孙 玉综述 沈 茜审校
复旦大学附属儿科医院肾脏科 上海市肾脏发育和儿童肾脏病研究中心(上海 201102)
孙 玉综述 沈 茜审校
复旦大学附属儿科医院肾脏科 上海市肾脏发育和儿童肾脏病研究中心(上海 201102)
肾瘢痕; 危险因素; 膀胱输尿管反流; 泌尿道感染; 儿童
大多研究支持肾瘢痕的形成与VUR程度相关,且VUR级别越高,肾瘢痕形成的危险性就越大[5-7]。有研究表明,如果反流程度升高1级,肾瘢痕形成的危险性就升高3.5倍[8],近期有较多研究都证实了上述观点。研究发现,IV和V级 VUR儿童肾瘢痕发生的可能性是没有VUR儿童的22倍,相比之下,I级或II 级VUR儿童肾瘢痕发生的概率只略高于无VUR儿童[9]。通过对2~71月龄的607例在第一或第二次发热或有症状的泌尿道感染(UTI)后诊断为I~IV级VUR的患儿进行为期2年的,多中心、随机、安慰剂对照试验,结果发现IV级VUR患儿比低级别或无VUR者更易出现肾瘢痕[10]。同时,研究者也认为IV、V级反流是肾瘢痕形成的最具价值的预测指标[11]。但国内学者回顾性研究1990—2002年间的50例儿童原发性VUR,并对反流程度进行Kruskal-Waillis检验显示肾瘢痕与反流程度无显著相关[12]。
UTI患儿的年龄、性别与肾瘢痕关系仍不明确。在对伴有VUR的泌尿道感染患儿的回顾性研究中发现,男性(OR值2.5),≥27个月的女性患儿(OR 值4.2)是肾瘢痕形成的独立危险因素[11]。国内对106例UTI患儿的回顾性分析发现,≤2岁组肾瘢痕发生率高[22]。但在对0~18岁第一次发生UTI接受99mTc DMSA检查并随访至少5个月的患儿进行的meta分析显示,肾瘢痕的发生率在不同年龄和性别间无明显差异[9]。
建立风险预测模型可指导临床判断肾瘢痕形成的危险因素[9]。有meta分析显示,在年龄0~18岁、首次UTI、感染至少5个月以后99mTc DMSA随访肾瘢痕形成的患儿中,建立3个模型:模型1[临床(人口统计学信息、发热和病原微生物)+肾脏超声]、模型2[模型1参数 +血清炎症指标(CRP+中性粒细胞计数)]、模型3(模型2 参数+MCU),模型2和模型3比模型1对肾瘢痕形成的预测能力仅分别增加3%和5%。因而建议将非大肠埃希菌感染伴高热或肾脏超声异常作为肾瘢痕形成的危险因素 。
预防应用抗生素对预防反复发热的UTI具有显著的意义[27],但是预防应用抗生素并不能降低肾瘢痕形成的风险[10]。另有研究显示,维生素A可能对儿童急性肾盂肾炎的肾脏损害有预防作用,维生素A干预组肾脏损害发生率低于对照组(相对危险度 0.53,95%可信区间 0.43,0.67)[29]。
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Risk factors for renal scarring in children
Reviewer: SUN Yu, Reviser: SHEN Qian (Department of Nephrology,Children's Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai Kidney Development & Pediatric Kidney Disease Research Center, Shanghai 201102, China)
Renal scarring can cause hypertension, proteinuria, chronic kidney disease, and even end stage renal disease. To understand the risk factors of renal scarring in children is helpful for its early detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. High grade vesicoureteric reflux, recurrent urinary tract infection, and delayed treatment are risk factors for kidney scarring. However,there are still some controversies about the relationship between renal scarring and the some factors such as gender, age, and congenital factors. Recent studies have found that noninvasive urine indicators such as urine neutrophil gelatinase associated lipid delivery protein, urinary endothelin-1, and risk prediction models can predict the formation of renal scar. However, prophylactic use of antibiotics can reduce occurance of urinary tract infections, but do not reduce the risk of renal scarring. This article reviews the possible risk factors and predictors of renal scarring in children, providing a basis for early detection, timely intervention, and effective prevention of it in clinic, so as to reduce the formation and progression of renal scarring.
renal scarring; risk factors; vesicoureteric reflux; urinary tract infection; child
(本文编辑:梁 华)