s and Key Words
Abstract: Being different from deductive reasoning, the relation among the premises and the conclusion of an inductive inference is uncertain: for an inductive inference, when the premises are true, the conclusion may be but not must be true. Due to the uncertainty, inductive reasoning is non-monotonic. Since the beginning of modern inductive logic, the default method on the study of inductive reasoning is method of probability. However, from the perspective of history, we will find that using method OF probability to interpret inductive reasoning is just one of the possible ways. This paper points out that the conclusion of inductive reasoning, the idea of adding a certain probability to a inductive conclusion is to express the uncertainty and the monotonicity of inductive reasoning. To express these characteristics of the inductive reasoning, there is not only one method of probability. Generics interpretation is a feasible and very natural way.
Key words: inductive reasoning; generics; probability; non-monotonic reasoning
Abstract:Whatisscience, based on the study of numerous facts, points out that science is a very rare phenomenon of human culture? It originates from the pursuit of freedom of human nature and self-cultivation. After listing the advantages ofwhatisscience, this article, from the perspective of “self” and “other”, discusses several questions with the author. First of all, can “the pursuit of truth” be equal to “the pursuit of eternal immutability”? Is the pursuit of understanding changes not authentic? Second, “what is science” does not only lead to a definition, a concept and a philosophical question, but also some experience and historical issues. Finally, this approach, namely discussing natural knowledge of ancient China with Western natural historical paradigm, is no worse than Needham’s study in scientific knowledge in ancient China through the Western mathematical-scientific paradigm. Does this approach might still have lots of problems? One may need to consider the following problems. (1) To understand science, do we have a perspective and possible stand in the Chinese culture? Who is “self”, and who is “other”? (2) Is there “better” or “worse” between cultures, or there are only differences? (3) There are also bad sciences. If we only discuss the Greek science for pursuing freedom and its continuous spectrum, does this hide bad science?
self; other; sciences; culture
Abstract: Narrative philosophy of science, I recommend here, could endorse the non-essentialist view of science implied inWhatIsScience, a recent book written by Wu Guosheng. But the external concept of “will to power” applied to explain the emergence of the experimental tradition in modern science is uncoordinated with ancient Greek science based on freedom and rationality. It is more reasonable to regard such a tradition as one to keep the ideality, purity and inner deduction by technological power. The book has a lot of methodological problems because of its writing style of specialist. It is probable that different cultures produce the same sub-cultural traits between two sufficiently large populations with sufficiently long histories. If the adequate mechanics of selections and induction of aims had been given, the possible developmental model of Chinese science would have been brought forth in a way from experiences to theories, just as what happened to some modern sciences, e.g. thermodynamics and the theory of evolution.
Key words: narrative philosophy of science; freedom and rationality; specialist problems; the possible developmental model of Chinese science
Abstract: Greek science is the authentic source of modern science. This is not a philosophical judgment but a historical fact. Christianity is the necessary condition of modern science and the religious foundation of unlimited control and conquest of the nature of modern science. The statement that there is no mathematical experimental science in ancient China is based on a new historiography of science. To talk about the traditional Chinese “science” without the Western context does not adapt to the requirement of our time.
Key words: Greek rational science; Christianity; modern mathematical experimental science; Chinese science
Abstract: Although the concept of “sustainability” is raised by the German forestry scientist Hans Carl von Carlowitz, Hegel accepts and develops this concept in hisThePhilosophyofRight. Formulating two central concepts, i.e., care and forethought, Hegel’s theory of property, which involves the appropriation of body and the appropriation of external things, can provide our contemporary thinking about the sustainability with some insights. When Hegel excludes elementary things out of the realm of private appropriation, he definitely expresses the concern for ecological systems as a whole.
Key words: Hegel; care; forethought; sustainability; property
Abstract: The very important contribution of Rawls is his conception of the emerging domain of the political. And his thinking experienced a turn, which this author labels it as the pragmatic turn in the democratic theory, which is a move from the moral metaphysical justification toward the political justification. This step leads Rawls turns away from Kantian constructivism to political constructivism and build up the link between constitutionalism and public reason on the foundation of the emphasis on constitutionalism. And this turn confronts three questions of legitimacy: first, the significance of new forms of constitutionalism, second, the possibility of democratic citizenship in non-liberal societies, and third the question of the constitutionalization of international law.
Key words: the pragmatic turn; the emerging domain of the political; the public reason; the problem of legitimacy
Abstract: We should attach importance to the thought of the relationship between pre-Qin philosophers and the understanding of freedom in the study of the history of Chinese philosophy.TheHistoryoftheDevelopmentofChinesePhilosophyedited by Ren Jiyu is a model. In this book, freedom means people achieving their purposes in the objective world through practice, and it is the unity of purpose and compliance with regularity. This book interprets pre-Qin thinkers with Marxist epistemology(mainly materialistic dialectics) to determine whether they violate the principles of Marxist epistemology, or contribute some moments to the principles, or are closer to these principles so that some modifications would suffice. It holds that the dialects of Laozi andYiZhuanand Mozi’s thought are relatively close to the Marxian epistemological dialectics, but they also have their shortcomings. Zhuangzi and the school of logicians(Mingjia) contribute several moments to the Marxian epistemology principles. We can see that the writings of the development history have been deeply influenced by Mao Zedong’s dialectical thoughts.
