2017-02-24 15:59:07


Journal of Henan University of Science and Technology


Vol.38 No.6(Volume End) (Sum No.169) 25 Dec.,2017

·Material Science and Engineering·

Electromigration Behavior of Sn2.5Ag0.7Cu0.1RE/Cu Solder Joints under Thermal Cycling


ZHANG Chaoa,c,ZHANG Kekea,b,MA Ninga,SUN Mengmenga(a.MaterialsScience&EngineeringSchool,b.HenanKeyLaboratoryofAdvancedNon-ferrousMaterialsScience&ProcessingTechnology;c.CollaborativeInnovationCenterofNon-ferrousMetalsofHenanProvince,HenanUniversityofScience&Technology,Luoyang471023,China)

Abstract:The effect of current density on the interface and the microstructure properties of Sn2.5Ag0.7Cu0.1RE/Cu lead-free solder joints under thermal cycling was investigated by self designed solder joint electromigration test device.The results show that electromigration is obvious when the current density reaches 7.0×103A/cm2.With the increase of current density,anode thickness of intermetallic compound (IMC) brazing joints increases significantly,and the thickening compound is Cu6Sn5.The cathode region thickness of IMC exponentially increase slowly,and the growth is mainly Cu3Sn.In the cathode region and the transition region of brazing seam there are cracks and holes.The brazing shear strength decrease 50% after electromigration.The fracture occurs at the cathode interface of IMC.Shear fracture is brittle fracture.

Key words:lead-free soldering;electromigration;thermal cycling;interface size;shear strength

CLC number:TG454 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0001-06

Nugget Shifting in Resistance Spot Welding of Unequal Thickness Stainless Steel Sheet


QIU Ranfeng1,LI Jiuyong1,ZHANG Zhenwei2,WANG Tongyong2,LIU Xiaoyang1(1.MaterialsScience&EngineeringSchool,HenanUniversityofScience&Technology,Luoyang471023,China;2.Yituo(Luoyang)FlagAuto-BodyCo.,Ltd.,Luoyang471003,China)

Abstract:To solve the problem of nugget shifting in spot welding of unequal thickness stainless steel sheet,the unequal thickness stainless steel sheets were welded by resistance spot welding with three types of electrode combinations.The effect of electrode combination type on the nugget shifting was studied.The relevant feature sizes of weld cross-section were measured.The influence of nugget shifting on the property of joint was analyzed.The results reveal that the nugget absolute shifting is decreased by inverse welding method.The penetration rate of thin plate is close to that of thick plate by positive welding method.The nugget absolute shifting and relative shifting have little effect on the tensile shear of joint.

Key words:stainless steel;resistance spot welding;nugget;property;shifting

CLC number:TG441.2 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0007-04

·Machinery and lnstruments·

Vibration Characteristic Simulation of Double Planet Row Hybrid Transmission

(11)PAN Gongyu1,WANG Xianmeng1,WANG Renguang2(1.SchoolofAutomobile&TrafficEngineering,JiangsuUniversity,Zhenjiang212013,China;2.AutomobileTechnology&ResearchCenter,Tianjin300300,China)

Abstract:Taking double planet row hybrid transmission as the research object,the dynamic coupling multibody dynamics model was established by using the dynamics ADMAS software to obtain the dynamic bearing force.Modal simulation analysis by using Ansys software was carried out on the body of transmission,and modal test was designed to verifie the correctness of the simulation.Vibration response analysis was carried out on the body of transmission at the modal superposition method.The vibration characteristics of transmission was improved by using KISSsoft software to design planetary gears.The results show that body vibration acceleration is reduced by 40% or so after the gear optimization design.The transmission vibration characteristics are significantly improved.

Key words:hybrid transmission;dynamics analysis;modal analysis;vibration response analysis;optimization design

CLC number:U469.7 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0011-06

Evaluation and Measuring Method of Geometric Tolerance of Differential Case


REN Xiaozhong1,LIU Mingming1,SU Jianxin1,REN Shujuan2(1.MechatronicsEngineeringSchool,HenanUniversityofScience&Technology,Luoyang471003,China;2.YTOGroupCorporation,Luoyang471004,China)

Abstract:To realize the rapid detection of the differential case,the on-line measuring method for the geometric tolerance of the differential case was studied.Based on the basic particle swarm optimization algorithm,an adaptive inertia coefficient was used to improve the process of particle swarm optimization and calculate the geometric tolerance.The least squares method and the minimum zone method were used to evaluate geometric tolerance such as cylindricity and coaxiality.The improved particle swarm optimization algorithm was used to solve the objective function of geometric tolerance.The measurement plan was determined and a measurement platform was set up according to the engineering needs.The results show that this method can obtain the geometric tolerance of differential case accurately,and reduce the error caused by human factors.

