
2017-02-08 09:31概念设计安娜赫里格尔马丁劳奇安德烈斯莱皮克
世界建筑 2017年1期




1 泥作装置的外景/Exterior view of the mud installation





泥土,远不只是一种建筑材料。人类与这种材料的关联几乎和人类本身一样古老,但我们几乎丧失了与它的联系。这个展览装置就提供了一种非常亲密的材料体验。在这件作品中,最主要的挑战之一就是说服客户相信泥土的品质:它的稳定性,它独特的触觉、丰富的色彩,以及对人类身心的积极影响。这很难用图片来传达,它需要真实可触。□ (黄华青 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

概念设计/Concept Design: Anna Heringer (Laufen, Germany), Martin Rauch (Schlins, Austria), Andres Lepik (Munich, Germany)

客户/Client: La Biennela di Venezia (Venice, Italy)

策展人/Co-curator: Zsuzsanna Stánitz

场地管理/Site Manager: Stefano Mori, Johannes Lerch

项目经理/Project Manager: Clemens Quirin

结构工程/Structural Engineer: gbd (Dornbirn, Austria)

建筑面积/Floor Area: 70m²

生土/Earth: 110m², 25t

建造周期/Construction Phase: 2016

摄影/Photos: Stefano Mori (fig.1, 5, 7), Bruno Klomfar (fig.2-3), Students of Technical University Munich (fig.4),

线图/Plans: Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst GmbH

2 该泥作被置于夯土地面上且可以进入/The mud "pepita" is placed on a rammed earth floor and can also be entered

3 装置内部的自然采光/Natural lighting inside the "pepita"

Invited by Alejandro Aravena, curator of the 15th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, Anna Heringer, Martin Rauch and Andres Lepik decided to put mud in the focus of their installation.

3 Billion people on this planet live in buildings made of mud. For good reason.

Mud is still the predominant building material of our world's population. From Latin America to Africa, from Europe to Asia - it is available almost everywhere and at a low cost. It comes directly from the earth and can be returned to the earth without any harm to the environment. It has been used since the beginning of human habitation - for any purpose, whether in spacious rural or dense urban contexts. It has incredible and yet undiscovered potential for the future.

Currently, more and more mud structures are being replaced with materials that require nonrenewable resources that consume energy and create high levels of carbon dioxide pollution. Simply put, the planet does not possess enough resources to build 7 billion homes out of concrete and steel. Society need to explore mud as the material for our future cities and homes.

Architects need more research, detailed technical development, and new design solutions to address the needs and aspirations of current and futures societies. People need to discuss this material more widely publish it in magazines, present it in exhibitions, and users need to embed it in the curriculum of universities. The industry needs to train new craftsmen. Architecture needs projects that reflect the stability, the comfort, the social and ecological relevance, and the beauty of mud design.

Earth is more than a building material. The relationship between human beings and this material is as old as humankind - but society has almost lost contact with it. This installation invites to an experience with this material in a very intimate way. In this installation, one of the primary challenges was to convince clients of the quality of earth: its stability, its haptic treasures, its richness in colors, as well as its positive influence on the body and mind. This is difficult to transmit with pictures. It needs to be touched.□

4 慕尼黑工业大学的学生在夯实夯土地面/Students from Technical University Munich are ramming the rammed earth floor

5 限时的施工现场(施工周期3个月)/Time-lapse of the building site (construction period: 3 months).




6 剖面/Section

7 最后一层泥作装置的建造/Building up the final layers of the "pepita"


MU Jun:One hundred years' rapid development of modern building industry in response to the increasingly diversified construction requirements has culminated in an omnipotence as represented by modern industrial materials and technologies. This may have taken us away from the rich traditional construction technologies and techniques that have developed over millennia's experimentation and practice with local natural material resources. Objectively speaking, as the "omnipotent" reinforced concrete is flawed in its high energy consumption and pollution, any material has certain strengths and flaws in different aspects. However, the blind pursuit of "advanced, accurate, and cutting edge" science and technology has made people forget or even abandon our construction traditions and their inherent values, only because of their so called defects. The "Mud Works" and "Omicron Relaxing Spaces", designed and implemented under the leadership of Anna Heringer, bring us from the cold reinforced forest back to the construction tradition and wisdom that have crystallized over thousands of years. Touching them, savoring them, and we can feel from them a remotely intimate truthfulness and warmness, thus reflecting the significance of traditional values in a contemporary context. (Translated by SHANG Jin)

ZHANG Wen:Both the two projects use another earthen construction technique named "Zabur". Different from rammed earth, Zabur is shaped by hand without shuttering. With more water content, the well-stirred mud is can be easily shaped manually, and sometimes straw and other natural fiber is mixed. Zabur can build free and smooth curve shape depending on different material and techniques. In the project of Omicron Crossing Border & Relaxing Spaces, Zabur produces this advantage to the full. With vertical stacking, the level fluctuation and the local digging holes, the integrated construction of wall, floor, ceiling, furniture, equipment and lamps installation makes a unique form in response to the functional needs of the project perfectly. In Venice Biennale, cob and rammed earth are positioned together, the mechanical rammed walls and ground are straight, regular and rigorous, comparing with the manually created cob space sculpture in the center, which is curve, rough and with free openings. This display deliberately and fully demonstrate the performance of the two kinds of construction technique. In fact, there are more than these two earthen construction techniques which all embodied their region features.

Mud Works, Venice, Italy, 2016

Concept Design: Anna Heringer, Martin Rauch, Andres Lepik

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