
2017-08-11 18:15
时代英语·高二 2017年4期


The largest-ever chariot pit(战车坑)of relics with carts and horse bones has been discovered in Henan Province. It may lead to the uncovering of chariot pit groups that could be a key to understanding Chinese civilizations that existed more than 2,000 years ago.

Experts said the relics are dated more than 300 years earlier than the famous warriors in Shaanxi Province. What excited the experts were two other projects that located two huge pits with similar features.

“It is absolutely a miracle. These relics indicate that there could be a tomb group in this area, which is likely to be important for Chinas archaeological(考古学的)studies,” said Ma Juncai, a leading relic researcher in the province.

In ancient China, carts, sheep, spoons and so on were buried to ensure that dead people had a happy afterlife. The number and quality of the sacrifices(祭品) indicated the social status of the dead. The custom was carried into the Qin Dynasty. Emperor Qinshihuangs tomb, located near Xian, the capital of Shaanxi Province, is accompanied by thousands of wood or clay figures of warriors and horses. The tomb is probably the most well-known.

The discovered pit measures 10.4 meters long, 8.4 meters wide and 5 meters deep. It holds 20 carts in different sizes. The smallest one is 1.05 meters long and 1.3 meters wide.

Experts think that 40 horses are likely to be found as well. Careful plans need to be made to deal with the demanding uncovering. “The clay is very weak and a small misstep can destroy the whole project. Thats why we need to take every step very carefully to protect these cherished cultural relics,” Ma said.

1. Whats the passage mainly about?

A. The dead peoples sacrifices in ancient China.

B. The discovery of a large chariot pit in Henan.

C. The history of Chinese civilizations.

D. Chinas archaeological studies.

2. Why does Ma Juncai regard the covering of the pits as a miracle?

A. It shows there may be a tomb group there

B. Its the most important for studying Chinese history.

C. Its helpful in discovering Emperor Qinshihuangs tomb.

D. It indicates the possibility to uncover the ancient civilization.

3. It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that ______.

A. nearly all dead people had sacrifices in ancient China

B. the discovered pit is the most well-known in the world

C. Emperor Qinshihuang is the most famous Chinese emperor

D. Peoples social status can be known by their sacrifices in Qin Dynasty.

4. Why are careful plans for the uncovering needed?

A. Another 40 horses are likely to be found as well.

B. The whole uncovering could be destroyed easily.

C. Experts are too busy to spare time for it.

D. The relics are marvellous.



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Dear Chris,

I have good news to tell you.













Li Hua
