王 芊 武永峰 罗良国
(农业清洁流域创新团队,农业部农业环境重点实验室,中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所,北京 100081)
王 芊 武永峰 罗良国†
(农业清洁流域创新团队,农业部农业环境重点实验室,中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所,北京 100081)
通过实地和查阅文献的方式调研了竺山湾小流域稻麦、蔬菜和果树的常规生产、清洁生产模式下的经济效益和氮(N)素流失等数据,采用线性优化模型,统筹考虑经济收益最大和污染排放总量控制,根据N流失总量高低对竺山湾小流域种植业结构设置了五种情景(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ)进行调整。情景Ⅰ以经济收益最高为目标,情景Ⅱ、Ⅲ分别在削减情景Ⅰ设定的N流失量20%和30%的约束下,各自实现其经济收益最高的两个情景。对于情景Ⅱ和情景Ⅲ,其N投入量、N流失量分别为6 267 t、511 t和5 567 t、447 t。与常规种植结构相比,这两种情景均达到了N肥投入减少20%、N流失量减少30%的项目预期目标,相对净收益分别达到8.456亿元、7.966亿元,高于未调整前常规种植结构的7.873亿元,属于五种结构调整情景中的最优和次优情景。估算了与种植结构调整相配套的生态补偿资金,包括机会成本补贴和生态效益奖励两部分。除去交易成本后,最优情景和次优情景相应的生态补偿总金额分别为961万元和3 507万元,补偿标准分别为739 Yuan hm-2和2 696 Yuan hm-2。提出了本区域内种植业结构调整的政策建议,以促进竺山湾小流域农田面源污染治理,加快本区域种植业由传统生产方式向清洁生产方式的转型升级。
1.1 研究区域范围
1.2 作物生产方式
1.3 线性优化模型
2.1 竺山湾区域生产与经济调研结果
稻麦作物、蔬菜和果树的种植面积及比例如表1所示,首先通过遥感影像可以计算出有机农业生态圈内的各作物种植面积占竺山湾区域总面积的比例(14.7%、46.6%和15.0%),之后就可计算出环湖有机农业生态圈之外的稻麦作物、蔬菜和果园的面积(10 120、1 260、1 630 hm2),三者合计为13 010 hm2。根据太湖地区开展的研究及相关调研数据[15-18,20],本研究采用的生产方式下N淋失量与经济效益指标如表2所示。经济效益指标包括人力成本、机械成本、N肥成本、毛收益和相对净收益。因为数据获取限制的原因,只考虑了相对重要的成本指标,从而计算出的是相对净收益值,而不是绝对净收益值。
2.2 种植面积优化模拟
表1 竺山湾区域环湖有机农业圈及以外的稻麦、蔬菜和果树种植业面积及比例Table 1 Planting areas and ratios of rice,wheat,vegetable and fruits tree inside and outside the circum-lake organic agriculture zonein the Zhushanwan catchment
表2 竺山湾小流域作物种植N投入量、N流失量及经济效益参数Table 2 N input,N loss and economic benefit parameters of the crop production in the Zhushanwancatchment
表3 常规种植和五种情景下各种植模式的面积及所占比例Table 3 Planting areas and proportions of different crop production patterns in conventional cultivation system and five scenarios
表4 常规种植和五种情景下的N投入量、N流失量和经济收益Table 4 N inputs,N loss and economic profits in conventional production mode and five different scenarios
2.3 生态补偿措施
补偿标准按三部分进行计算:一是用于补贴种植业结构调整后净收益的机会成本补贴。二是按每削减1千克N投入量补贴1.11元[23]计算的生态效益补贴。三是将上述两项补贴总金额的15%作为交易成本[24]。最优情景Ⅱ和次优情景Ⅲ以及其中各种植模式的总生态补偿金额与单位面积平均补贴金额如表5所示。情景Ⅱ中除去交易成本后的生态补偿总金额共计961万元,平均补贴值为739 Yuan hm-2。情景Ⅲ中,除去交易成本后的补偿总金额为3 507万元,平均补贴值为2 696 Yuan hm-2。国外开展的研究测算的生态补偿标准介于610~4 744 Yuan hm-2之间,如:欧盟环保农业2007-2009年的平均补贴值为0.061万元 hm-2,日本滋贺县清洁生产方式补贴8万日元 hm-2(约4 744 Yuan hm-2),韩国对在旱地和水田的补贴标准分别为5 2.4万~79.4万韩元 hm-2、21.7万~39.2万韩元 hm-2(约2 952~4 473、1 223~2 208 Yuan hm-2)[25]。国内在江苏宜兴、上海崇明岛[23,26]开展的研究测算的补贴额度分别为620~7 098 Yuan hm-2和3 066~10 136 Yuan hm-2。本研究计算出的农业清洁生产方式补贴值介于739~2 696 Yuan hm-2,与欧盟、韩国的补贴水平及宜兴市计算值较为接近,高于我国目前推广实施的测土配方施肥平均补贴的资金(不足100 Yuan hm-2)[5]。
表5 最优情景Ⅱ和次优情景Ⅲ的生态补偿方案Table 5 Eco-compensation scheme for optimal scenario Ⅱ and the second optimal scenario Ⅲ
在太湖地区针对稻/麦轮作、蔬菜和果树种植清洁生产模式的研究表明,清洁生产方式在稳定产量的同时可以大幅削减N流失量,是控制农业面源污染的重要手段。本研究将N流失量控制和相对净收益最大设定为双重目标,在涉及竺山湾小流域现有环境规划的基础上,考虑种植业生产的常规模式和清洁生产模式,设置了耕地面积和粮食安全等约束,并利用线性规划模型对种植业结构进行优化调整。按区域内种植业总N流失量的不同,分别计算了与不同N流失量水平相对应的五种不同种植业结构优化调整情景,通过择优比较遴选出了经济收益较高且污染水平能达到现有规划目标的最优和次优两种情景。为推动当地农民能主动接受种植业结构调整,计算了最优和次优两种情景下的生态补偿方案,补贴分为机会成本补贴和生态效益奖励,除去交易成本后的补偿总金额分别为961万元、3 507万元,对应的补偿标准分别为739、2 696 Yuan hm-2。研究还提出促进生态补偿措施能持久发挥作用的政策建议。
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N-Loss-Control-Oriented Readjustment of Planting Structure and Its Matching Ecological Compensation Measures —A Case Study of Zhushanwan Catchment
