
2017-04-24 03:45桑国庆张双虎宋淑馨
农业工程学报 2017年6期

桑国庆,张双虎,张 林,宋淑馨


桑国庆1,2,张双虎2,张 林3,宋淑馨1

(1. 济南大学资源与环境学院,济南 250061; 2. 中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100038;3. 南水北调东线山东干线有限责任公司,济南 250012)



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1 基于时空分解的串并联梯级泵站输水系统运行效率计算方法

1.1 空间上的系统结构分解



1.2 时间上平衡时段的分解


表1 串并联梯级泵站输水系统变量分析

1.3 串并联梯级泵站输水系统影响因素定量计算


式中(j−1, j)为时段Dt内,第(−1)和级泵站间,单位长度渠道上的流量损失值,m3/s;DDt为第(−1)和级泵站间渠道在输水时段D内的蓄量变化值,m3;W(j−1,j)为由于第(−1)和级泵站流量差引起的渠道蓄量变化值,m3;(j−1,j)为第(−1)和级泵站间渠道长度,km。


2 串并联梯级泵站输水系统运行效率表达式


2.1 泵站子系统效率表达式





2.2 输水子系统效率表达式







式中1为首级泵站的输出流量,m3/s;Q为最末级泵站所输出的流量,等于首级泵站的流量减去级间的水量损失,m3/s,见式(8);(j-1,j)为第(−1)和泵站间渠道长度,m;(j-1, j)为第(−1)和泵站间,单位长度渠道的流量损失值,m3/(s·m);Q为经过第级泵站的流量,数值上等于首级泵站减去第1级至级间的流量损失,m3/s,。





2.3 串联梯级泵站输水系统运行效率表达式







2.4 并联梯级泵站输水系统运行效率表达式







3 典型并联梯级泵站输水系统运行效率计算实例及分析

3.1 典型并联梯级泵站输水系统

以典型并联梯级泵站输水系统为研究对象,该系统上、下游边界均为调蓄湖泊(S1、S2),系统包括3个梯级,6座低扬程、大流量的泵站,从上游至下游依次为A、A1,B、B1,C、C1;6段输水河道S1-A、S1-A1,A-B、A1-B1,B-C、B1-C1。可分为2个串联梯级泵站输水系统,其中串联系统1为S1-A-B-C(S2)、串联系统2为S1-A1-B1-C1(S2),2个串联系统设计输水流量分别为100、200 m3/s,见图4。

根据典型并联梯级泵站输水系统2016年1月-6月调度数据,将整个调度过程可划分为个平衡状态,从中选取1月18日-1月28日、5月6日-5月12日和6月14日-6月20日 3个典型时段平衡状态,在此基础上分别计算各子系统效率和系统整体运行效率。

3.2 泵站子系统运行效率计算及分析

基于实测运行数据,根据式(2)、(3)、(4),分别计算平衡状态1~3各级泵站抽水装置效率、泵站子系统效率。以串联系统1为例,泵站子系统效率计算结果见表2,基本结论如下:泵站子系统效率与各泵站抽水装置效率正相关,泵站抽水装置效率取决于各机组性能参数及流量、扬程组合。以平衡状态1、3为例,两者梯级净扬程分别为7.10和7.30 m,单机组流量基本相同,但两者运行效率分别为69%、74%,原因在于后者的各级泵站效率分布更为均衡。

3.3 输水子系统效率计算及分析

根据式(7)计算输水子系统效率,以串联系统1为例,输水子系统效率计算结果见表3,基本结论如下:1)输水子系统效率与沿线水力、水量损失负相关。如平衡状态2、3的水力损失分别为0.64、1.33 m,水量损失分别为5.92%、2.98%,输水子系统效率分别为89%、84%;2)水力损失主要包括河道、引水渠、拦污栅等的水力损失。正常工况下,水力损失随流量增加而增加。其中,平衡状态3,S1—A渠段水力损失较正常工况偏大,主要原因在于A泵站拦污栅有轻微堵塞现象。对于渠道水力损失预测,可构建渠道水力学模型[28-29],建立水力损失与上游水位、流量的相关关系;对冰期、拦污栅堵塞[30]等工况下水力损失需要进行单独处理;3)水量(渗漏、蒸发)损失与水位、天气、地下水等因素相关。可结合长期输水规律,根据式(1),分时段计算S1-A、A-B、B-C(S2)各渠段水量损失,并换算为瞬时损失流量或比率。

表2 泵站子系统效率计算结果

表3 输水子系统效率计算结果

3.4 串联梯级泵站输水系统运行效率计算及分析


3.5 并联梯级泵站输水系统运行效率计算及分析


表4 串联梯级泵站输水系统运行效率计算结果

表5 并联梯级泵站输水系统运行效率计算结果

4 结论与讨论




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Calculation method and application on operation efficiency of water transfer system with cascade pumping station based on time and space scale

