
2017-04-24 03:47:17汪时机程明书王晓琪杨惠迪
农业工程学报 2017年6期

汪时机,程明书,李 贤,2,王晓琪,毛 新,杨惠迪


汪时机1,程明书1,李 贤1,2,王晓琪1,毛 新1,杨惠迪3

(1. 西南大学工程技术学院,重庆400715;2. College of Physical Sciences & Engineering, Cardiff University, CF243AA, UK;3. 湖南大学土木工程学院,长沙410082)

土水特征曲线(soil-water characteristic curve,SWCC)方程是非饱和土力学中最重要的土性表征手段之一。该文评价当前经典的SWCC方程,指出其未具有包容复杂因素的能力,具有灵活性的优点但却同时具有对试验数据量依赖性高的缺点,不能处理多孔隙尺度集群土体固-液-气共同运动及作用的水力-力学耦合效应问题。建立双应力变量广义SWCC概念图示并定义相对体积含水比,基于Fredlund双应力变量理论及van Genuchten土-水表征方程,构建考虑土体变形及多孔隙分布形态的双应力状态变量的广义SWCC方程。相较于2个参数的Brooks等的方程、3个参数的van Genuchten方程以及4个参数的Fredlund等的方程,广义SWCC方程仅3个参数,其中2个参数在双对数坐标系的“相对体积含水比-吸力”平面中进行最小二乘法线性拟合得到,仅1个参数需非线性最小二乘法拟合得到。该模型可利用不同应力状态下的至少3个土水试验数据点,绘制出1条具有适宜精度的单峰SWCC;方程考虑了多峰孔隙概率密度函数分布及土体变形因素,实现了从应力历史推广到应力状态的广义情况,为定量描述不同孔隙结构土体双应力状态下的持水特性、渗透特性和强度特性提供了一条途径。


0 引 言

非饱和土壤是由固-液-气组成的可变形、可压缩的多相地质体[1-2],持水状态的不同,是造成土壤变形、强度、渗透性差异的重要原因[3-5];同时,土壤受本身的孔隙结构形态、分布以及应力状态的影响,具有较一般材料复杂的水力-力学性质。这种复杂性的重要成因是由土壤孔隙中的水体(重力水、毛管水、吸附水、薄膜水)随吸力=uu为孔隙气压、u为孔隙水压)的变化进入新的耦合平衡状态及形成复杂的土-水结合系统(水封闭、双开敞、气封闭系统[6])造成。吸力和持水量(饱和度S、质量含水量或体积含水量)之间的曲线关系定义为土水特征曲线(soil-water characteristic curve,SWCC)[7-9]。土壤学上,利用土性估算土壤水力性质(包括SWCC)的曲线方程亦称作土壤转换函数(pedotransfer functions,PTFs)[8]。SWCC模型是定量表征土-水关系的核心,已被广泛用于研究土壤持水能力[10]、渗透特性[9,11]、土壤结构稳定性[12]、颗粒大小分布[13]及抗剪强度[14],有着广泛的应用需求[15-16]。

自20世纪60年代以来,van Genuchten[11]提出了一系列的SWCC表征方程,对土-水关系进行定量表征。这些研究多是基于吸力变化过程中土体零体变、孔隙结构连续假定的情形。由于土体的多相、可压缩特点,在净法向应力及吸力作用下,会产生不可忽略的变形。Fredlund等[17]基于多相连续介质力学从理论及试验上证明了土壤固-液-气三相介质实际上受净法向应力(=u为竖向压力)和吸力2个变量的控制。及被看作是建立非饱和土本构模型的2个关键的独立应力状态变量[17-18],为定量研究土壤持水、渗透、变形和强度提供了严谨的理论支撑[17,19]。

直到最近,Gallipoli等[20-22]开始考虑土体变形的SWCC以及多峰孔隙密度分布函数(multimodal pore-size density probability distribution function,M-PDF)的情形。当前,应力引起土体变形的研究可分为吸力[23]、正应力[16,20]及二者耦合引起土体变形3类[24]。由于传统SWCC量测极为耗时,动辄数月,而当前众多的SWCC方程研究仅考虑单一或者是两影响因素的特殊状态,其方程足够复杂;同时,SWCC方程参数对试验数据量及数据分布敏感,即SWCC曲线拟合精度与试验数据量成正相关,而试验数据点越多,则曲线测定越耗时。这些因素成为制约SWCC方程工程应用的重要原因。因而,寻找对试验数据量依赖性低、包容主要土-水影响因素、能够处理多组分复合介质在多应力耦合作用下的广义SWCC方程,成为土-水关系研究的关键。

