
2017-09-04 03:17德尔韦迪尔工作室
风景园林 2017年6期




1 特罗特花园平面图Trotter Garden Plan

2 松木制成的栏杆(特罗特花园)The signal poles in laminated pine (Trotter Garden)

3 蝴蝶区域的入口大门(特罗特花园)The entrance portal to the Butterfly Area (Trotter Garden)




4 克里瑞彻提街小学与幼儿园平面图Master Plan (the primary and kindergarten schools in Clericetti Street)

同样,加布罗街(Gabbro Street)的花园也缺乏“趣味性”。但小学里的小使用者们似乎已经具备了识别和使用户外空间的能力,他们将绿色融入了日常游戏。例如当球门的树:孩子们将两棵樱桃树的树干作为足球门柱;或是当房子的树:欧洲朴树在最温暖的季节里为孩子们提供了树荫和庇护。该设计力求寻找户外空间的潜在可能性,提出了“露天房间”的设想,为孩子们提供了温暖舒适的活动空间,孩子们还可以通过自己的认知为这些空间取名。小山丘界定了新的“空间”:进行游戏的洼地,桦树林间空地上的“桌椅”—手工艺品扭曲成的桌子、座椅或游戏绘画,带有水池和小喷泉的蔬菜花园空间,以及设有足球球门和排球场的游乐场。

夸尔托· 奥加罗市(Quarto Oggiaro)格拉夫小学的户外空间是一处缺少种植的铺满沥青的场地,周边只有1m宽的草坪种植带。孩子们希望拥有更大的绿色空间、可以仰望天空的瞭望台以及户外表演空间。该项目去除了庭院的部分沥青铺装,并设立了几个主题区域,包括蔬菜花园角、果树野花区、可登高眺望的小山、幼儿园和小学之间新入口处的木质表演平台,以及一块抗震动的塑胶活动场地。在沥青路场地上,5条彩色小径蜿蜒在庭院之中,成为游戏的路径。

在位于巴拉比诺街(Barabino Street)的幼儿园中,旧湖旁边的花园已关闭弃用很多年了,改造方案同样削减了硬质铺装面积,并充分考虑了孩子们的需求。最终设计方案旨在把这个空间还于学校,将其改造成一个承载旧湖记忆的游乐场;设计将湖岸变成草坡,将湖底铺上蓝色塑胶;选取多种曾出没于旧湖和谷仓之间的小动物作为设计原型,制作成木质动物剪影,供孩子们玩耍。在树下、岩石旁设置新的种植床,并在上面种植耐阴植物。

阿卡迪亚街(Arcadia Street)花园的木箱是为低龄儿童的实验所准备的:为学校和社区提供了一个场地,用以种植能够吸引蝴蝶的植物种类。小学和幼儿园的花园旨在成为戈拉多索里欧(Gratosoglio)社区城市尺度下的游乐场。这个理念指导着这个多功能游乐场的设计,各种各样的设施沿着新环形路径旁的两个椭圆形地块布置,特定的标识牌上标注了设施名称:松木杆迷宫、防震塑胶铺成的游乐场,旁边还有一个圆形场地,孩子们可以在这里玩彩弹游戏。

6 供藤蔓植物攀爬生长的不锈钢横管(克里瑞彻提街小学与幼儿园)Stainless steel crossbars for creepers (the primary and kindergarten schools in Clericetti Street)

游戏设施也是布兰卡街(Branca Street)幼儿园的主要设计内容,从第一次与孩子们进行交流开始,整个娱乐项目就引起了孩子们的好奇与渴望:首先迎接他们的是一列火车,火车也成为游戏过程中的一个驿站与场景,不断穿过他们身后墙上各种行进变化的风景。火车由3个固定的木质车厢组成,车厢以松木为主结构,厢体采用胶合板并设有座位和窗户。在窗户的对面是黑板和有机玻璃板,孩子们可以尽情发挥他们的想象,在上面描绘他们旅程中的风景。

位于克里瑞彻提街(Clericetti Street)的小学和幼儿园的带状花园中缺乏植物元素—仅有几棵大橡树和一些灌木,游戏的概念在小学的花园中更是完全没有体现。设计的主要理念是通过一条由城市废弃路面材料铺设的汀步园路,在一系列用于游戏和“停留”的场所之间创造联系。设计通过道路串联起蔬菜园、增植的果树林和橡树的林下空间,这些道路采用彩色惰性透水材料修筑。迷宫是工作室延展出来的游戏项目,由9扇配有支撑钢管的门构成,钢管上还攀附着藤蔓植物。最后,放置在栅栏两侧的漏斗扬声器构成了一个声音游戏设施,增强了花园两部分之间的联系。

