来源出版物:城市发展研究, 2013, 20(7): 11-16
关键词:历史街区;更新;冲突;利益博弈;恩宁路来源出版物:城市发展研究, 2014, (3): 86-92
来源出版物:城市规划学刊, 2014, (4): 71-79
来源出版物:规划师, 2014, (7): 40-44
来源出版物:中国园林, 2014, (2): 33-38
来源出版物:工业建筑, 2014, 33(10): 176-180
来源出版物:建筑学报, 2014, (S1): 143-147
来源出版物:城市规划学刊, 2015, (6): 46-49
来源出版物:中国园林, 2015, (4): 129-136
来源出版物:现代城市研究, 2015(3): 86-92
摘要:以上海黄浦江两岸地区重点综合开发项目为研究案例,针对 2010上海世博会会址、徐汇滨江地区两处重点地段的工业遗产分布状况、类型以及保护利用情况进行全面分析和评价,对重大活动(世博)主导、市区政府不同主体推进开发项目中工业遗产的保护状况进行了比较研究,并对今后推进城市更新规划过程中工业遗产地区整体复兴等问题做了展望。
来源出版物:城市规划学刊, 2015, (2): 102-109
来源出版物:城市规划, 2015, (S1): 143-147
摘要:台湾地区自1895年实施城市规划至今已百余年,随着时代的变迁,许多旧市中心区及老旧衰败地区问题也逐渐浮现。城市历史地段的更新横跨了城市更新及文化遗产保护2个研究领域,与一般旧市中心区的更新相比情况也相对复杂。历史地段是城市之中最为老旧的区域,但在兼顾文化遗产保护的同时,仍须顺应时代的变迁及居民现代化生活的需要。首先,梳理了国际上与台湾地区的历史地段更新思潮演进,其次,对台湾地区目前历史地段更新规划的相关法令、实施方式及更新理念进行介绍。以台南总爷老街为案例,说明历史地段的更新是如何整合城市更新与文化遗产保护理念于物质环境改造手法之中,借由整建维护的更新方式达成促进城市整体发展的综合性目标。透过检讨台湾地区近 40年的城市更新政策实践的经验,从文化遗产保护的视角出发,为中国大陆城市更新政策制定与执行提供更多借鉴。
关键词:城市更新;文化遗产保护;历史地段;台湾省来源出版物:地域研究与开发, 2015, (5): 84-89
来源出版物:城市规划, 2016, (4): 103-109
摘要:人居型世界遗产是传统的人类居住地的杰出范例,其中的传统生活与传统空间相互依存共生,具有遗产和生活的双重属性,是一种“活态遗产”。通过分析人居型世界遗产的特征和价值,指出建立“遗产保护”与“人居改善”的双重目标以及“以居民为核心”的保护方法的重要性。在分析中国人居型世界遗产现实问题的基础上,以平遥古城为例,解析其在 2006年以后在新的理念引导下保护规划及其实施保障制度的新探索,包括价值阐释、针时遗产“整体性”的保护框架、针对遗产“动态性”的建设控制和监测体系,以及落实“以居民为核心”的规划理念的具体措施等,为中国人居型世界遗产以及历史文化名城名镇名村的保护与可持续发展提供借鉴。
来源出版物:城市规划学刊, 2016, (5): 94-102
来源出版物:国际城市规划, 2016, (2): 61-65
关键词:非物质文化遗产;历史地段;更新;衰退来源出版物:工业建筑, 2016, (4): 44-50
摘要:基于对中国文化的理解,从古代自然的精神灵性着手,梳理西方景观的精神与审美发展历史,强调文化诠释在遗产景观中的差异性和重要性。东西方古代景观在最初均具有强烈的精神和道德价值。在中国,自然对于精神的重要性,通过儒、释、道等文化的糅杂一直延续至今。在西方,古代自然的精神性价值并未得到延续。景观及其自然本身所蕴含的精神价值转变为对伦理和美的形式的关注,直至 17世纪审美科学的引入。西方理性主义、科学和计量学自 17世纪始不断发展,至今一直占据着主导地位。18—20世纪,德国和英国哲学家们就审美、景观、遗产和自然的议题进一步争论。21世纪,世界遗产价值仍依照西方一贯的计量评价方法,在既有标准下,以客观价值评价为主导,排斥与主观因素相关的精神和审美价值,导致了中西方景观遗产保护和管理的价值分歧。
来源出版物:中国园林, 2017, (1): 55-60
来源出版物:城市发展研究, 2017, (3): 38-46
来源出版物: Advanced Materials Research, 2012, (544):256-261
Culture and authenticity in urban regeneration processes: Place branding in central Barcelona
Rius Ulldemolins, Joaquim
Abstract: In the post-Fordist economy, culture has become an important resource for cities to compete at the regional and international levels. Thus, local elites have used culture as an instrument of urban regeneration and these processes increasingly seek to promote urban branding.Moreover, culture is seen as a way to generate narratives that help cities avoid the perception of standardisation,characterise cities as a unique urban space and create authenticity, which are necessary elements if a city is to be globally competitive. The case of central Barcelona and,specifically, the Raval district is exemplary and singular:the joint action of the cultural institutions and representatives of the cultural sector based in the neighbourhood have turned the Raval into an brand space of ‘authentic Barcelona’ that makes the official, touristfrequented Barcelona more rich and complex.
