
2017-03-06 10:04叶伟康房清敏王大巍张岱捷
岭南现代临床外科 2017年2期

叶伟康 房清敏王大巍张岱捷


叶伟康 房清敏*王大巍张岱捷



1 原因机制

1.1 瘢痕粘连的机制



1.2 引发疼痛的机制



2 诊断及鉴别诊断




3 预防及治疗


对于硬膜外瘢痕的治疗,一般是不需要手术松解,有研究认为硬膜外注射液体来减轻腰痛及坐骨神经痛,并认为液体量与疼痛减轻呈正相关[44],硬膜外非类固醇注射一样有功效[45]。目前,硬膜外粘连松解(epidural lysis of adhesions,LOA)是慢性难治性下腰部疼痛和神经根病有效治疗方式。在1989年Racz和Holubec[46]发明用于微创治疗存在硬膜外粘连或瘢痕组织的有或没有下肢放射痛的脊柱疼痛。起初方案是需要插入可操控的导管经过骶裂孔进入硬膜外腔,粘连经硬膜外腔造影所标记,并且粘连松解术在相关的解剖区进行。该技术总体原则被保留,然而其过程及注射的药物发生了改变。原本LOA需要导管在住院期间留置3天,需要每天注射局麻药、类固醇激素、高渗盐水和透明质酸酶裂解酶。椎板间及椎间孔入路[47,48]已经被描述,但是经骶管处入路仍是最常用的。



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Research progress of epiduralscar after lumbars pinesurgery

YE Weikang,FANG Qingmin,WANG Dawei,ZHANG Daijie.Department of Spinal Surgery,The Affilited Hospital of Binzhou Medical University,Binzhou,Shandong 256600,China.Corresponding author:FANG Qingmin,byfqm2008@163.com

Lumbar disc herniation in patients with laminectomy or discectomy after lower limb remained intractable pain symptoms.These symptoms of discomfort may be acquired by postoperative spi⁃nal stenosis,adjacent segment degeneration,intervertebral disc and lumbar spondylolisthesis recurrence caused by epidural scar and other reasons.Among them,the epidural scar(nerve root adhesion,epidural fibrosis)may account for 20%to 36%.Some scholars have studied how to reduce the epidural scar mate⁃rials or methods,but also some scholars committed to the treatment of epidural scar after surgery.This paper made a review on the research progress of epidural scar.







