
2017-04-26 19:35方育林戴四春
文教资料 2017年3期


摘 要: 高中英语课堂是一个动态的课堂,种种“意外”时常发生。只要教师勇敢地面对它、挑战它、捕捉它,做到揣摩学生的心理,融入他们的思维,肯定他们的正确观点,就充分利用了“意外”资源,英语课堂必将充满活力。

关键词: 英语课堂 课堂意外 巧妙利用


Step 1 展示图片,引出话题。

(问题1:What might you do if you had much money?)下面是师生之间的问与答:

T: Do you have much money now?

S: No, I havent any money now.

T: What a pity. Do you think it of importance?

S: Yes. Money is useful, we can buy a lot of things with it.

T: Then what would you do if you had enough money?

S: If I had enough money, I might buy some exercise books.


问题2:What would you do if you were on the Mars?

T: Now lets look at the second picture. What would you do if you were on the Mars?

S: If I were on the Mars, I would be very lonely and I could do nothing.

老师肯定学生的回答,并指出would可以换成could, might。接着老师点了几个学生继续回答这个问题,学生们用这一句型表达想法。此时,一个学生在玩手机,教师走近该学生说:Do you know if I were you, I would listen to the teacher carefully and practise the grammar like others?该学生低着头回答:Sorry.


Step2 PPT展示五种if引导的条件句,要求学生区别真实与非真实条件句。


1. If all of us went to a key university, our school would be famous in the country.

2. We would not go hiking if it should rain next Sunday.

3. I would not have been scolded if I had not gone home yesterday.

4. If the sun were to rise in the west, I would give you the chance.

5. People do not buy the products if the prices rise.

6. I will go to see my mother if I am free tomorrow.


T: Please tell me which type means things will definitely happen.

S1: Type5.

T: Which type means things will probably happen?

S2: Type6 and type2.

T: What about type1,3,4?

S3: They cant be realized. They are not real if clause.

T: Well done. Then look at the blackboard.


1. definitely happen: People do not buy the products if the prices rise.

2. probably happen: We would not go hiking if it should rain next Sunday.

3. cant be realized: If the sun were to rise in the west, I would give you the chance.

Step3 PPT展示if引导的条件句结构,然后用所给动词的适当形式填空。(以PPT形式展示习题。)

If he had driven (drive) more carefully, he would not have been trapped (trap) in the accident yesterday.

If Tom had been (be) more careful in the exam, he would have passed (pass) the driving test.

If you had got (get) up earlier, you might have caught (catch) the first train.

If I had met(meet) you yesterday, we could have gone (go) to the cinema together.

If we had (have) no water to drink, we would not live (live) on the earth.

If Robots were to take (take) our place,we would have (have) nothing to do.

If it should snow (snow) tomorrow, we could make (make) a snowman.


Step4 展示特殊条件句。(教师提示上半句,学生补充下半句。)

1.Without his help,I would not have made so much progress.

2.But for your offer,I could not have found a job.

3.Had a superman been on the scene, he could have beaten the guy.





6.要是Jack 那天没有赶上泰坦尼克号就好了。

训练到第6句时,教师举例解释:If there were no education, = were there no education,接着老师再说一遍were there no education in China,要求学生说下半句,一个学生答道:I would be sleeping now.(全班同学哄堂大笑)回答问题的学生事实上平常学习态度很好,教师此时并没有发脾气,而是笑着与全班同学进行一段对话:

T: Do you think he is a little lazy?

S: No.(学生们同时回答)

T: So he really feels tired, and he wants to have a rest,right?

S: Yes.(部分学生回答)

T: Oh. I know. What would you do if there were no education in China?Do you really dislike school education?

S: We like study,but the education system is not proper, it requires some changes.

T: What a pity! I can not change the system, but I can change myself. From now on,I will try to make you all feel relaxed while studying English,ok?

S: Ok.(全班鼓掌)

Step5 要求学生根据实际情况造句并说给小组同学听,同时互相纠正错误。

例如学生说:If I had learned to dance,I would have attended the activity.

If there were no exam, I would play happily every day.

If Li Yang were a teacher in our school,I would be a student of him.


有个学生说:If it would snow tomorrow,...另一个同学立即帮他改成:If it should snow tomorrow,...










