(杭州电子科技大学数学研究所,浙江 杭州 310018)
(杭州电子科技大学数学研究所,浙江 杭州 310018)
证明x∈[0,εn]时,有0 应用引理1得 进一步计算可得 结合上式可得 其中,Cα=21-α. x∈[εn,1]时,化简|en(x)|得 ∃j,s.t.εj+1≤x≤εj,j=1,2,…n-1,有: 进一步计算可得 同理可得 因此结合上式有 所以 综上所述,x∈[0,1]时,有: (1) 故由上式可得 因此,得到: (2) 其中,Cα=21-α. 结合不等式(1)和(2),定理得证. [1]BERNSTEIN S. Sur la meilleure approximation de |x| par des polynomes de degres donnes[J]. Acta Mathematica, 1913,37(1):1-57. [2]NEWMAN D J. Rational approximation to|x|[J]. The Michigan Mathematical Journal, 1964,11(1):11-14. [3]VYACHESLOV N S. Uniform |x| approximation by rational function[J]. Doklady Akademii Nauk Sssr, 1975,220(3):512-515. [4]STAHL H. Best uniform rational approximation of|x|on [-1,1][J]. Russian Academy of Science Sbornik Mathematics, 1992,76(2):85-118. [5]XIE T F, ZHOU S P. The asymptotic property of approximation to |x| by Newman's rational operators[J]. Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2004,103(4):313-319. [6]张慧明,段生贵,李建俊.|x|α(1≤α<2)在等距结点的有理插值[J].华中师范大学学报(自然科学版),2016,50(1):21-23. [7]ZHAN Q, XU S S, ZHANG Y H. Asymptotic property of approximation toxαsgnxby Newman type operators[J]. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series,2010,26(4):617-624. The Asymptotic Property of Approximation to |x|α(0<α<2) at Newman Nodes WANG Xuwei, HU Xiaomin, ZHA Xingxing (InstituteofMathematics,HangzhouDianziUniversity,HangzhouZhejiang310018,China) Based on previous researches about the approximation effect of the Newman rational interpolation function approximating to|x|, this paper considers the approximation effect of Newman-αtype rational operator approximating to|x|α, which is based on the Newman nodes. And it gives the precise asymptotic formula, which include the research result of Xie Tingfan and Zhou Songping. What’s more, it’s better than which of the nodes taking for the equidistant nodes. Newman-αtype rational operator; Newman nodes; asymptotic formula 10.13954/j.cnki.hdu.2017.02.021 2016-06-02 王徐炜(1992-),男,浙江宁波人,硕士研究生,函数逼近论.通信作者:胡晓敏副教授;E-mail:mathhuxm@163.com. 0174.41 A 1001-9146(2017)02-0095-043 结束语