WANG Qian WU Yongfeng LUO Liangguo†
(Agricultural Clean Watershed Group;Key Laboratory for Agricultural Environment,Ministry of Agriculture;Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China)
Through consultation of literature and field survey,data were collected of the conventional rice,wheat,vegetable and fruit production,the economic benefit of the production under the model of cleaner production and the nitrogen loss in the Zhushanwan catchment,a subwatershed in the northwest of the Taihu Lake Region,and other relevant social-economic data. An attempt was made to readjust the planting structure of the catchment in line with five simulated scenarios(Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,ⅣandⅤ),separately,high to low in total nitrogen loss,using the linear optimization model(Software Lingo 11)and taking into full account maximal economic benefit and total volume control of pollution discharge. In Scenario Ⅱand Ⅲ,the total N input was found to be 6 267 t and 5 567 t,respectively,and the total N loss 511 t and 447 t,respectively,which indicates that both scenarios meet their respective intended targets of reducing total N input by 20% and total N loss by 30% as compared with that in the conventional planting structure. Besides,the two scenarios may generate a relative net economic profit of 845.6 million yuan and 796.6 million yuan,respectively,both higher than that(787.3million yuan)the conventional planting structure does. So among the five scenarios,Scenario Ⅱ is the optimal one and Scenario Ⅲ the second to follow for readjustment of the planting structure of the region. The quota of eco-compensation was calculated according to opportunity cost and ecological benefit reward,and the compensation policy and mechanisms were suggested to facilitate implementation of cleaner production. The ecological compensation funds,excluding transaction cost,about 15% of the total compensation for Scenario Ⅱ andⅢ is estimated to be 9.61 and 35.07 million yuan(RMB),respectively,according to the standard for compensation,739 and 2 696 Yuan hm-2,respectively. Implementation of the policy and its matching eco-compensation measures may effectively help control nonpoint source agricultural pollution and expedite the process of transformation or escalation of the farming industry in the region from the traditional one to the one of cleaner production.
Non-point source pollution;Planting structure optimization;Cleaner production mode in agriculture;Nitrogen loss via surface runoff and leaching;Zhushanwan catchment;Compensation policy
* 国家“十二五”水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07101-004,2014ZX07105-001)和中国农业科学院农业清洁流域创新工程共同资助 Supported by the National Major Science and Technology Project of Water Pollution Control and Management for the 12th Five-Year Plan Period (Nos. 2012ZX07101-004 and 2014ZX07105-001) and the Agriculture Cleaner Watershed Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
† 通讯作者 Corresponding author,E-mail:luoliangguo@caas.cn
王 芊(1983―),男,山西晋城人,博士,助理研究员,主要研究农业面源污染防控。E-mail: wangqian02@ caas.cn