胡书鹏,尚业华,刘 卉,李 由,赵春江,付卫强
胡书鹏1,2,尚业华2,3,刘 卉1,李 由2,3,赵春江2,3,付卫强2,3※
(1. 首都师范大学信息工程学院,北京 100048; 2. 北京农业信息技术研究中心,北京 100097; 3. 国家农业信息化工程技术研究中心,北京 100097)
针对车轮转角直接测量法在工程实践中角度传感器安装困难且转轴易断裂的现象,结合车轮转向过程,提出了位移式间接转角测量法和四连杆式间接转角测量法。依据位移式和四连杆式2种间接测量方法原理,分别建立转角测量模型,以雷沃M800型拖拉机为基础,构建自动导航试验平台,通过转角测量试验、沥青路面与农田环境下的导航精度对比试验,分析四连杆式间接测量法、位移式间接测量法和直接测量法3种方法的应用效果。转角测量对比试验结果表明,3种方法的角度值最大误差为0.081°,平均误差分别为0.061°、0.014°和0.017°,小于传感器的测量精度0.088°,3种测量方法测量的测量精度一致。通过沥青路面与农田环境2种地况试验测试,沥青路面上和农田环境下,3种方法的横向偏差平均值的最大值分别为0.235 9、0.364 5、0.498 4 cm,试验表明3种测量方法的导航精度一致。相对于位移式间接转角测量法和直接测量法,在沥青路面上和农田环境下,四连杆式间接测量法导航精度标准差最小,分别为0.890 4和1.297 5 cm。四连杆式间接转角测量法所采用的四连杆式角度传感器安装简便、易于防护,无摩擦损耗,可代替直接转角测量法,应用于实践中。
1.1 角度传感器直接测量法
1.转向节 2.导向轮
1.Knuckle 2.Guide wheel
Note:represents camber, (°);represents caster angle, (°)。
图1 车轮转向节内倾角和后倾角
Fig.1 Wheel knuckle caster angle and inclination angle
1.2 位移式间接转角测量法
1.转向节臂 2.转向节 3.前桥 4.转向油缸 5.直线位移传感器
1.Knuckle arm 2.Kunckle 3.Front axle 4.Steering cylinder 5.Displacement sensor
Note:1represents length of knuckle center point to steering cylinder piston rod fixed point, mm;2represents length of knuckle center point to steering cylinder fixed point, mm;3represents steering cylinder when wheel is centered, mm;represents displacement of steering cylinder piston rod, mm;represents angle between knuckle arm and connection from knuckle pivot center point to steering cylinder fixed point, (°);represents knuckle rotation angle, (°)。
图2 直线位移传感器安装示意图和数学模型
Fig.2 Displacement sensor fix and mathematical model
1.3 四连杆式间接转角测量法
1.转向节臂 2.转向节 3.前桥 4.连杆 5.摆杆
1. Knuckle arm 2. Knuckle 3.Forward axle 4.Connecting rod 5.Pendulum rod
Note:4represents length of fixed point of knuckle center point to four-bar angle sensor on front axle, mm;5represents Pendulum rod length,mm;6represents connecting rod length, mm;7represents length of knuckle center point to fixed point of bar on knuckle arm, mm;8represents length of knuckle center point to connecting point of bar and swing bar when wheel is centered, mm;9represents length from center point of steering knuckle to connecting point of bar and swing bar when wheel is centered, mm;0represents angle between connecting rod and pendulum rod when wheel is centered, (°);1represents angle between connecting rod and pendulum rod when wheel turned, (°);represents angle between knuckle arm and forward axle when wheel is centered, (°);represents angle between knuckle arm and forward axle when wheel is turned, (°).