Key words:differential case;geometric tolerance;automatic measurement;particle swarm optimization

CLC number:TP274 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0017-04

·Traffic and Transportation,Energy and Power Engineering·

Vehicle Real Driving Cycle Construction Based on Improved Fuzzy C-means Clustering Algorithm


GAO Jianping,GAO Xiaojie (Vehicle&TrafficEngineeringSchool,HenanUniversityofScience&Technology,Luoyang471003,China)

Abstract:Since the performance of Fuzzy C-means(FCM)clustering algorithm depended on the initial clustering center,the iterative was inclined to fall into the local extremum and could not ensure that FCM converges to an optimal solution.Therefore,the initial cluster center of FCM was determined by optimization algorithm,and combination of multi-island genetic algorithm (MIGA) and sequential quadratic programming(SQP) method in order to get closer to the global optimal clustering.Dimension reduction treatment was performed on the characteristic parameters of kinematics sequences by principal component analysis and improved FCM clustering technique.Thus,a driving cycle based on large sample and traffic characteristics of Zhengzhou was constructed.The driving cycle was compared with the measured data.The relative average error of characteristic parameters between the synthetic cycle of passenger cars and measured data is 2.097%,and the joint difference of velocity-acceleration (SAFDdiff) is only 1.74%.The clustering technique has higher accuracy in driving cycle fitting and can more comprehensively reflect the real situation of Zhengzhou.

Key words:FCM clustering;cluster center;principal component analysis;driving cycle

CLC number:U46 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0021-07

Research and Realization of Inertia Electrical Simulation Method for Chassis Dynamometer

(28)ZHOU Zhili,WANG Longlong,XU Liyou (Vehicle&TrafficEngineeringSchool,HenanUniversityofScience&Technology,Luoyang471003,China)

Abstract:In order to solve the problem that the inertia mechanical flywheel analog system had large vibration noise,big volume,low analog precision and without inertia stepless adjustment,the original mechanical flywheel was replaced by a loading motor.The theory of inertia electric analog were analyzed,and the dynamic compensation torque of the motor was deduced during inertia electric analog.The implementation method of inertia electric analog was analyzed,and the acceleration test and coast-down test of the vehicle were researched on the DCG-10E chassis dynamometer.The experimental results show that the accuracy of the chassis dynamometer is improved by 4.4% when the inertia electric analog is used.So the the inertia electric analog method is feasibility.

Key words:chassis dynamometer;inertia;mechanical flywheel;electrical simulation;compensation torque

CLC number:U270.7 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0028-05

·Electrical Engineering and Communication,Automation and Computer·

Numerical Simulation and Experiment of Single Lithium-ion Battery During Charge-discharge


LI Caihong1,YU Kuahai1,XU Hongyu1,SONG Shuzhong1,XIE Qiu2(1.CivilEngineeringSchool,HenanUniversityofScience&Technology,Luoyang471023,China;2.ChinaAviationLithium-ionBatteryCo.,Ltd.,Luoyang471009,China)

Abstract:Based on the heat generation model and material parameters in thermal and physical properties of the lithium-ion battery,the lithium-ion battery thermal model of charging and discharging thermal behavior was established.The numerical simulation of transient thermal behavior during different discharge and charge-discharge rates of the single battery was carried out.Combined with the curve of temperature rising test on the charging and discharging process of the battery,the numerical simulation model of lithium-ion battery was verified.The results show that the maximum temperature of the single battery is located in the positive electrode,and the minimum temperature is located at the top of the sheel.Moreover,the temperature of battery rises with the increase of the discharge rate in the single battery,as well as the temperature differences in the single battery.The heat transferring effect of thermal model is influenced by the material of battery shell in a certain degree.In addition,the temperature of the connecting parts of the lithium-ion battery electrode rises significantly.