Key words::Barcelona; cultural policy; place branding;post-fordist economy; urban regeneration
来源出版物:Urban Studies, 2014, 51(14): 3026-3045
Cities as networks within networks of cities:The evolution of the city/firm-duality in the world city network, 2000-2010
Liu, Xingjian; Derudder, Ben; Witlox, Frank; et al.
Abstract: We explore the temporal evolution of cities and firms (i.e. both modes) in a two-mode intercity corporate network formed by 50 leading advanced producer service firms across 154 cities for the years 2000 and 2010.Drawing upon one-mode network projection and three network centralities, we assess the shifting positions of individual cities and firms in the one-mode intercity and interfirm networks. Major findings include: (1) the intercity network is more stable and hierarchical than the interfirm network; (2) brokerage functions, as captured by betweenness centrality, remain highly uneven for both cities and firms. For example, New York and London’s distinct positions as the world’s leading producer service centres remain intact; and (3) regional and sectoral tendencies are evident in terms of growth rates of centralities.
Key words::Duality; two-mode networks; intercity corporate network; temporal evolution
来源出版物:Journal of Economic and Social Geography,2014, 105(4): 465-482
Towards collaborative approach? Investigating the regeneration of urban village in Guangzhou, China
Zhou, Zhihua
Abstract: Along with the green-land shortage and the low use efficiency of urban land as a result of rapid urban sprawl in the past three decades, the issue of urban regeneration has been recently brought to the governance agenda by the new leadership in China. This paper examines the regeneration of the urban village sector in Guangzhou and finds that the institutional dichotomy of the rural and urban system is not only the root of the emergence and proliferation of urban villages, but also becomes the obstacle for their regenerations. The core of urban village regeneration is the redistribution of interest derived from land appreciation among main stakeholders,and their joint commitment via a collaborative partnership is the key to the successful project implementation. Thoughthe collaborative approach for urban regeneration is acknowledged in the West and in the case study, the top-down hierarchical governance approach, the strong government-dominated ideology as a result of the legacy of socialism, and the economic-led developmental mode will fundamentally set the form of collaboration in China apart from other counties. Even within China there is no single universal and prescribed form of collaboration for urban regeneration due to the variations in terms of geographical,demographical and socio-economic conditions for urban development.
Key words::urban village; regeneration; collaborative partnership; China
来源出版物:Habitat International, 2014, 44: 297-305
Evidence-based spatial intervention for the regeneration of deteriorating urban areas:A case study from Tehran, Iran
Rismanchian, Omid; Bell, Simon
Abstract: Throughout the urban development process over the last seven decades in Tehran, many deprived neighbourhoods have developed. The main spatial attribute of these neighbourhoods is spatial isolation from the surrounding, more affluent areas, inadequate urban infrastructure and a lack of accessibility and permeability.This article discusses a method of developing a route filtering system and a transformability index for identifying the most suitable streets for the creation of a pedestrian-friendly network as a potentially socioeconomic stimulus zone, using an example of a deprived area. The theory of ‘Natural Movement’ formed the basis of the research, the spatial pattern being analysed through Space Syntax using Depthmap software and ArcGIS 9.3(GIS). The results showed that it is possible to identify the underlying spatial pattern using this approach and this could form a cost effective basis for developing a pedestrian-friendly street network, in order to release the deprived area from its spatial isolation.
