来源出版物:建筑学报, 2006, (8): 12-15
来源出版物:建筑学报, 2006, (8): 8-11
来源出版物:城市规划, 2004, (10): 68-73
来源出版物:城市规划, 2007, (5): 9-23
来源出版物:城市规划学刊, 2006, (3): 45-561
来源出版物:建筑学报, 2008, (12): 10-13
来源出版物:城市规划, 2002, (11): 23-27
摘要:通过近期上海发生的一个典型案例,阐述了城市文化遗产所具有的经济价值、保护机遇及市场经济给遗产保护带来的负面效应,从法律手段的完善、技术手段的创新、经济手段的创新三个方面探讨了市场经济背景下,城市政府在城市遗产保护过程中的角色和作用。关键词:市场经济;城市遗产保护;政府角色与作用来源出版物:城市规划, 2003, (12): 48-51
摘要:对在国际产业遗产保护运动的大背景下 20世纪90年代以来上海产业遗产保护的发展历程进行了全面回顾,着重介绍其保护制度建设、保护技术规定与保护工程实践的成功经验,强调在保护产业建筑特征和产业地段景观特色的前提下,对产业遗产的积极保护和适当再利用。
来源出版物:建筑学报, 2006, (8): 16-20
来源出版物:世界建筑, 2001, (6): 39-45
来源出版物:Landscape and Urban Planning, 2004, 67(1-4):9-26
Cellular-automata and fractal urban form: A cellular modeling approach to the evolution of urban land-use patterns
White, R; Engelen, G
Abstract: Cellular automata belong to a family of discrete,connectionist techniques being used to investigate fundamental principles of dynamics, evolution, and self-organization. In this paper, a cellular automaton is developed to model the spatial structure of urban land use over time. For realistic parameter values, the model produces fractal or bifractal land-use structures for the urbanized area and for each individual land-use type. Data for a set of US cities show that they have very similar fractal dimensions. The cellular approach makes it possible to achieve a high level of spatial detail and realism and to link the results directly to general theories of structural evolution.
来源出版物:Environment and Planning A, 1993, 25(8):1175-1199
Simulation of land development through the integration of cellular automata and multicriteria evaluation
Wu, F; Webster, CJ
Abstract: Cellular automata (CA) simulation has become a popular method of exploring the behaviour of all kinds of self-organising systems. The city may clearly be viewed as such a system but one with a particularly complex set of transition rules. Many natural processes such as the spread of fire or vegetation can be modelled by a simple set of local rules. Insofar as the development of a piece of land depends on the neighbourhood situation as well as on the characteristics of a site, urban evolution can be treated in much the same way, with transition rules translating the evaluation of the location into a land conversion outcome.If this modelling paradigm is to be used to gain insight into real-world urban development processes, there is a need to discover ways of capturing the richness of land conversion behaviour in the simplifying mechanisms of CA. Our paper contributes to this research agenda by integrating multicriteria evaluation (MCE) into a CA simulation in order to define nondeterministic, multidimensional, and multilevel transition rules. An analytical hierarchy process is used to implement MCE-derived transition rules. The integrated MCE-CA model may be used in a gaming made to explore how urban farm evolves under different development regimes caricatured by the set of multicriteria weights. We use it to test loosely hypotheses about the nature of the regimes that have governed the expansion of a fast-growing southern Chinese city.
来源出版物:Environment and Planning B-Planning &Design, 1998, 25(1): 103-126
Mobile landscapes: Using location data from cell phones for urban analysis
Ratti, Carlo; Frenchman, Dennis;Pulselli, Riccardo Maria; et al.
Abstract: The technology for determining the geographic location of cell phones and other handheld devices isbecoming increasingly available. It is opening the way to a wide range of applications, collectively referred to as location-based services (LBS), that are primarily aimed at individual users. However, if deployed to retrieve aggregated data in cities, LBS could become a powerful tool for urban analysis. In this paper we aim to review and introduce the potential of this technology to the urban planning community. In addition, we present the ‘Mobile Landscapes’ project: an application in the metropolitan area of Milan, Italy, based on the geographical mapping of cell phone usage at different times of the day. The results enable a graphic representation of the intensity of urban activities and their evolution through space and time. Finally, a number of future applications are discussed and their potential for urban studies and planning is assessed.
来源出版物:Environment and Planning B-Planning &Design, 2006, 33(5): 727-748
Building institutional capacity through collaborative approaches to urban planning Neirotti, Paolo; De Marco, Alberto;
Cagliano, Anna Corinna; et al.
Abstract: The concept of Smart City (SC) as a means to enhance the life quality of citizen has been gaining increasing importance in the agendas of policy makers.However, a shared definition of SC is not available and it is hard to identify common global trends. This paper provides with a comprehensive understanding of the notion of SC through the elaboration of a taxonomy of pertinent application domains, namely: natural resources and energy,transport and mobility, buildings, living, government, and economy and people. It also explores the diffusion of smart initiatives via an empirical study aimed at investigating the ratio of domains covered by a city’s best practices to the total of potential domains of smart initiatives and at understanding the role that various economic, urban,demographic, and geographical variables might have in influencing the planning approach to create a smarter city.Results reveal that the evolution patterns of a SC highly depend on its local context factors. In particular, economic development and structural urban variables are likely to influence a city’s digital path, the geographical location to affect the SC strategy, and density of populations with its associated congestion problems, might an important component to determine the routes for the SC implementation. This work provides policy makers and city managers with useful guidelines to define and drive their SC strategy and planning actions towards the most appropriate domains of implementation.