Key words:lithium-ion battery;heat generation model;numerical simulation;heat generate rate;thermal behavior

CLC number:TM912 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0033-05

Hybrid Attack Strategy Based on Edge Weight


ZHANG Peng1,HAN Hua1,XIE Xianzhao1,WANG Haijun2(1.CollegeofScience,WuhanUniversityofTechnology,Wuhan430070,China;2.SchoolofManagement,HuazhongUniversityofScience&Technology,Wuhan430074,China)

Abstract:For the diversification and complexity of current network attack strategy,edge weight as a measure of the importance of edge in complex network was proposed and compared with the traditional edge betweenness measure.Through four different types of simulation network,the edge weight was demonstrated to be reasonable and effective.Meanwhile a hybrid attack strategy was proposed based on the edge attack strategy.Moreover the new attack strategy was compared with the traditional point attack strategy and edge attack strategy respectively.The simulation results show that the destructiveness of hybrid attack strategy is significantly larger than the traditional point or edge attack strategy.When the network crashes,the attack times of hybrid attack strategy is almost half of the point attack strategy.

Key words:complex network;edge weight;edge betweeness;robustness;hybrid attack

CLC number:TP399 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0038-06

Online Approximation Control with Localized Bounds for a Class of Uncertainty Systems


WANG Qi (ModernEducationalTechnologyCenter,HenanInstituteofFinance&Banking,Zhengzhou451464,China)

Abstract:To decrease the computation,simplify the structure and give the proof of the stability in the control of the uncertainty nonlinear systems,a new online approximation control method with localized bounds for a class of uncertainty systems was presented.The approximation functions were designed for online approximating the uncertainty of the nonlinear systems.The influence of the uncertainty of the nonlinear systems was quantified,and was added to the control systems to be suppressed.At the same time,the approximation functions of the inherent errors were designed to confirm the upper bound of the inherent approximation errors and eliminate the influence of the inherent approximation errors.The stability and convergence properties of control laws were proved by the simulation results.The tracking precision reackes the scale of 10-3.

Key words:online approximation;localized bounds;nonlinear systems;uncertainty;control

CLC number:TP273 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0044-05


Theory Study of Pile Side Friction of Existing Buildings Induced by Tunnel Excavation


TIAN Xiaoyan1,LI Yuan2(1.SchoolofMechanicalEngineering,Xi’anShiyouUniversity,Xi’an710065,China;2.ChinaNorthwestArchitectureDesign&ResearchInstituteCo.,Ltd.,Xi’an710018,China)

Abstract:The two stage analysis was used to study the pile foundation effect induced by the tunnel excavation.The winkler foundation model and the pile side friction calculation model between the pile and the soil were used in this analysis methods.The free settlements of the soil around the pile foundation are estimated and the solutions were simplified for the polynomials formular.And then the free settlements of the soil were applied to the pile foundation.The differential equation of the pile settlements was built and the theory solution of the single pile settlements was obtained by the logical derivation.The pile side friction and its axial force were got.By combining with the engineering example,the effects of the pile length on the pile side friction force and the pile axis force were studied according to the spatial location relations of the tunnel and the pile foundation. The results show that if the distance between the pile and the tunnel is unchanged,the influence of the pile length on the pile foundation effect is more significant for a given soil profiles of the surrounding rock.And if the pile length is less than 15 m,the soil vertical displacement is slightly greater than the pile settlement.Moreover the pile settlement is very large and the pile is mainly subjected to the negative friction effect.If the pile length exceeds 15 m,the soil vertical displacement is obvious bigger than the pile settlement.There are pile side negative friction and pile side positive friction.The axial force is largest where the pile side friction is zero.

Key words:load transmission;two stage analysis;tunnel excavation;differential equation of pile settlement;pile side friction

CLC number:TU473.1 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0049-04

Congestion Propagation Vulnerability of Large Bridges and Tunnels in Urban Roadway Network


TONG Yao1,JIAN John Lu2,CAO Zhiqiang3,LU Linjun1(1.SchoolofNavalArchitecture,OceanandCivilEngineering,ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity,Shanghai200240,China;2.CollegeofTransportationEngineering,TongjiUniversity,Shanghai201804,China;3.ShanghaiInstituteofMeasurementandTestingTechnology,Shanghai200231,China)

Abstract:Road network vulnerability were complex and changeable,so far there was no uniform evaluation index.Based on the theory of congestion propagation and the idea of dynamic traffic assignment,the degree of traffic damage in emergencies was analyzed.The vulnerability evaluation index based on traffic condition and road network topology was proposed.The main road network inside the outer ring of Shanghai was chosen as the researching scope.Evaluation on 13 river-crossing tunnels and 4 bridges in the network was conducted by simulation software Gephi and TransCAD to vertify the proposed model.The results show that bridges are more vulnerable than tunnels,and the vulnerablity of bridges and tunnels within the inner ring are more serious than the vulnerability of the external.Lupu Bridge and Nanpu Bridge are more serious with indicators of 10.68% and 10.62%.The location of bridges and tunnels and the number of lanes play an important role in network vulnerability.

