2017-03-15 13:21-,-

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ZHANG Yi-yao, LI Chao

GUO You-bing


MAO Yun-shi, LI Yu-hui

YU Xiao-yu, CHEN Ying-ying, LIN Nan, LI Ya-jie

WANG Lin-hui, YANG Bo, DONG Yi-xuan

WANG Bin, LI Gang, CHEN Kai


ZHAI Ye-hu


XU Zhi-gang, ZHONG Long-han, ZHOU Ning, LU Wu-yi

SUN Xiu-lin, GU Yan-xia

LI Bei-lei

FENG Zhi-jie


(1)A study of continuity of legal order from the perspective of ethics



From the perspective of ethics, the continuity of legal order does not depend on the constitutional legal system unless it is complemented with an ethical culture which supports the authority of Constitution and upholds the value of citizenship such as spirit of contract and participation in public politics.


From the rational to the reasonable: evolution of Rawls’s liberal ideas



The evolution of Rawls’ liberalism from the rational to the reasonable derived from the incompatible logics in hisTheoryofJusticeas well as the fundamental appeal of the public nature of modern politics. This actually reflects Rawls’ shift from Kant’s moral philosophy to Hegel’s political philosophy. With respect to Kant’s categorical imperative, Rawls’ concept of reasonability is theoretically closer to Hegel’s doctrine of free will.


Hegel’s theory of spirit



Hegel is best known for his spirit theory. The current research shows the inclination of dogmatism and mystification, and the invalidity of both sociological approaches and philosophical approaches. Actually Hegel’s spirit theory presents a structure of one definition, two prescriptives and four characteristics which together constitutes the logic of spirit. As an epistemologically and ontologically revolutionary theory, Hegel’s spirit theory find an echo with Confucianism despite time and space.


Kant’s ideas of lies



Kant held that under no circumstances can people lie. However, he also added that people can lie in emergency to prevent greater evils. In light of the complexity of real life, Kant stated that people can lie in his unpublishedLecturesonethics. This paper proposes a complete theory: that people cannot lie is a statement from the perspective of rational existence; people can lie under certain circumstances for the sake of freedom but it should be noted that lying is immoral; an overuse of it would lead to hypocrisy.


A DEA-based comparative study of M&A efficiency between high-tech and traditional enterprises: a case study of A shares listed manufacturing enterprises



Based on DEA-Malmquist index model, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the high-tech and traditional enterprises in the 2010 listed manufacturing enterprises.We have the following results. (1) Generally speaking, there is no significant discrepancy in the average value of comprehensive efficiency between the high-tech enterprises and traditional enterprises; the high-tech enterprises is significantly higher than traditional enterprises in pure technical efficiency; there is no significant discrepancy in scale efficiency in the year of 2009 and 2011, but traditional enterprises are significantly higher than the high-tech enterprises in 2010 and in the average value of the three years. (2) In terms of the efficiency of individual enterprise, the comprehensive efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of the high-tech enterprises are better than those of traditional enterprises, but the discrepancy are decreasing. (3) The pure technical efficiency is significantly lower than scale efficiency in the traditional enterprises, which is the cause of their low efficiency.(4) In terms of the changes of TFP, high-tech enterprises is a slightly higher than the enterprises in the traditional industry. This paper finally explores the contributing factors in the efficiency of M & A performance from the perspectives of input of assets, labor input, cost and intangible assets.


Slack resources, entrepreneurial bricolage and firm performance



Slack resources can be a facilitator of opportunity creation while they also cause inefficiency. To solve the arguments regarding the slack resource-firm performance relationship, the paper investigates the moderating effects of two types of entrepreneurial bricolage, namely, selective bricolage and parallel bricolage. We also consider the interaction effects of absorbed slack and unabsorbed slack resources and obtain initial empirical evidence for our predictions by testing them on 345 validated samples. Our study has the following results:(1) The relationship between absorbed slack and firm performance turns positive when firms mainly use selective bricolage, but is insignificant when firms have no tendency to use selective bricolage; (2) The relationship between absorbed slack and firm performance becomes negative when firms mainly use parallel bricolage, but is insignificant when firms tend not to use parallel bricolage; (3) Absorbed slack and unabsorbed slack have positive interaction effects on performance. Different from our expectation, neither selective bricolage nor parallel bricolage has significant moderating effects on the relationship between unabsorbed slack and performance. The results reveal that entrepreneurial bricolage plays a vital role in the process of slack resource mobilization, but firms should take advantage of selective bricolage, and be cautious about parallel bricolage.