除ABCittà社会合作社以外,阿米奇·戴尔·帕可·特罗特(Amici del Parco Trotter)非营利基金会也参与了第二区的设计,与设计团队一同构想了特罗特花园(Trotter garden)中的蝴蝶公园项目。




7 巴拉比诺街幼儿园平面图Master Plan of the kindergarten in Barabino

8 动物造型,旧湖记忆,光滑的彩色胶合板(巴拉比诺街幼儿园)The animal shapes, memories of the original pond, in colored and glazed plywood ( the kindergarten in Barabino)



合作方:比安卡·帕吉拉(Bianca Pagella)

客户:ABCittà社会合作社,立冈比亚特·伦巴第(Legambiente Lombardia)非盈利基金会,阿米奇·戴尔·帕可·特罗特(Amici del Parco Trotter)非盈利基金会



面积:17 000m2

费用:160 000欧元

图片来源:保拉·达米科(Paola D'Amico)


校对:张希 王晞月

The project, financed by the Italian Law nr 285 for the Second dedicated Plan for Childhood and Adolescence, provides for the requalification of 9 school gardens of kindergardens and primary schools selected within the 9 areas of decentralization of the city of Milan.

The design process follows up the participatory workshops developed by ABCittà and Legambiente, which enabled to capture the children’s initial suggestions.

This experience, together with the study of the specific limitations and characteristics of each designed areas, were key factors for the development of each different project crafted by Atelier delle Verdure and consequently built by specialized contractors or by means of DIY workshops.

The garden of the primary school in Narcisi Street (Lorenteggio district) lacks of the playful aspect - key stimulus and tool to live the outdoor spaces already known and discover its hidden corners. A natural path-track in calcestre, a stabilized pavement made with small stones, restores the continuity among the different garden’s elements: the renovated pergolas, the new vegetable gardens tanks, the hill-game with the slide, the labyrinth made with earth walls and the old abounded fountain, in which a spontaneous vegetation will be left free to grow with a certain degree of control.

Also the garden in Gabbro Street is lacking on the “playfulness” point of view. Here the little users of the primary school seem to have developed the ability to live and recognize their outdoor spaces using the green as an informal game element.

It’s the case of the gate-trees, two cherry trees whose trunks are used as soccer goal-posts, or the house-trees: European hackberry’s providing shadow and refuge in the warmest seasons.

The design, prompted from these potentialities, has imagined “open air rooms” able to provide cozier spaces that the children will live and name with more awareness and measure.

The hills define the new “rooms”: the big crater for games, the glade of birches with the“tablebench” - handwork that twisting becomes table, seat or game drawn - the vegetable garden room with the tanks and little fountain, theplayground with the soccer goals and the volley court.

9 阿卡迪亚街花园平面图Master Plan of the garden in Arcadia Street

The outdoor space of the primary school Graf in Quarto Oggiaro was a desolate asphalted courtyard with no space for vegetation, confined in a lawn strip of 1 meter in width. The children requests were focused on the enlargement of the green spaces and also on the little observatory from which to look at the sky, together with a space for outdoor performances.

The project has defined the removing of some parts of the courtyard’s asphalt to create thematic areas that enter in the asphalt as waves: the vegetable garden corner, the wildflower area with the fruit trees, the observatory-hill, a wood deck for performances, located at the new entrance between the kindergarten and the primary school, and a shockproof rubber area.On the asphalt, 5 colored tracks wind along the courtyard developing several game-paths.

The cutting of the existing pavement is the design theme also in the requalification of one part of the garden next to the old little lake in the kindergarten school in Barabino Street, a space closed since many years behind a fence, on which were focused the children suggestions. The decision was to carry out a design that aimed to give back this space to the school, reshaping it as a playground where the memory of the old lake was preserved, transforming the lake with the grass banks and the lakebed in blue rubber, where the children could play with the new wood silhouettes of the animals that used to be present between the lake and the house barns.

The new vegetation bed under the big trees is planted with species suitable for the shadow environment, next to the existing rocks.

The wood tanks for the garden in Arcadia Street are an experimentation asked by the youngest children: build for the school and the neighborhood a space planted with species able to attract the butterflies.

The primary school and kindergarten garden aims to become a playground also at the urban scale of the Gratosoglio neighborhood.

This was the stimulus that lead the design for a multipurpose playground, along the new cycle tracks with a double elliptical shape, where various elements have been placed and named on specific signs: a labyrinth with wood poles, a playground with shockproof rubber, beside a round shape area where to play a reinterpretation of the paintball.