Key words:network vulnerability;congestion propagation;dynamic traffic assignment;large tunnels and bridges

CLC number:U491.5 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0053-06

·Agriculture and Biology·

Establishment of Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification Method for Rapid Detection ofHaemophilusparasuis


HOU Kui1a,DING Ke1a,1b, LIU Shouye2,YU Zuhua1a,ZHAO Zhanqin1a(1a.KeyLabofAnimalDisease&PublicHealthofHenanProvince;1b.HongxiangBiologicalFeedLaboratory,HenanUniversityofScience&Technology,Luoyang471023,China;2.DashiqiaoGaokanAnimalHealthSupervisionInstitute,Yingkou115112,China)

Abstract:A loop-mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP) method was established for the simple,rapid,sensitive and specific detection ofHaemophilusparasuis(Hps).Toking the 16S rRNA fragment of Hps as the targeting sequence,six specific gene regions were selected,and four specific primes(c(F3)、c(B3)、c(FIP) andc(BIP)) were designed in these regions.The LAMP rapid detection method for Hps was established by optimizing the reaction system,and detecting the sensitivity and specificity.The results show that the minimum detectable DNA quantity is 0.241 pg/μL,when the primersc(F3):c(FIP) orc(B3)∶c(BIP) is 1∶4,the concentration of Mg2+is 2 mmol/L,and the concentration of dNTPs is 6 mmol/L.The sensitivity of the method is 100 times than that of polymerase chain reaction method.Furthermore,the method can only detect Hps,but can not detectStreptococcus,Salmonella,Escherichiacoli,Bacillussubtilis,Actinobacilluspleuropneumoniae,Staphylococcusaureus.

Key words:Haemophliusparasuis;16S rRNA;LAMP;sensitivity;specificity

CLC number:S852.659.2 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0059-04

Optimization of Formula and Drying Process Parameters of Green Wheat Noodles


ZHANG Zhongxin,XU Kai,XU Dan,REN Guangyue (Food&BioengineeringSchool,HenanUniversityofScience&Technology,Luoyang471023,China)

Abstract:The effects of adding proportion (mass fraction) of the sodium chloride (NaCl),sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3),and sodium caeboxy meththyl cellulose (CMC-Na) on boiling resistance and color of green wheat drying noodles were analyzed.The formula of additive which makes the color of green wheat noodles best was obtained by response surface analysis,with NaCl 1.50%,NaHCO30.53%,and CMC-Na 0.10%.The better drying process parameters with preferable sensory evaluation and low noodles broken ratio are achieved by orthogonal experiment,with drying temperature 40 ℃,wind speed 2 m/s,and drying time 240 min.

Key words:green wheat;drying noodles;process;drying method;sensory quality

CLC number:TS201.1 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0063-07

·Mathematics and Physics·

Exact Decay Solitary Wave Solutions of Spherical KdV Equation with Adjustable Dispersive Coefficient


LI Xiangzheng,WANG Fei,ZHANG Jinliang (Mathematics&StatisticsSchool,HenanUniversityofScience&Technology,Luoyang471023,China)

Abstract:Based on the simplified homogeneous balance principle,a nonlinear transformation from the solution of a homogeneous equation to the solution of a spherical KdV equation with adjustable dispersive coefficient was derived.Since the homogeneous equation admited an exponential type solution,by nonlinear transformation,the exact decay single solitary wave solution and 2-solitary wave solution of the spherical KdV equation with adjustable dispersive coefficient were acquired.

Key words:spherical KdV equation;simplified homogeneous balance principle;exact decay solitary wave solution

CLC number:O175.2 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0070-04

Infinitely Many Homoclinic Orbits for Second Order Discrete Hamiltonian Systems

(74) CHEN Mengdi,WU Haiying (DepartmentmentofScience,WuhanUniversityofTechnology,Wuhan430000,China)Abstract:The existence of homoclinic orbits for a class of second order super quadratic discrete Hamiltonian system was considered by using variational method.Under the conditions that L(t)wasallowedtobesign-changingandb(t)wasarealnumberwithsign-changing,theexistenceofinfinitelymanyhomoclinicorbitswasestablishedbycriticalpointtheory.Correspondingconclusionsarestillgotafterweakeningcontrolconditionsofthenonlineartermonthebasisofcurrentresearchresults.