Key words::transformability index; route filtering system;space syntax; urban regeneration; GIS
来源出版物:Urban Design International, 2014, 19(1): 1-21
Urban regeneration in the context of post-Soviet transformation: Lithuanian experience
Grazuleviciute-Vileniske, Indre; Urbonas, Vilius
Abstract: Our research concentrates on the countries,which had emerged after the collapse of the Soviet bloc,and the possible distinctive influence of the social and institutional environment of these countries on the process and outcomes of city center regeneration. The theoretical section includes the definition of the main concepts used in our research. First of all the countries undergoing the post-Soviet transformation were defined and then the concept of “urban regeneration” was explained. Here we also distinguished the main features of societies and institutional environment of the post-Soviet countries including the collision of different sets of values and lack of conscious value orientations and value systems, lack of individual initiative and personal responsibility, low level of participation in public domain, tendency towards non-transparent decision making, culture of complaint,climate of mistrust, increasing uncertainty and pessimism.In the section of results we had elaborated and discussed the hypothesis that these features affect the image and treatment of the historic built environment and especially of historic urban centers. Further we distinguish three dimensions-features of urban space, governance structures,and social milieu-and, based on literature and Lithuanian experience, distinguish what features of these dimensions and how make it easier or inhibit the urban regeneration.In the concluding sections we outline the basic findings and further research proposals and present the summary matrix of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of urban regeneration in the context of post-Soviet transformation. The matrix could be useful both for the future research and for the decision making in practice of city center regeneration. From the preset outcomes of our research, we conclude that social and institutional context is crucial in the city center regeneration and in heritage preservation in general and the ideas and principles widespread in Western Europe and the United States cannot be directly and straightforwardly imported into the context of post-Soviet transformation.
Key words::post-Soviet transformation; social context;historic urban centers; urban regeneration; Lithuania
来源出版物:Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2014, 15(6):637-643
Evaluation methods in the protection of built heritage
Mrak, Iva
Abstract: The growth of built heritage, and an increasingpublic interest for its conservation, combined with depletion of public resources, has lead to the development of the field of heritage management. This field includes cultural and economic understanding of heritage,valorisation of heritage, integral approach to spatial planning, participation of public in the decision-making process, and development of rational and transparent decision-making mechanisms. Decision-aid tools have a specific and highly significant role in this process. The development of evaluation methods is described, and possible uses of various evaluation models in the field of heritage are analysed in the paper.
Key words::evaluation methods; cultural built heritage;multicriteria analysis
来源出版物:Gradevinar, 2014, 66(2): 127-138
Evolution of a multidimensional architectural landscape under urban regeneration:A case study of Jinan, China
Xue, Chunlu; Zheng, Xinqi; Zhang, Bo; et al.
Abstract: Urban regeneration is a key to achieving the main goals of China’s urbanisation plan. How to analyse the urban landscape of the rapid development in order to meet the challenges of urban planning and build liveable cities is a concern for both government and society. This analysis is based on a case study on downtown Jinan,China, covering the period 2001-2011. It explores urban architectural changes in the horizontal and vertical landscapes after a decade of urban regeneration, focusing on two aspects: construction purpose and number of floors.The study uses the land use transfer matrix method, along with landscape indexes and spatial autocorrelation analysis,based on cadastral data. Results show that the horizontal architectural landscape changed at the city's edges, with no apparent change in the city centre. With changes in urban functions, horizontal landscapes became broken, but patch shapes did not manifest obvious changes. Residential,commercial, and industrial landscapes were the dominant types. Most converted areas became residential landscapes.Vertical landscapes tended to feature upward development.Patch shapes became more complex and broken, landscape richness increased, and building types became less densely aggregated. The dominant landscape type changed from bungalows to multi-layer and low-layer buildings. Vertical space utilisation became increasingly intensive. Urban regeneration was carried out locally. Respective areas marked by horizontal or vertical architectural renewal showed significant positive spatial correlation, implying increasing spatial centralisation. Vertical landscape patches largely changed in line with the horizontal types, but not the other way round. Ramshackle areas and shantytowns were transformed. Urban land use developed intensively,forming vertically dense landscapes. These results will serve as reference source for urban planning, regeneration,land resources management, urban architectural design and layout, optimisation of the ecological environment, and construction of liveable cities.
Key words::urban regeneration; urban land use;architectural landscape; architecture type conversion
来源出版物:Ecological Indicators, 2015, 55: 12-22
Scale-adjusted metrics for predicting the evolution of urban indicators and quantifying the performance of cities
Alves, LGA; Mendes, Renio S; Lenzi, Ervin K; et al.