Key words::smart city; regression analysis; public policies;urban planning; information systems
来源出版物:Cities, 2014, (38): 25-36
Measure for measure: Evaluating the evidence of culture’s contribution to regeneration
Evans, G
Abstract: Culture-led regeneration, as it has come to be known, is now a feature of cities-old and new-as they seek to revive former industrial and waterfront sites and city centres, and establish themselves as competitive cities of culture. At the same time, the rationale for cultural input to area and neighbourhood regeneration has been extended to include quality of life, as well as economic outcomes.The evidence of how far flagship and major cultural projects contribute to a range of regeneration objectives is,however, limited. Measuring the social, economic and environmental impacts attributed to the cultural element in area regeneration is problematic and the ‘evidence’ is seldom robust. The paper reviews both evidence and the indicators used to measure impacts and concludes with an assessment of how and why gaps in evidence persist.
来源出版物:Urban Studies, 2005, 42(5-6): 959-983
Spatio-temporal dynamics and evolution of land use change and landscape pattern in response to rapid urbanization
Deng, Jin S; Wang, Ke; Hong, Yang; et al.
Abstract: Analyzing spatio-temporal characteristics of land use change is essential for understanding and assessing ecological consequence of urbanization. More importantly, such analysis can provide basic information for appropriate decision-making. By integrating historical high spatial-resolution SPOT images and spatial metrics,this study explored the spatio-temporal dynamics and evolution of land use change and landscape pattern in response to the rapid urbanization process of abooming-developing city in China from 1996 to 2006.Accurate and consistent land use change information was first extracted by the change detection method proposed in this study. The changes of landscape pattern were then analyzed using a series of spatial metrics which were derived from FRAGSTATS software. The results indicated that the rapid urbanization process has brought about enormous land use changes and urban growth at an unprecedented scale and rate and, consequently, given rise to substantial impacts on the landscape pattern. Findings further revealed that cropland and water were the major land use types developed for urban sprawl. Meanwhile, the landscape pattern underwent fundamental transition from agricultural-land-use dominant landscape to urban-land-use dominant landscape spanning the 10 years. The results not only confirmed the applicability and effectiveness of the combined method of remote sensing and metrics.but also revealed notable spatio-temporal features of land use change and landscape pattern dynamics throughout the different time periods (1996-2000, 2000-2003 and 2003-2006).
Key words::land use; landscape pattern; urbanization;remote sensing; spatial metrics
来源出版物:Landscape and Urban Planning, 2009,
92(3-4): 187-198
Unraveling the process of ‘partnership’ in urban regeneration policy
Hastings, A
Abstract: In the UK, there is a political consensus that a multi-sectoral partnership approach is essential to achieve urban regeneration. As a term, however, ‘partnership’ is overused, ambiguous and politicised. The Conservative government has inscribed ‘partnership’ with a complex political agenda. It is not clear whether the politics of partnership are still dominated by a Thatcherite agenda of privatising and centralising urban policy or whether a new,more democratic era has been entered. The paper explores how the stakeholders in the central government-led Scottish Urban Partnerships conceive of the nature of their interrelationships within this political context. It also presents a conceptualisation of partnership processes which extends and refines the framework put forward by Mackintosh (1992). The paper concludes that the Urban Partnerships are essentially limited applications of the potential of the partnership approach.
来源出版物:Urban Studies, 1996, 33(2): 253-268
Reflective images: The case of urban regeneration in Glasgow and Bilbao
Gomez, MV
Abstract: Old industrial cities have made broad use of new strategies as the means to overcome the difficulties created by the restructuring of their former economic basis.Although usually based on physical practices, these strategies have attempted to ease the transformation towards a services-based economy, which has been presented as the essential means to solve the cities’economic problems. Even if it has been of widespread currency, the effectiveness of this formula is not clear, as its impact on the city of Glasgow illustrates. Yet, at present,Bilbao, a Basque variant of one of these old industrial cities, is making use of the same ideas to legitimate its own current renewal, through focusing upon the misleading message that comes from Glasgow’s apparent success in urban regeneration. The article underlines the poor scope of the success achieved by such a strategy in old industrial contexts facing serious unemployment problems.
来源出版物:International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1998, 22(1): 106
Landscape change and the urbanization process in Europe
Antrop, M
Urbanization is one of the fundamental characteristics of the European civilization. It gradually spread from Southeast Europe around 700 B.C., across the whole continent. Cities and the urban networks they formed were always an important factor in the development and shaping of their surrounding regions.Polarization of territory between urban and rural and accessibility are still important aspects in landscape dynamics. Urbanization and its associated transportation infrastructure define the relationship between city and countryside. Urbanization, expressed as the proportion of people living in urban places shows a recent but explosive growth reaching values around 80% in most European countries. Simultaneously the countryside becomes abandoned. Thinking, valuing and planning the countryside is done mainly by urbanites and future rural development is mainly focused upon the urban needs. Thinking of urban places with their associated rural hinterland and spheres ofinfluence has become complex. Clusters of urban places,their situation in a globalizing world and changing accessibility for fast transportation modes are some new factors that affect the change of traditional European cultural landscapes. Urbanization processes show cycles of evolution that spread in different ways through space.Urbanization phases developed at different speeds and time between Northern and Southern Europe. Main cities are affected first, but gradually urbanization processes affect smaller settlements and even remote rural villages.Functional urban regions (FURS) are a new concept, which is also significant for landscape ecologists. Local landscape change can only be comprehended when situated in its general geographical context and with all its related dynamics. Patterns of change are different for the countryside near major cities, for metropolitan villages and for remote rural villages. Planning and designing landscapes for the future requires that this is understood.Urbanized landscapes are highly dynamic, complex and multifunctional. Therefore, detailed inventories of landscape conditions and monitoring of change are urgently needed in order to obtain reliable data for good decision-making.
:urbanization; landscape change; rural; countryside; Europe