本文旨在基于van Genuchten土-水方程[11]、Fredlund等[17]的双应力变量理论及Tarantino研究[25],导出考虑土体变形、应力状态及多孔隙集群分布的广义SWCC方程,为定量表征和拟合土壤土-水关系提供理论参考,为后期土体变形、强度及渗透的水力-力学本构研究提供参考。

1 经典SWCC评价与比较


表1 经典土-水特征曲线表征方程及其特点和适用范围


Note:andare constants during drying/wetting process of SWCC at certain condition and thus not included in counting of parameter numbers.







2 双应力变量广义SWCC模型

2.1 广义SWCC图示及概念

通常,SWCC可划分为边界效应区(boundary-effect zone,BE-Z)、过渡区(transition zone,T-Z)、非饱和残余区(residual zone of unsaturation,RU-Z)3个区域[16],本文称这3个区为“特征吸力域”。对于连续级配或单一级配土壤,其孔隙尺寸密度分布函数(pore-size density probability distribution function, PDF)为一个S形的单峰形态,SWCC也呈单峰形态,如Fredlund等的方程[27];自然土壤及工程填土等不可能是完全的连续级配,同时存在干湿裂隙,使PDF[33]呈现双峰甚至多峰,SWCC也会对应多个S形态变化[34],如Rahardjo等[22]的方程。此外,应力(如上覆压力)会引起体变,改变SWCC形态。鉴于此,定义广义土-水特征曲线:基于多因素(如孔隙结构、应力历史、应力状态)影响下土壤吸力与含水量(S、及)之间关系的空间曲线。构建全吸力域(∈[0,106] kPa)双应力变量下体积含水量与吸力关系的广义SWCC概念平面图,如图1所示。

2.2 双应力变量广义SWCC模型

地球表层土壤因处于大气干湿交替、地质营力及人类生产建设活动中,其结构随机、组分多相、应力场耦合,水力-力学性质复杂多样。为便于处理,将应力对土体结构的影响归为:1)应力历史(stress history),如初始固结压力造成的密度、孔隙比的不同的影响,用初始孔隙比0表征;2)应力状态(stress state),即吸力与净法向应力的影响,用孔隙比表征,刻画试验过程应力耦合对土壤结构状态的影响。定义相对体积含水比


van Genuchten土-水表征方程是最经典的SWCC之一,得到了广泛的理论和试验验证[8-10,13,28,35],其归一化含水量为[11]












Note:1-5are relative volumetric water ratio corresponding to the first to the fifth fitting line segment, respectively;1,1,2and2are matric suction corresponding to jointing point between adjacent suction domains, kPa.

图2 双对数坐标下广义SWCC的相对体积含水比概念图

Fig.2 Concept map of relative volumetric water ratio of generalized SWCC in log-log coordinate