图3 四连杆式角度传感器安装示意图和数学模型
Fig.3 Four-bar angle sensor fix and mathematical model
2.1 构建试验平台
为检验和对比位移式间接转角测量法、四连杆式间接转角测量法和直接转角测量法对导向轮转角测量精度的影响,构建试验测试平台。试验平台包括:雷沃M800型拖拉机;北京农业智能装备技术研究中心的AMG-1102型自动导航系统,直线作业横向偏差小于2.5 cm;米朗公司的KPC-250型直线位移传感器,量程为0~250 mm,线性精度±0.05%FS;四连杆式角度传感器为通磁伟业公司的WYT-AT-3型霍尔角度传感器,摆杆长度为145 mm,连杆长度为234 mm,量程为0~90°,线性度1.0%FS;便携式计算机。其中,AMG-1102型自动导航系统采用角度传感器直接测量法,使用通磁伟业公司的WYT-AT-3型霍尔角度传感器。霍尔角度传感器与转向节同轴安装,四连杆式角度传感器固定在前桥上,连杆与转向节臂连接,直线位移传感器与转向油缸并列安装。图4为传感器的安装位置。
2.2 2种间接转角测量法的传感器标定
2.2.1 直线位移传感器的标定
直线位移传感器安装完成后,测量参数1为142 mm,2为561 mm,3为543 mm,雷沃M800型拖拉机的转向节内倾角=9°,转向节后倾角=1°,对式(5)中位移量与车轮转角的变化关系进行最小二乘法线性拟合。拟合方程为
2.2.2 四连杆式角度传感器标定
四连杆式角度传感器安装后,测量参数4为210 mm,5为145 mm,6为234 mm,7为149 mm,8为286 mm,对式(12)中与转角的变化关系进行最小二乘法线性拟合。拟合方程为
2.3 转角静态测量对比
表1 转角值测量结果
Note: Results of direct measurement method 20 times average, as a reference value.
试验在北京市昌平区小汤山国家精准农业研究示范基地进行,选择了沥青平整路面和农田地块2种地况,其中沥青路面长度约400 m,农田地块南北长度约200 m。分别采用霍尔角度传感器、直线位移传感器和四连杆式角度传感器作为测量单元,在2种地况下检验自动导航系统的导航精度。在沥青路面上测试时,拖拉机不挂接农具;在田间测试时,拖拉机悬挂农具;车速均保持在4.2 km/h左右。通过导航控制终端实时记录拖拉机自动导航模式下直线追踪导航的横向偏差,以便于分析2种测量方法下的导航精度。
3.1 试验数据处理方法
3.2 导航效果对比分析
3.2.1 导航精度对比
沥青路面上,位移式间接转角测量法的导航精度最高,横向偏差均值为0.106 5 cm,小于四连杆式间接测量法的0.150 6 cm和直接测量法的0.291 9 cm;在农田环境下,直接测量法的导航精度最高为0.014 6 cm,小于四连杆式间接测量法的0.028 2 cm和位移式间接转角测量法的0.109 0 cm。
通过沥青路面与农田环境2种地况试验测试,沥青路面上和农田环境下,四连杆式间接测量法、位移式间接测量法和直接测量法的横向偏差平均值的最大值分别为0.235 9、0.364 5、0.498 4 cm,试验表明3种测量方法的导航精度一致。
3.2.2 导航稳定性对比
沥青路面上,四连杆式间接转角测量法的导航稳定性最高,为0.890 4 cm,小于直接测量法的0.987 7 cm和位移式间接转角测量法的1.277 8 cm;在农田环境下,四连杆式间接转角测量法的导航稳定性最高,为1.297 5 cm,小于直接测量法的1.426 8 cm和位移式间接转角测量法的1.340 0 cm。
综上所述,四连杆式间接转角测量法的导航效果是最好的,虽然位移式间接转角测量法的导航精度在沥青路面上是最高的,但传感器内部电刷与阻轨长时间在小范围内摩擦,使得直线位移传感器线性度变差。在农田环境下使用大约50 h后,导航系统的横向偏差均值为0.456 1 cm,标准差为2.683 4 cm,导航精度下降显著。
表2 沥青路面与农田环境横向偏差统计分析表
2)通过沥青路面与农田环境2种地况试验测试,沥青路面上和农田环境下,四连杆式间接测量法、位移式间接测量法和直接测量法的横向偏差平均值的最大值分别为0.235 9、0.364 5、0.498 4 cm,试验表明3种测量方法的导航精度一致。
3)相对于位移式间接转角测量法和直接测量法,在沥青路面上和农田环境下,四连杆式间接测量法导航精度标准差最小,分别为0.890 4和1.297 5 cm。试验表明,在导航精度一致的情况下,四连杆式角度传感器有最小的导航精度标准差,并且安装方便,易于防护,可以代替直接转角测量法,应用于工程中。
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Comparative test between displacement and four-bar indirect measurement methods for tractor guide wheel angle
Hu Shupeng1,2, Shang Yehua2,3, Liu Hui1, Li You2,3, Zhao Chunjiang2,3, Fu Weiqiang2,3※
(1.100048; 2.100097,; 3.100097,)
Wheel swivel angle is regarded as a critical parameter in agriculture automatic navigation system, and it can always be measured by using angle sensor. In engineering practice, angle sensor is difficult to fix, and the shaft is easily broken. In order to solve the problem, displacement indirect measurement method and four-bar indirect measurement method are proposed in this paper. Wheel rotation depends on steering cylinder piston movement, and the movement of steering cylinder piston causes the movement of steering trapezoidal mechanism. Therefore it is available to apply displacement sensor in measuring the position of the steering cylinder piston rod, and the displacement sensor is parallel fixed with the steering cylinder. Referring to the motion of steering trapezoidal mechanism, it is proposed to use the front axle, knuckle arm, connecting rod and pendulum rod to form a four-bar linkage. According to the fixed location of the displacement sensor and four-bar angle sensor, it is available to establish measurement models for those 2 indirect