The element of the game is also the main design theme in the kindergarten in Branca Streetwhere, since the first workshops with the children, arise the desire for a whole element for playing, a train that welcomes them and becomes a stage/ scene for a journey through landscapes rushing along the blind wall behind them.

10 种植了可以吸引蝴蝶的植物的种植床和标识牌(阿卡迪亚街花园)The raised beds for the plants that attract butterflies and the signals (the garden in Arcadia Street)

11 布置有蹦床的游乐场和标识牌(阿卡迪亚街花园)The playground with trampolines and signals (the garden in Arcadia Street)

12 由弹性绳索和松木杆构成的迷宫和标识牌(阿卡迪亚街花园)The labyrinth of pine poles with elastic ropes and signals (the garden in Arcadia Street)

13 水仙街小学平面图Master Plan of the primary school in Narcisi Street

14 新环形路径的路面采用透水材料(水仙街小学)The new cycle path in calcestre (the primary school inNarcisi Street)

15 小山丘上的红色滑梯(水仙街小学)The red slide on the new hill (the primary school in Narcisi Street)

16 在新种植床上进行园艺活动(水仙街小学)Horticulture activities in the new raised beds (the primary school in Narcisi Street)

The train consists in three fixed wood wagonsstructure in pine and panels in marine plywoodfurnished with seats and windows. On the opposite side of the windows the blackboard and a plexiglass panel are the supports on which the children could draw and imagine the landscape of their journeys.

The long linear garden of the primary and kindergarten schools in Clericetti Street lack from the botanic point of view - apart from the big oaks and some shrubs- and from the game point of view, completely missing in the primary school’s garden. The main driving idea of the design is the creating of a connection between a system of spaces dedicated to play and “stay”, thorough a path of stepping stones made with some recovered blocks of the city disused pavement.

This enabled to link the vegetable garden, the new fruit trees and the shady glade under the oaks, renovated by using the calcestre stabilized pavement mixed with a colored inert.

The labyrinth, a play element arisen from the workshops, is made with 9 wood gates with bracing steel tubes, supports for the creeper plants. Finally, the connection between the two garden parts is facilitated by a sounds game with funnels-speakers placed on the two sides of the fence.

The association "Amici del parco Trotter" is another partner of the design for the district 2 with ABCittà, with whom we have imagined the project for the butterfly park in the Trotter garden area.

The design, which aims to restore the centrality of the above-mentioned area, is proposed as an intervention between Land Art and bioengineering.

A series of wooden items will be the mark elements of this area of the garden with the hope that they could contaminate other sectors: new signposting, made with plywood portals for the butterfly park, the vegetable garden and the vineyard, a sensory linear path defined by a planting bed and poles that lead the visitors towards the butterfly park, a playground area and a restorative area with a big community table, benches and an observatory-hill.

A light-touch intervention that, thanks to the restoration of the butterfly park, will bring back to life a precious corner of a Milan magical park.

Place:Nursery and Primary schools, Milan

Designer:Atelier delle Verdure - designer Giulia Uva, architect Marco Sessa, architect Barbara Boschiroli

Collaborator:Bianca Pagella

Client:ABCittà Social Cooperative, Legambiente Lombardia Not Profit Foundation, Amici del Parco Trotter Not Profit Foundation

Referent Authority:Municipality of Milan


Surface:total surface 17 000 sq.m

Cost:160 000€

Picture credit:Paola D'Amico

Translator:LUO Yu-wei

Proofreader:ZHANG Xi, WANG Xi-yue

8 School Gardens for 8 Districts in Milan

Atelier delle Verdure

17 科普工作室的新火车(布兰卡街幼儿园)The new train for the didactic workshops (the kindergarten in Branca Street)

18 用车厢里的黑板进行科普教育活动(布兰卡街幼儿园)Didactic activities with the blackboard inside the wagons(the kindergarten in Branca Street)

19 布兰卡街幼儿园平面图Master Plan of the kindergarten in Branca Street

20 格拉夫小学平面图Master Plan of he primary school Graf

21 种植球茎植物的园艺种植床(格拉夫小学)The raised horticultural beds with bulbs (the primary school Graf)

22 新的瞭望山丘(格拉夫小学)The new lookout hill (the primary school Graf)

23 加布罗街花园平面图Master Plan of the garden in Gabbro Street

24 桌子、长椅上印着的儿童图画(加布罗街花园)The tables/benches screen-printed with the children drawings (the garden in Gabbro Street)

25 露天房间:山丘和洼地(加布罗街花园)The open air rooms: the hills and the crater (the garden in Gabbro Street)

那个最会画“胖子” 的老头儿——费尔南多·博特罗
平面图的3-hued 染色