当土体孔隙比随吸力变化很小或是不考虑其变化时,式(13)退化为van Genuchten形式

3 双应力广义SWCC预测与评价







4 讨 论

论文基于Tarantino[25]方程,创新与不同在于:1)Tarantino的土-水表征方程在基于van Genuchten[11]方程推导时,利用饱和度导出土-水表征方程(为相关拟合参数)。形式上,该方程表征的情形是S∈[0,1],但确切说是有效饱和度∈[0,1]。由于一般土壤都具有明显的残余饱和度或残余含水量,含水量变化区间为S∈[,1]。为此,Tarantino方程拟合容易出现拟合性差、不收敛等问题。应用Tarantino表征式可潜在地将SWCC向下平移个单位,因而其应用会受到限制。以∈[,](或S∈[,1])作为其含水量变化区间,能真实地反映SWCC变化规律。Fredlund等[27]的方程能够解决这个拟合不收敛问题,具有较好的灵活性,但试验数据的多少决定着SWCC的形状和走势,且存在不能用于预测土-水关系的缺点。本文定义了“相对体积含水比”,针对非饱和土构建−lg()−lg(w)平面,将普通SWCC方程扩展到考虑多峰效应、应力影响以及体变量测的广义方程。相较于2个参数Brooks等方程[18]、3个参数van Genuchten方程[11]以及4个参数Fredlund等方程[27],本文的广义SWCC方程仅3个参数,表征了考虑孔隙概率分布函数的影响的双应力变量广义SWCC。参数从−lg()−lg()平面进行线性拟合得到,分别为该平面直线在相应特征吸力域的斜率和截距,广义残余含水量相关参数需要在SWCC方程拟合得到,非常方便。SWCC虽具有较大的工程价值,但其试验动辄数月,每个吸力点平衡需要2~30 d不等,特别是低含水量时需要时日更长,仅1条脱湿SWCC可能就需要数月时间;−lg()−lg()平面吸力域内的曲线具有良好线性关系,由最小二乘法特征可知,参数、的获取并不需要太多的SWCC试验数据,理论上在特征吸力域获取至少3个以上的试验点即可较好地预测该区域SWCC其他点。可利用压力膜法、压力板法[38]、滤纸法[35]、蒸汽平衡法[39]及冷镜露点技术(chilled mirror dew point technique)[40]等对SWCC特征吸力域分段测量,特别是过渡区的量测,可在较短的时间内获得完整SWCC,满足工程需要。

5 结 论

评价了各种经典土-水特征曲线(soil-water characteristic curve, SWCC)表征方程的适用范围及局限,基于Fredlund等的双应力变量理论及van Genuchten土-水方程,定义了广义土-水特征曲线及“相对体积含水比”概念,构建了考虑土体孔隙分布形态及双应力变量影响的广义SWCC方程,结论如下:




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Establishment of generalized soil-water characteristic curve theoretical model considering two stress state variables for unsaturated soils

Wang Shiji1, Cheng Mingshu1,Li Xian1,2, Wang Xiaoqi1, Mao Xin1, Yang Huidi3


As one of the fundamental soil-water modeling equations, soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) equation is widely employed to study soil-water retention, permeability and strength characteristics in the fields of agricultural engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, etc. In this study, we evaluated the current classic SWCC equations and proposed a generalized SWCC model. By summarizing the current models, we found that the current model considered only a single or two influential factors, the forms of the current equations were complex, they were sensitive to experimental data and the fitness accuracy was highly dependent on the numbers of the experimental points. And most of them couldn’t deal with the conditions of multimodal pore-size density probability function and hydro-mechanical coupling effects for the solid-liquid-gas materials in soil. Based on Fredlund et al’s two stress variables theory and van Genuchten’s soil-water characteristic equation, the concept of generalized SWCC was defined. Three characteristic suction zones included boundary-effect zone, transition zone and residual zone of unsaturation. We defined the generalized SWCC as spatial curves reflecting relationship between matric suction and soil water content under the condition affected by multiple factors such as pore structure, stress history and stress state. The relative volumetric water ratio was proposed. The stress history was expressed with initial void ratio and the stress state was described with void ratio. Thus, the relative volumetric water ratio was defined as a ratio of water content-related function and initial volume. Relative fluctuated volumetric water content was defined as the difference of volumetric water content and residual volumetric water content. Based on the relative fluctuated volumetric water content, the relative volumetric water ratio was expressed as the other form. Then, the figure of net normal stress-logarithm of matric suction-logarithm of relative volumetric water ratio corresponding to the characteristic suction zones was plotted. A good linear relationship (>0.90,<0.05) was found among the net normal stress, logarithm of matric suction and logarithm of relative volumetric water ratio. Thus, the generalized two stress state bimodal SWCC model was derived, which considered the multimodal pore-size density probability distribution function and soil deformation. Compared with the 2-parameter Brooks et al’s equation, 3-parameter van Genuchten equation as well as the 4-parameter Fredlund et al’s equation, the proposed generalized SWCC only had 3 parameters, 2 of which could be obtained by least-square linear fitting method in the plane of log-log coordinate system of relative volumetric water ratio versus matric suction and only one of which would be achieved by the nonlinear least-square fitting method. The model fitness needs at least 3 experimental points. The model provides with a new way to predict the soil-water retention, permeability, strength of soil quantitatively in an easier and timesaving process.

soil moisture; stresses; models; water retention property; unsaturated soil; soil-water characteristic curve; bimodal SWCC


TU411; S152





国家自然科学基金项目资助(11572262);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(XDJK2016D016, XDJK2016B006)


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