Key words: Ren Jiyu;TheHistoryoftheDevelopmentofChinesePhilosophy; materialistic dialectics; Pre-Qin thinkers; freedom
Abstract: Mainly relying on resources of local thought, Kang Youwei made a deep and systematic exploration of the modern idea of historical progress. In the transformation from the traditionaltian-li(天理) to the moderngong-li(公理), Kang’s approach extends the normative meaning oftian-lito historical interpretation and covers the historical “why it be so” with historical “how it should be so”. Lacking of the rational connotation oftian-li, Kang’s approach could not effectively justify the rationality of historical development, which causedshi-shi(时势) that was repeated again and again by him became the irrational trend of times. In the framework of the traditional study of Confucian classics, Kang provided two elements of the modern idea of historical progress, that is, a linear understanding of history and an ideal future. However, he lacked the consciousness of autonomy of human history and the development of inner power of history. For this reason, Kang’s reformism contains a wealth of potential radicalism. His tendency to return to the traditional realm theory in his later years suggests another possibility to deal with the relationship betweengong-liandshi-shi.
Key words: Kang Youwei; gong-li; shi-shi; progress
Abstract: This thesis mainly focuses on the famous saying of Socrates “the unexamined life is not worth living”. According to Hannah Arendt’s interpretation, the “examined” here means the “examined itself” regardless of any consequences. That is to say, the internal monologue should be transformed into a public discourse. Thus, the “examined itself” reveals corresponding ethic implication and political claim. Based on these, the author raises three examined life styles and three unexamined ones as options, and expounds the reason why having no choice is the difficult situation for humans need freedom. At the closing part, the author explores the political sense of romance in the process of choice.
Key words: life; examined itself; political claim; romanticism
Abstract: Ethical norms can be comprehended and accounted at two levels, i.e., the level of social facts and the level of ethical discourse. It is believed that facts, states of affairs, events, as well as the descriptive propositions about such things, cannot have normative force. The normative force, attached to the language forms of ethical norms, stems from the normative propositions expressed by norm-sentences or speech acts. The normative usage and force of norm-sentences and normative propositions are based on some kind of constitutional status of rule system in certain society and their conventional meaning or “generalized conventional implicature” of moral discourse. In terms of these theories and explanations, perhaps we can account for the connection between the pragmatics forms of ethical norms and moral actions, for the “normativity” characteristics of ethical norms, and further answer the “normative question”. In this way, however, we cannot get the reasonable foundation and justification for ethical norms in modern world yet.
Key words: ethical norms; norm-sentence; normative proposition; normativity
Abstract: This paper explores the constellation of fear and the social forces, assumptions and images that construct it. The paper’s underlying presupposition is that there are many locations for fear that run parallel to one another in modernity, one of which will be discussed here—the city. It begins by exploring two images and ideas of the city, around which the social theoretical tradition has revolved, both of which are linked in some way to the ideal of the metropolis and the counter-ideal of the stranger. The stranger invariably accompanies the image of the city, as someone who comes to it from the outside. This co-existence between integration and the experience of being outside generates the inner tension or unease of city life, especially when we are all strangers.
Key words: city; fears; Agnes Heller; modernity; Georg Simmel; strangers; Max Weber
Abstract: The knowledge representation based on large data not only highlights the spiritual characteristics of knowledge, but also the productive, practical and normative characteristics. Multi-subject knowledge of big data is complex. Multi-subject data requires sharing data, and the realization of sharing data is a complex process; multi subjective data makes objectivity of big data more complex. The correlation of network data highlights the objectivity of knowledge. The objectivity based on big data of knowledge is not only from the form of big data, but also from the data of experience, data related to world-experience and the objective reality between subjects. The big data with strong context-dependence highlights the relativity of knowledge. Knowledge representation based on large data relies on the temporal and spatial context, and the application of knowledge based on large data is relative to its application. The practical application of knowledge based on big data demonstrates the social norm of knowledge, and thus it should follow the institutional rules of objectivity, public and social rules, and technical and organizational rule. Knowledge representation of big data does not only highlight the instrumental characters of big data, but also has the essential characteristics of general knowledge, which goes beyond the knowledge of humanism and externalism. It is the dialectical union between relational analysis and causal analysis, which has practical significance.
Key words: big data; knowledge representation; data association; complexity; objectivity; relativity; social norm
Abstract: The contemporary philosophy of cognitive science has emerged as a new revolution represented by the extended mind theory, which has aroused wide debate in the academic circles. In recent years, P. Smart has advocated that information and network technology plays an important role in the argument of the extension of mind. He put forward the “web-extended mind” hypothesis. Although the current development of internet does not suffice the strict conditions of cognitive extension, future technological developments, such as data networks and real world networks, will be able to achieve the extension of the mind. Internet and brains form a new cognitive coupling system, which is the next stage in the long history of the evolution of the expansion of the mind. That is, the human-machine symbiosis intelligent stage.
Key words: information technology; internet; web-extended cognition; web-extended mind; human-machine symbiosis intelligence