Key words:homoclinic orbits;discrete;Hamiltonian system;critical point theory;subquadratic

CLC number:O177.91 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0074-08

Estimations for Lower Bounds of Fan Product Determinant ofMMatrices


ZHONG Conglei,LI Lingxiao (Mathematics&StatisticsSchool,HenanUniversityofScience&Technology,Luoyang471023,China)

Abstract:Aiming at the computing problem of Fan product determinant ofMmatrices,several estimations for lower bounds of Fan product determinant ofMmatrices combined with the estimated determinant of Hadamard product ofMmatrices were given.The results were compared and generalized,and the numerical example was given.The results show that the determinant has a plus positive term after the elements of matrix were replaced by order principal minor determinants. The lower bound becomes larger, and the conclusion is more accurate.The results are benefical to the computation of Fan product determinant ofMmatrix.

Key words:Mmatrix;Hadamard product;Fan product;determinant;lower bounds

CLC number:O241.6 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0082-04

Intensity Modes Analysis of Ince-Gaussian Light Beam with Lower Degree


ZHEN Zhiqiang,MA Haixiang,LI Xinzhong,LI Hehe,WANG Jingge (Physics&EngineeringSchool,HenanUniversityofScience&Technology,Luoyang471023,China)

Abstract:The intensity distribution of discrete light petal mode was studied when series ofmof Ince-Gaussian (IG) light beam was lower.By numerical simulation,odd and even modes of IG beam,and its linear superposition Ince-Gaussian beam with initial(PIG) mode was analyzed.The results show that the spatial position of light petal of the PIG mode is located at the center of the odd and even mode when the series ofmis lower.However,the light intensity distribution of the PIG mode changes dramatically.For the same mode of the PIG beam,the intensity percent of one petal is higher when its angular elliptic variables are closer to the major axis of the ellipse.With uniform total light intensity,the relation between the petal total intensity and the difference of the angular elliptic variables is conformed to a cubic function for the same order and different series modes.The intensity distribution of the petal in the major axis of the even mode is changed from dispersion to focus in the anticlockwise direction when the mode is changed from PIGπ/2mode to odd mode.

Key words:physical optics;Ince-Gaussian beam;mode distribution;optical fields manipulation;micro-particle manipulation;numerical simulation;analysis of light intensity

CLC number:O436;O438.1 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0086-05

·Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Others·

Nucleophilic Substitution between N-phenyl Bromomaleimides and Amines


YANG Yu1,2,PENG Lin1,WANG Lixin1(1.ChengduInstituteofOrganicChemistry,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Chengdu610041,China;2.UniversityofChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing100049,China)

Abstract:Aiming at the important skeleton of aminomaleimide,a series of aminomaleimides were obtained by the nucleophilic substitution between amines and N-phenyl bromomalemides.The effects of bases,solvents and reaction temperature on the yield of the nucleophilic substitution were investigated.The Pd/C reduction and hydrolysis reaction of substituted aminomaleimide product were carried out, and the preparation conditions of N-aryl aspartic acid were investigated.The results show that the yield of aminomaleimide is up to 97% when the sodium bicarbonate is used as base and ethanol as the solvent at 75 ℃.The reduced product is singly hydrolyzed to the corresponding amides under alkaline conditions.

Key words:bromomaleimide;Pd/C hydrogenation;aminomaleimide;nucleophilic substitution

CLC number:O626.13 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0091-04

Experiment of Large Scale n-heptane Spill Fire


LIU Quanyi1,YANG Rui2,ZHANG Hui2(1.CivilAviationFlightUniversityofChina,Guanghan618307,China;2.InstituteofPublicSafetyResearch,TsinghuaUniversity,Beijing100084,China)

Abstract:According to the fire and explosion accident caused by liquid fuel leaking during the storage and transportation,an experimental platform for liquid fuel spill fire was designed and built to conduct n-heptane spill fire during four different leaking rates.The variations of the typical characteristic parameters,such as the flame front,burning area,spread rate,burning rate and so on were analyzed according to the experimental phenomena.The results show that there are apparently different stages during the coupling process of the burning and spreading.A positive correlation appears between the typical characteristic parameters and the leaking rate of n-heptane.The stable linear burning rate for n-heptane spill fire is 4.56×10-5m·s-1.The increment of the initial spread rate is 6 mm·s-1when the increase of leaking rate is 1 L·min-1.

Key words:n-heptane spill fire;flame front;burning area;burning rate;spread rate

CLC number:X915.5 Document code:A

Article ID:1672-6871(2017)06-0095-05