
2017-03-27 00:55:19张佳喜刘旋峰蒋永新王吉奎
农业工程学报 2017年4期

张佳喜,张 丽,刘旋峰,蒋永新,王吉奎


张佳喜1,张 丽2,刘旋峰2,蒋永新2,王吉奎3※

(1. 新疆农业大学机械交通学院,乌鲁木齐 830052;2. 新疆农业科学院农业机械化研究所,乌鲁木齐 830091; 3. 石河子大学机械电气工程学院,石河子 832003)



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自70年代以来地膜种植技术在中国的快速推广,地膜造成的白色污染日趋严重,人们对地膜回收也越来越重视[1-2]。目前市场上残膜回收机的种类很多,主要分为苗期残膜回收和秋后残膜回收2种,2种机型对存留在地表地膜回收相对容易,基本上能回收到95%以上,针对边膜回收区别较大,苗期残膜回收边膜效果较好,原因是苗期残膜受到的日晒等因素的影响时间较短,所以其残膜的强度较高,几乎不用什么辅助机构便可以将边膜从土中带出,残膜回收率可达95%以上[3-7];秋后残膜回收针对边膜回收较困难,造成残膜回收率在80%左右[8-9],究其原因,以覆盖膜宽为1.25 m地膜为例,边膜单边覆土宽度为0.07 m,深度为0.08 m,则边膜占所铺膜的比例达到16%[10],而边膜埋于地表以下,由于秋后残膜受到的侵蚀时间较长,与泥土粘连严重,残膜强度受到很大的影响,依靠地表残膜的拉扯连带回收边膜,几乎不可能了,大多秋后地膜回收机没有将这部分残膜回收起来,因此残膜回收率较低[11-12]。为了降低残膜造成的污染,促进新农村的建设,提高残膜回收率,开发设计新型边膜铲,在理论分析的基础上,进行田间对比试验寻求最佳的边膜起膜机构,从根本解决边膜回收难的问题。

1 边膜铲工作原理

如图1所示,地膜覆盖种植中通常单侧边膜被掩埋于地表下7~8 cm左右,掩埋的地膜长度为10cm左右,边膜铲工作时入土深度需大于10 cm,将掩埋的边膜平翻于地表,最大限度地保证边膜的完整性,不要撕裂边膜的情况下,同时保护好地表非边膜区域的地膜,不要对其移动或者损害,以利于后续拾膜部件将其回收。

2 边膜铲的种类

目前市场上使用的边膜铲种类较多,较为普遍的是开沟器、双翼铲及单翼铲[13-16],为此选定以上3种边膜铲进行研究分析,如图2所示,3种边膜铲分别为:图2a为开沟器(常用),图2b为双翼铲(常用),图2c为单翼铲(改进设计:在铲柄的一侧安装有铲托,铲刀平放与铲托之上,铲刀长度为30 mm),3种边膜铲的高度均为500 mm,根据不同边膜铲的结构分别进行力学分析。

3 不同边膜起膜部件的力学分析




Note:is the friction between soil and side film shovel (=N), N;is the normal load of soil in wedge face, N;is the tractive force,N;is the drag force of cutting soil in wedge face (=), N;1is the angle between the wedge face and the ground, (°);is the blade width of side film shovel, m;is the cutting resistance on the blade unit, N.

图3 边膜铲入土受力分析

Fig.3 Workforce analysis of side film shovel



3.1 开沟器力学分析


入土深度10 cm,开沟器入土作业时,开沟器受力如图4a所示,各力在水平方向上(前进方向)有如下关系




3.2 双翼铲力学分析

双翼铲入土部分在立柱左右方向对称布置有一定弧度的圆弧面板,面板材料多为65 Mn,工作时比较容易入土,在双翼铲面板的正前方堆积土壤,随着机具的前进,压力逐渐增大,堆积土壤沿着圆弧面向两侧分流,落回所开的沟内,在湿度较高的土壤中容易壅土。



Note:2is the friction of double wing shovels along the slant (22)(the force on both sides of double wing shovels is almost similar), N;3is the friction of double wing shovels face along the slant (f=μN3), N;2is the friction drag force at the front of double wing shovels cutting soil (2);2is the tractive force, N;2is the pressure force of double wing shovels blade(the force on both sides of double wing shovels is almost similar), N;3is the surface normal load of double wing shovels, N;is the opening angle of double wing shovels, (°);is the angle of double wing shovels between the wedge face and the ground, (°).

图5 双翼铲受力分析

Fig.5 Force analysis of double wing shovels




3.3 单翼铲力学分析

单翼铲是由立柱一侧固定一铲托,在铲托上固定边铲,需要边铲材料具有较高耐磨性,一般为65 Mn材料,工作时,边铲以一定角度入土,将土壤沿着边铲平面向后推移,顺滑地落入边铲后方。



Note:4is the friction of one wing shovel along the slant (45), N;fis the friction of one wing shovel face along the slant (56), N;3is the tractive force, N;3is the friction drag force at the front of one wing shovel cutting soil (3), N;5is the pressure force of one wing shovel blade, N;6is the surface normal load of one wing shovel, N;is the angle of one wing shovel between the wedge face and the ground, (°);is the opening angle of one wing shovel, (°).

