubic parabolic sections showed that the flow discharge of the two and a half parabola-shaped section was the largest under the same water depth, which means it is an economical section. Under the same discharge, the water depth of the two and a half parabola-shaped section was smaller than the quadratic parabolic and semi-cubic parabolic sections. The flow area, wetted perimeter and water surface width of the two and a half parabola-shaped section was the least under the same discharge among the three sections. Minimum wetted perimeter and flow area implied that the cost of construction (excavation and lining cost) was minimized. In theory, the comparisons with quadratic and semi-cubic parabolic sections also showed that the construction cost of the proposed best hydraulic section was the lowest under the same discharge. To aid practical use, the 3- point and 4-point method of Gauss-Legendre approximate algorithm were presented for the wetted perimeter calculation. The application example with the water depth of 1.0-3.5 m showed that the approximate algorithm was highly accurate. The 3-point approximate format formula could meet the practical use and design with the maximum absolute error of 0.004 01 m. The results from the 4-point format formula almost equaled to those of the theoretical results with the maximum absolute error of 0.000 97 m. This research provides a theoretical basis for the design of the two and a half parabola-shaped canals with improved hydraulic properties.
canals; hydraulics; design; open canal; two and a half parabola-shaped section; optimum hydraulic section; wetted perimeter
韩延成,男,甘肃武威人,副教授,博士,硕士生导师,主要从事水力学及河流动力学方面的研究。济南 济南大学资源与环境学院,250022。Email:stu_hanyc@ujn.edu.cn
韩延成,徐征和,高学平,Said M. Easa. 二分之五次方抛物线形明渠设计及提高水力特性效果[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(4):131-136. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.019 http://www.tcsae.org
Han Yancheng, Xu Zhenghe, Gao Xueping, Said M. Easa. Design of two and a half parabola-shaped canal and its effect in improving hydraulic property[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 131-136. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.019 http://www.tcsae.org