Sang Guoqing1,2, Zhang Shuanghu2, Zhang Lin3, Song Shuxin1

(1.250061; 2.100038; 3.250012,)

Water resource is distributed unevenly in time and space in the world. With the development of society, water demand is increasing. In some places, water shortage is becoming the bottleneck of the development of social economy. In order to realize the rational allocation of water resources, lots of water diversion projects with cascade pumping stations have been carried out. Water is transferred from areas with plenty of water to areas with more water demand. For example, South-to-North Water Transfer Project is being built in China, which is the largest water transfer project in the world. There are 3 lines for this project, which are East line, Middle line and West line. East line is typical parallel and series cascade pump system, which is the largest pumping station system in the world. Water is pumped from Yangzi River in Yangzhou of Jiangsu Province to North areas including Jiangsu and Shandong Province. At some places old rivers are used for water transfer such as the Grand Canal between Beijing and Hangzhou. At other places new channels are built for water transfer. Some lakes used for storage are connected by these channels and rivers such as Hongze Lake, Nansi Lake and Dongping Lake. From Dongping Lake water flow becomes gravity flow to 2 directions. One route is north to Tianjin finally and the other is east to Jiaodong area. Water transferred to Jiaodong belongs to the first stage. Now the first stage of East line has been finished and is on operation period. It is typical cascade pumping station system for water transfer project. Large scale pumping station in parallel and series is a complex water transfer system. It consists of water pumps, controlling gates, channels or pipes and water lakes or reservoirs, and so on. Water is pumped from low area to high position or pressure pipes. Then it is transferred by channels or pressure pipes to water lakes or reservoirs. Lakes and reservoirs are used for storage and volume adjusting. In this system, pumping stations at different levels are control units. Channels or pipes between pumping station units limit the adjusting ability on water quantity. What’s more, discharge and water level interrelate. During the operation period, water flow is changing dynamically caused by different scenarios or unknown external disturbance. So this system has the characteristics of complexity and dynamic. It is difficult to evaluate and optimize the real-time operation state. So how to control the system accurately becomes a challenge. Normally operation efficiency is one of the important methods for checking the validity. The operation efficiency of cascade pumping stations for water transfer system reflects the operating results of the whole system. It determines the energy consumption and the cost of water transfer. So it is an important evaluation index of system operation. It can also be one of the criteria to measure the success of water transfer project. There are many methods which can be used to calculate out operation efficiency. But these methods are focusing on end efficiency or average efficiency, which cann’t reflect the accurate system running status in real time or a time interval. In order to solve these problems, with a series of research or experiments, the operation efficiency theory based on time and space is presented. In space scale, this system is divided into several subsystems, which are parallel subsystem, series subsystem, pumping station subsystem and water transfer subsystem.Pumping station subsystem consists of different pumping stations at different levels, which is the center of energy transfer of the whole system. Water transfer subsystem consists of different hydraulic structures such as channels, pipes, trash rack, and so on, which is the link of energy transfer. Different subsystems are connected by hydraulic factors such as water level or discharge. The operation efficiency of the whole system is decided by different subsystem. In time scale, it is divided into several parallel states, which are used to calculate pumping station performance, hydraulics loss and water quantity loss. A series of index system and formulas for operation efficiency of large scale pumping station are given out including pumping station subsystem and water transfer subsystem. Based on this, the related influence factors are studied with quantitative analysis. This research provides the theoretical basis for optimizing the operation efficiency of large scale pumping station system. Based on real operation datain 2016 of typical water transfer system with cascade pumping station in parallel, practice is carried out for this theory. Results show that this method can evaluate the operational efficiency accurately and find out the optimized potential factors and bottlenecks of the subsystems and the whole system. The operation efficiency of cascade pumping station system based on time and space scale is decided by different related factors such as water level, discharge and pumping unit power, and so on. So it is necessary to monitor these factors accurately. At the same time, summaries should be made in time about pumping station unit performance, hydraulics, discharge loss, and so on to find out the useful law. In one word, accurate operation efficiency comes from accurate raw data and detailed study. In addition, the operation efficiency can also provide the reference for route comparison and model selection of all-level pumping stations, and therefore, it can also be used for project planning.

pumps; optimization; efficiency; cascade pumping stations; water transfer system








桑国庆,男,山东省济宁人,副教授,博士,主要从事梯级泵站优化调度、山洪灾害防治研究等。济南 济南大学资源与环境学院,250061。Email:sangguoqing@163.com

25 MW燃气轮机进气级间喷水试验研究