measurement methods, and calibrate the relation between sensor measurement and wheel swivel angle, but those 3 measurement methods are incapable to measure the real wheel swivel angle. In the 2 kinematic models of wheel vehicle, wheel swivel angle is the angle between wheel axis and vehicle body axis, and thus Ackerman transformation must be used for converting the test angle into wheel swivel angle. However, different vehicles are different in the transformation of Ackerman, and the ideal Ackerman transformation cannot be used. In fact, the rotation angles of left and right wheels have little bias with the wheel swivel angle when the wheel swivel angle is being in a small range in the middle of the pair. Therefore it is supposed that the measurement angle is the wheel swivel angle. Through automatic navigation precision comparison experiment, the advantages and disadvantages of different measurement methods are compared. The experiment is performed on basis of the LOVOL tractor M800, in which the self developed automatic navigation system was used, and an experiment platform was built. The experiment is completed on the asphalt pavement and the field, and the platform can be utilized to compare the accuracy of 3 measurement methods of wheel swivel angle and compare the accuracy of navigation through statistical analysis. The result shows that the four-bar angle sensor can provide the highest angle measurement accuracy and navigation accuracy. When the vehicle keeps the speed of about 4.2 km/h, the mean value of lateral deviation is -0.028 2 cm by using the four-bar angle sensor in the field, and the mean value of lateral deviation is -0.014 6 cm by using the hall angle sensor and 0.109 0 cm by using the displacement sensor in the same experiment environment. Therefore the four-bar indirect measurement method offers almost a navigation accuracy equal with the direct angle measurement, but the standard deviation of lateral deviation for automatic navigation of the four-bar indirect measurement method is 1.297 5 cm, which is less than the direct measurement method.But considering the displacement sensor wear, when the sensor has been used for about 50 h in the same environment, the mean value of lateral deviation is -0.456 1 cm. Thus the displacement angle measurement is incapable of replacing the direct angle measurement,while the four-bar angle sensor is capable to replace direct angle measurement method and can be further applied in practice, which is easily fixed and protected.
agricultural machinery; steering; models; automatic navigation; wheel swivel angle measure; displacement; four-bar; navigation accuracy
S237; U463.42
胡书鹏,男(汉族),河南信阳人,主要从事拖拉机自动导航技术研究。北京 首都师范大学信息工程学院,100048。 Email:fengshengppp@163.com
付卫强,男(汉族),河北定州人,副研究员,博士生,主要从事农业智能装备与导航技术研究。北京 北京农业信息技术研究中心,100097。Email:fuwq@nercita.org.cn
胡书鹏,尚业华,刘 卉,李 由,赵春江,付卫强. 拖拉机转向轮转角位移式和四连杆式间接测量方法对比试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(4):76-82. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.011 http://www.tcsae.org
Hu Shupeng, Shang Yehua, Liu Hui, Li You, Zhao Chunjiang, Fu Weiqiang. Comparative test between displacement and four-bar indirect measurement methods for tractor guide wheel angle[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 76-82. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.011 http://www.tcsae.org