徐国瑞张育新张 霜马克明†
(1 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,城市与区域生态国家重点实验室,北京 100085)
(2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)
徐国瑞1,2张育新1张 霜1马克明1†
(1 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,城市与区域生态国家重点实验室,北京 100085)
(2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)
本研究选取研究区地带性植被辽东栎(wutaishansea Quercus)为主要林型,在其分布的海拔样带上,分别以土壤动物个体数量和生物量作为多度表征指标,研究表居土壤动物整体及不同功能群的相对多度分布,以期回答如下问题:(1)海拔是否影响表居土壤动物群落整体以及不同取食功能群的构建过程?(2)多度表征指标是否影响表居土壤动物群落整体以及不同取食功能群相对多度分布的生态位分配模型拟合结果?
1.1 研究区概况
北京森林生态系统定位研究站(40°00″~40°02″N,115°26″~115°30″E)位于北京市西郊门头沟区的东灵山,距离北京市约100 km。东灵山属太行山系,是小五台山向东延伸的支脉,与百花山山体相连,最高海拔2 303 m。该区属于暖温带半湿润大陆季风气候,年均温度5~10℃,无霜期长,年均降雨500~650 mm,多集中在夏季。土壤类型主要包括粗骨褐土(海拔1 000 m以下,本区地带性土类褐色土)、山地棕壤(海拔1 000~1 800 m的中山地带)和亚高山草甸土(1 800~2 300 m的山地顶部)。植被类型主要以暖温带落叶阔叶林为主。栎属(Quercus spp.)是本区域的地带性植被。
1.2 样带调查法
本研究采取样带调查法,在西坡沿着海拔梯度选择有辽东栎林分布的若干山体进行调查。共调查了10条样带,样带宽度为10 m,长度依据具体山体和坡位不同80~180 m不等。10条样带主要分布在以下三个区域:一一二区域(海拔范围1 020~1 240 m,总长350 m,后续分析以D1表示该区域)、南沟区域(海拔范围1 250~1 480 m,总长380 m,D2)和下马威区域(海拔范围1 490~1 770 m,总长460 m,D3),各区域的植被以及环境因素的变化情况详见在海拔样带上的已发表研究[16]。
1.3 土壤动物取样法
在辽东栎林样带内连续设置10 m×10 m样方作为基本调查单位(D1区域调查样方35个,D2区域38个,D3区域46个),在每个样方中随机选取3个0.5 m×0.5 m的小样方,将所有凋落物层装入布袋,转移至实验室,通过Tullgren干漏斗法获得表居土壤动物(干生),此法可以迅速获得除线虫等湿生动物外的多数干生土壤动物类群。鉴定并测量个体体长,根据体长—质量转化方程计算土壤动物质量[17]。相对多度由计算各区域内土壤动物各种群个体数量和生物量占该区域内各种群内部最大的个体数量和生物量的比例获得。根据土壤动物取食特性,将其划分为四大取食功能群:杂食性(Omnivores,缩写为O),植食性(Phytophage,Ph),捕食性(Predators,Pr),腐食性(Saprozoic,S)。
1.4 数据处理
选择了5个常用且容易计算的生态位分配模型[19-20]:断棍模型(broken stick model,BSM),生态位优先占领模型(niche preemption model,NPM),生态位重叠模型(overlapping niche model,ONM),随机分配模型(random assortment model,RAM),优势优先模型(dominance preemption model,DPM)。除随机分配模型外,其余4类模型均假定个体多度与其占据的生态位大小存在一定的关系,但是强弱程度有别[21]。
运用卡方分布(Chi-square test,χ2)检验与比较各生态位模型的适合性。χ2越小,模型的拟合效果就越好。总体检验时χ2大于1 000、分功能群检验时χ2大于100时均未通过检验。
2.1 表居土壤动物群落整体的生态位拟合模型
图1 土壤动物群落总体多度秩Fig. 1 Rank abundance of soil fauna as a whole
2.2 不同表居土壤动物功能群的生态位拟合模型
图2 沿海拔土壤动物群落生态位模型χ2适合性检验Fig. 2 Chi-square(χ2)fitting test on different niche models of soil fauna along elevation
图3 不同功能群多度秩Fig. 3 Rank abundance of various feeding groups of the soil fauna
图4 沿海拔不同功能群土壤动物生态位模型适合性检验Fig. 4 Chi-square(χ2)fitting test on niche models of soil fauna in different feeding groups along elevation
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Effect of Elevation on Abundance Distribution of Different Feeding Groups in Litter-dwelling Soil Fauna
XU Guorui1,2ZHANG Yuxin1ZHANG Shuang1MA Keming1†
(1 State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology,Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100085,China)
(2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
【Objective】Species abundance distribution is a classic cutting-edge research field in the study on community ecology. Niche apportionment models are commonly used to simulate relative abundance distribution of species,but quite rarely applied to the study of soil fauna. Moreover,little has been reported in the past on how soil fauna responds to environmental changes in community construction relative to feeding guild. A field investigation was carried out of relative species abundance(individuals and biomass)distribution of the litter-dwelling fauna as a whole as well as each feeding guild(including omnivores,phytophage,predators,and saprovores)in a Quercus wutaishansea forest with an elevational gradient in the Dongling Mountain,Beijing. 【Method】Five commonly used niche apportionment models,that is the broken stick model(BSM),niche preemption model(NPM),niche overlapping model(ONM),random assortment model(RAM),and dominance preemption model(DPM),were used separately to simulate abundance distribution of the fauna. Adequacy of sampling is the prerequisite for the models to simulate species relative abundance distribution and judged by species accumulation curves. Rank-abundance plots were used to show richness and evenness of the species contained in the litter-dwelling soil fauna and each feeding guild. 