Transnational transfer effect of technical change direction: empirical evidence from manufacturing industry in China and the USA



Based on the definition of Hicks and Acemoglu’s technological progress, this paper sets the production function as CES form and applies the three-equation normalized supply-side system to a comparison of the biased technical change indexes of 22 sub-sectors in China and the US manufacturing industry. It also examines the transmission effects of technological progress bias across countries by using panel data. The research shows that the directed technical progress in China’s manufacturing industry is generally directed to capital, presenting an inverse factor endowments development trend, which basically copies the trend of the technical progress bias index of manufacturing industry in the US. The empirical results of panel data show that there is a transnational transmission effect of the US technological progress bias on China. China’s manufacturing technological progress capital bias is mainly affected by the US, but there is a 1-2 year time lag. Factor endowment structure and indigenous R&D have not turned technology to labor.


A study of the scale efficiency evaluation of commercial banks



This paper evaluates the scale and efficiency of 19 Chinese commercial banks from the perspective of combination weighting method. The results show that the samples can be classified into 4 dimensions and that the rankings in the 4 dimensions are not necessarily consistent. This paper then gives suggestions on the efficiency improvement through optimization of resource allocation and the scale control through risk management.


Internet finance in China: market, supervision and law



The rise of internet finance is the product of financial liberalization and internet technology advancement. Because the internet financial products don’t violate any law, supervision must take into account the distinction between direct financing and indirect financing before any law enforcement.


Abuse of standard essential patents and its legal regulation



Standard-essential patents (SEP) are abused mainly in physical and procedural aspects. The former refers to patent ambush and patent hijacking, and the latter primarily includes injunction threat or exclusion order. This paper analyzes the FRAND in various countries and offers suggestions for improving the SEP legislation: In general, SEP owners should not abuse FRAND and should not seek or threat injunctions, licensees should not make a claim of invalid of SEP and reach an exclusive Grant-back license.


Effects of urbanization on air quality: an empirical analysis based on city-level data in China



Over half of the Chinese population now live in cities after urbanization has started in 1978. Drawing upon the two theoretical frameworks of political economy and ecological modernization, this paper analyzes how population and land expansion affect five air quality measures of fine particles, inhalable coarse particles, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and number of days with grade II or higher air quality. It applies spatial lag modeling and OLS modeling techniques to a dataset with more than 100 Chinese cities. Results show that air pollution is most serious in cities with moderate level of urbanization and land expansion and is least serious in cities with lowest or highest level of urbanization and land expansion, and that land-use change has a bigger effect on air quality compared to population. This study provides empirical support for ecological modernization theory. It implies that urbanization reflects the degree of modernization and that the alleviation of environmental problems requires collaboration among all stakeholders in the pursuit of balance between economic growth and environmental protection.


Impact of parental migration on children’s nutrition intakes



This paper analyzes the impact of parental migration on calorie and protein intake of children from different income groups. The results show that parental migration significantly increases children’s caloric intake and the positive effect is more significant in low income group while children whose parents engaged in agricultural production in local area are not affected. However, it has no significant impact on children’s protein intake. Though children whose parents working off-farm in local area show no difference, parental migration decreases children’s protein intake significantly while has no significant impact on caloric intake and the negative effect is more significant in high income group. The result has significant policy implications in terms of urbanization mode, promotion of local non-farm employment as well as children’s migration with their parents.


Migrant settlements in Chinese big cities: a case study of Shanghai



With the rapid growth of urbanization, migrant population tends to live in their settlements separate from the local residents. This paper studies the settlements of migrant population from different provinces in Shanghai where migrants account for 40% of the urban population. We have the following results. First, the settlements scatter around downtown area and the migrant population is larger near the suburbs than that in outer suburbs. Second, migrants from a given province are more inclined to live in compact communities. We finally discuss the underlying mechanism in hope that the study can help improve urban governance.


Wenare for conveying truth: traditional patterns and culture



As an important carrier of Chinese traditional culture,Wen(patterns) can be found on nearly all art works like jade, pottery, bronze, eaves tiles and building components. As writings are believed to convey truth in Chinese culture, this paper states that patterns are made to convey truth too.


Zhikuin Jiangnan area in the Ming Dynasty: a case study of Jiaxing, Zhejiang



Zhiku(pawnshop) expanded into nearly all sectors including rice and silk production in Jiangnan (south of Yangtz River) in the Ming Dynasty and therefore reaped substantial profits. While many items can be pawned, pawnshops typically accepted works of art as collateral.