图6 单翼铲入土受力分析

Fig.6 Force analysis of one wing shovel





4 边膜起膜部件对比试验

4.1 试验条件

以上对3种不同结构的边膜铲受力情况进行了理论分析,为了分析边膜铲的受力情况与作业效果的关系,即作业效果是否与受力大小成正比,在新疆库尔勒尉犁县棉田针对3种结构边膜铲进行了田间对比试验。棉田采用宽窄行种植模式(740 mm+40 mm),地面平整,土壤含水率为11%,棉花已收获,且棉秆已切碎清理,棉秆留茬高度为50~75 mm,地膜厚度为0.008 mm,膜边覆土宽度为110~120 mm,厚度为40~50 mm。机具作业速度均为3 km/h,配套动力由福田雷沃M800-D拖拉机提供,试验平台采用新疆农业科学院农业机械化研究所生产的4JSM-1800型棉秸秆还田及残膜回收联合作业机[28-29],该机在试验中只作为一个固定平台,无需挂接传递动力,在机架的横梁处,设计通用固定座,可以方便更换边膜铲,机构上设有开销孔和固定锁紧装置,用以保证边膜铲具有相同的入土深度,入土深度均为70 cm。图7为3种边膜铲起膜试验效果图。

a. 开沟器起膜试验

a. Side films dug by furrow opener

b. 双翼铲起膜试验

b. Side films dug by double wing shovel

4.2 试验指标与方法

为对比3种边膜铲的起膜效果,选取起膜率和边膜破损程度为试验指标。测试地块长度为100 m,随机选出9个试验区为试验对象,对3种边膜铲各进行3次重复试验,每个试验区随机选取5个点作为检测点,每个检测点长度为10 m,边膜宽度0.12 m[30],每次试验结束后,将各检测点翻起的残膜洗净晒干后,采用盛博SB-A1003电子精密天平秤(100 g/0.001g)称其质量,分别计算3种类型边膜铲所有检测点平均值2作为该类型边膜铲的试验结果,各检测点当年所铺边膜质量1=9.41 g。



4.3 试验结果与分析


表1 性能指标测试结果




5 结 论



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Mechanical analysis and contrast experiment on collecting residual plastic film with different side-film shovels

Zhang Jiaxi1, Zhang Li2, Liu Xuanfeng2, Jiang Yongxin2, Wang Jikui3※

(1.,830052;2,830091; 3.,832003)

In the pollution controlling of the residual plastic films in the farmland, due to the lack of preferable side-film shovel mechanics in autumn plastic film recycling, the side-film can’t be recycled by the side-film shovel but be buried under the ground surface. A large amount of residual plastic film into soil due to long-term using film on the crops has caused great serious influence on the high quality of farmland planting, crop growth, the rural ecological environment. The side-film accounted for 16% of the whole plastic film, which would result in the lower recovery rate for plastic film recycling and the recovery rate was generally maintained at about 80%, nearly 20% of the plastic film still remained in the soil, which caused definite pollution to the soil and the environment. Current research on the recovery mechanism is limited to the equipment of plastic film enwinding recycling itself. In order to solve these problems, the more widespread used mechanics for collecting the side-film was chosen such as furrow opener and double wing shovel. Then the mechanical analysis of one wing shovel newly designed was carried out with opener and double wings shovel. The forces of collecting the side-film were compared among three different structural shovels and the field contrast tests were carried out in Yuli county, Korla city in Xinjiang. The working performances of different side-film collecting shovels were compared in the field test. The three key factors were assessed about the integrity rate, film recovery rate and no heap soil phenomenon of residual plastic film. Results showed that the force of the side-film shovel taken was related with the angle into soil and blade length of the side-film shovel during the shovels picking the side-film. According to analyze the force of three types of shovels, we gained the balance equation, the equation involved some kinds of forces, such as the friction along the slant, the normal load along the slant, the shear force of soil internal shear failure, the friction force between the internal soil and the accelerating force of soil movement. Theoretical analysis of three side-film shovels showed that the force of one wing shovel was maximum while the stress of furrow opener device was minimum, the stress of double wing shovel was relatively reasonable. However, the performance effect of the one wing shovel was the best in the field testing although the force of one wing shovel was maximum. The integrity rate of the side-film was reached at 100%, the film recovery rate was at 95.4%, and without obstructing the soil in working performance. Taking the prominent operational effectiveness into account, the one wing shovel was highly recommended as autumn residual side-film recovery machine of the plastic film collecting structure. The research results can be provided a reference for the design of the side-film collecting mechanism section during the whole residual film recovery machine and also provide theory basis for the development of the plastic film recycling machine.

agriculture; mechanical analysis; films; residual plastic films; side-film shovels






2016-12 -22


张佳喜,男(汉族),陕西佳县人,博士,研究员,主要从事循环农业研究。乌鲁木齐 新疆农业大学机械交通学院,830052。Email:563810112@qq.com

王吉奎,男(汉族),新疆玛纳斯人,博士,教授,主要从事农业机械设计。石河子 石河子大学机械电气工程学院,832003。Email:shzwjk@126.com

张佳喜,张 丽,刘旋峰,蒋永新,王吉奎. 不同边膜铲起膜性能分析及其起膜率对比试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(4):10-15. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.002 http://www.tcsae.org

Zhang Jiaxi, Zhang Li, Liu Xuanfeng, Jiang Yongxin, Wang Jikui. Mechanical analysis and contrast experiment on collecting residual plastic film with different side-film shovels[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 10-15. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.002 http://www.tcsae.org

A passion for recycling小小男孩的环保事业
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