【Result】 Results show that sampling in this study was adequate for fitting of the soil fauna community and feeding guilds. The distribution of the soil fauna in individual number disagreed with that in biomass. The dominance preemption model was not fit for either the whole litter-dwelling fauna community or each feeding guild based on chi-square test. The broken stick model was the optimal one for fitting the whole litter-dwelling fauna community,free of any impact of changes in elevation. The overlapping model and the niche preemption model were also good enough in fitting. When individual number was used as the index for abundance,elevation did not affect much fitting of the models for each feeding guild of the litter-dwelling soil fauna according to the chi-square test,but the chi-square test did vary from guild to guild. For omnivores,only the dominance preemption model failed the chi-square test,but for phytophage and predators,the random assortment model and for saprovores,the niche preemption model did,too. When biomass was used as the index for abundance,elevation did not have any impact on the chi-square test of the models fitting omnivores and predators,but did on that of the dominance preemption model fitting omnivores,and of thedominance preemption model and the niche preemption model fitting predators. The chi-square test of the models fitting saprovores and phytophage varied with the elevation. For saprovores,the dominance preemption model was good in the section low or moderate in elevation,while in the seciton high in elevation,the dominance preemption model and the random assortment model were. For phytophage,the dominance preemption model was good in the section low in elevation,the dominance preemption model and the random assortment model were in the section moderate in elevation,but the dominance preemption model,the niche preemption model and the random assortment model all failed the chi-square test in the section high in elevation. Abundance distribution of the various feeding guilds of the fauna was very sensitive to changes in elevation. For omnivores,the optimal model changed from the niche preemption model to the broken stick model with rising elevation,while for phytophage,it did reversely. Fitting with individual number as the index of abundance indicates that the optimal model for predators changed from the niche preemption model to the broken stick model and the niche preemption with rising elevation. For saprovores,the optimal model was the random assortment model in the sections low and high in elevation,while it was the broken stick model in the section moderate in elevation. When biomass was used as the index of abundance,the broken stick model replaced the random assortment model as the optimal one for predators,and the niche preemption model for saprovores. The use of biomass was better than that of individual number as index for the models to fit abundances of various feeding guilds of soil fauna. 【Conclusion】To sum up,elevation and selection of index does not affect much the models in fitting abundance distribution of the soil fauna as a whole,but does in fitting abundance distribution of the various feeding groups of the soil fauna. Future studies should consider modern theory of species coexistence and the neutral theory to examine the relative importance of stabilizing mechanism and equalizing mechanism in community assembly.
Soil fauna community;Feeding habits;Niche apportionment models;Community assembly;Elevation
* 国家自然科学基金项目(31470481)资助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 31470481)
† 通讯作者 Corresponding author,E-mail:mkm@rcees.ac.cn
徐国瑞(1986—),男,河北邢台人,博士研究生,主要从事土壤动物群落生态学研究。E-mail:grxu_st@ rcees.ac.cn & xuguorui@xtbg.ac.cn