为了简化问题,“三好学生”的译名统一采用Honors Student的表述(其他译法已经摘出并照抄到了上期文章中)。每句前面的字母为笔者所加,D表示“错”,C表示“差”,B表示“对”,A则表示“又对又好”,代表着笔者认为的打分。
D1. I won the “Honors Student” of our school last year.
D2. I got the “Honors Student” of our university last year.
“the Honors Student” of our college.
讨论译文之前先来说明一下:中学、中专、大学、名叫“学院”的大学都可评选“三好学生”,所以学生译文中使用school、university或college来对应“校级”中的“校”字都算对。由于在不同的情况下,汉语原文中的“校级”也有可能是“院级”“市级”“省级”之类,所以 “校级”中的“级”字不予考虑,均作正确看待。下面讨论上句中动词的翻译问题。
汉语也许可以讲“我得了个/拿了个/获得了‘三好学生’”,但在英语中,像D1至D3中I got/won/received the student这样的动宾搭配不成立——是“意思”上不成立,尽管语法是对的。在“获得了冠军”这类句子中,类似D1至D3这样的恶性Chinglish译文比例更高。应对办法是在译完一个句子之后,看一下主谓宾三个成分是否成立,往往就可发现这类问题。有时简单类比一下也成,比如说he won the director显然不成立。英语讲究形合,“获得了冠军”如译成won the championship或became the champion就对了。由此似可找到纠正D1至D3的办法。
D4. Ihave beenhonored with “the Honors Student” of our schoollast year.
D5. Last yearit’smy honor to be awarded as “the Honors Student” of our college.
原文句中的“获得了”,在不同的情况下也可以是“荣获”“被评为”“被授予……的称号”之类。因此说,笔者理解D4和D5两个译文的谓语部分为什么那么讲,但问题在于时间表达不对。既然是last year,那么D4的完成时态就不太合适。此外,D4也有D1至D3项下议论过的问题,还有“honored …Honors”这样的搭配问题。D5的时态问题显而易见。
D6. Last year Ihad the honor to win“the HonorsStudent” of our university.
D7. Last year Iwas given the honour to becomeone of “the Honors Students”for our school.
D8. Last year I wontheaward for “the HonorsStudent”of university.
与D1至D3相比,D8仅仅增加了the award就与谓语动词搭配得当了,只是award系单数、其前有定冠词、student是单数,似乎都在表明全校名额就一个,与D1至D6问题一样。此外,评奖活动一般都是以学校或其他机构为单位进行的,在university之前应加定冠词。
D9. I wasbequeathedwith the title of the “HonorsStudent” of my university last year.
D10. Last year Ireceived the honourof being namedasone ofthe “theHonorsStudent” of my university.
笔者翻阅了Yahoo搜索结果中的五页,但D10的第一处黑体部分只看到一个结果,可算高频用法的是receive the medal of honor之类。打分为D是因为其余三处黑体部分。译文B2为其修改版。
C1. I wontheprize of the HonorsStudentof our school last year.
C2. I wonthetitle of “HonorsStudent” of our university last year.
B1. Igotthe award of the “Honors Student” of our university last year.
B2. Last year Ireceived the honourof being named one of the “Honors Students” of my university.
B3. I was arecipientof the title “Honors Students” of my university last year.
A1. I have been honored with the award of the “Honors Student” of my university.
A2. I was honored last year with the award of the “Honors Student” of my university.
A2与A1的差异在于前者没有last year这一具体的时间,也就可以使用完成时动词。不是说汉语原句一定要这么做,而是为了方便与D4对比,从而留意一下这个常见的问题。汉语当然可以讲“我去年就已经得过‘三好学生’奖了”,少数学生受字面翻译陋习的影响,会不由自主地把脑袋中的“已”或“已经”表达为完成时态。
A3. I was awarded last year the honor of the “Honors Students” of my university.
A3与A2的差异在于使用了不同的谓语动词。有两点尚需留意。一是honor与award作动词时的搭配区别,请你自行对比A2与A3。二是汉语中与“三好学生”连用的名词有“奖”“奖状”“奖励”“嘉奖”“称号”“荣誉”或“荣誉称号”等,因此A2中的award可用reward、title、prize甚至certi ficate取代,但最好别用honor,免得出现D4那种“honored … Honors”情况。A3的honor可以用reward、title、prize及certi ficate来替换,但最好别用award,道理同上。不过,如果谓语动词使用offer或present(均需使用被动式及过去时),则又可以使用award来替换了。
A4. I was awarded last year as one of the “Honors Students” of my university.
A5. I was named “Honors Student” of my university last year.
A6. I was one of the “Honors Students” named by my university last year.
A7. I was one of the students of my university honored/awarded/rewarded/cited with the “Honors Students” prize last year.
A8. I was awarded the title of an “Honors Student” in my university last year.
A9. I was a winner of the “Honors Student” award from my university last year.
A10. I was one of the winners of the “Honors Student” award from my university last year.
A11. I was one of last year’s winners of the “Honors Student” award from the university.
A12. I was one of my university’s winners of the “Honors Student” award last year.
许多人的英语文本中的引号采用了全角字符,字体显得比较夸张,也不美观。解决办法是选中全部英文文字,在Word的“字体”下拉菜单中选择任一你喜欢的英文格式。 □