Abstract: More than a half of world population is now living in cities and this number is expected to be two-thirds by 2050. Fostered by the relevancy of a scientific characterization of cities and for the availability of an unprecedented amount of data, academics have recently immersed in this topic and one of the most striking and universal finding was the discovery of robust allometric scaling laws between several urban indicators and the population size. Despite that, most governmental reports and several academic works still ignore these nonlinearities by often analyzing the raw or the per capita value of urban indicators, a practice that actually makes the urban metrics biased towards small or large cities depending on whether we have super or sublinear allometries. By following the ideas of Bettencourt et al. we account for this bias by evaluating the difference between the actual value of an urban indicator and the value expected by the allometry with the population size. We show that this scale-adjusted metric provides a more appropriate/informative summary of the evolution of urban indicators and reveals patterns that do not appear in the evolution of per capita values of indicators obtained from Brazilian cities. We also show that these scale-adjusted metrics are strongly correlated with their past values by a linear correspondence and that they also display crosscorrelations among themselves. Simplelinear models account for 31%-97% of the observed variance in data and correctly reproduce the average of the scale-adjusted metric when grouping the cities in above and below the allometric laws. We further employ these models to forecast future values of urban indicators and, by visualizing the predicted changes, we verify the emergence of spatial clusters characterized by regions of the Brazilian territory where we expect an increase or a decrease in the values of urban indicators.
来源出版物:PLoS One, 2015, 10(9): e0134862
Decoding dispossession: Eviction and urban regeneration in Johannesburg’s dark buildings
Wilhelm-Solomon, Matthew
Abstract: In January 2012 the residents of an inner-city tenement building in Doornfontein, Johannesburg, were evicted on a court order. The building was situated in a post-industrial neighbourhood in which thousands of South Africans and foreign nationals, many blind or disabled,live in unlawfully occupied buildings without access to water, basic sanitation, electricity and waste management services. Such buildings are known in policy discourse as ‘bad buildings’, and informally as ‘dark buildings’,invoking both a sense of developmental failure and spiritual insecurity. In this paper I analyse how urban renewal policies created social divisions and alliances not only among the residents of Chambers, which were channelled along nationalist lines, but also between the able-bodied and disabled, and produced new social alliances. In particular, I document how a group of blind Zimbabweans experienced threats of violence and accusations of betrayal, as they were offered alternate accommodation by the evicting company because of their disability. I argue here that the pressures of private-sector housing developments intersected with the insecurities and divisions of inner-city social spaces and also fostered new alliances. Following the work of Deleuze and Guattari, I invoke the concept of ‘decoding dispossession’, proposing that ongoing evictions and dispossessions are characterized by simultaneous movements of ‘decoding and deterritorialization’ and ‘overcoding-reterritorialization’.
Key words: urban regeneration; dispossession;Johannesburg; stigma; migration; blindness
来源出版物:Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography,2016, 37(3): 378-395
Struggling for an adaptive strategy? Discourse analysis of urban regeneration processes: A case study of Enning Road in Guangzhou City
Tan, Xiaohong; Altrock, Uwe
Abstract: Over the last two decades, China has experienced urban redevelopment at an unprecedented scale and speed. The state-sponsored property-led redevelopment pattern has been widely deployed as dominant urban regeneration strategy in many Chinese cities. Meanwhile, more and more attention has been paid to the protest and resistance of civil society to the tremendous demolition and eviction during the implementation of such strategies. Investigating the process, content and context of urban regeneration strategies in China provides fertile ground to understand the public participation process, specific plight and challenge of decision-making in urban regeneration in China. This reflects the logic and trend of urban governance in China within existing regulatory practices and institutional settings during the transformation period.As the understanding of strategy and problem are concomitant to each other, problem framing in urban regeneration is pivotal to understand urban regeneration strategies. Starting from this point, the object of this paper is to explore what the problems are, how they are defined and perceived by different actors, what strategies are promoted as solutions, and how they are legitimated or excluded. As problem framing is social construction through discourse by different actors, such close relationship of discourse and problem proves the necessity of undertaking discourse analysis as research approach to understand problem framing, also the process, content and context of urban regeneration strategies. To understand specific problems and challenges of urban regeneration strategies implemented in China's inner cities, this study inquires a controversial and well known redevelopment project called Enning Road, which has been the first“pioneer” in terms of comprehensively redeveloping old town areas in Guangzhou since the last decade. This project has received tremendous criticism, and it can be characterized by a continuous adjustment of the unstable strategies that were applied and a frequent stagnation due to social resistance from 2006 to 2015. It will demonstrate how different discourse coalitions are formed by the government, scholars, journalists, residents and NGOs andother stakeholders. For this purpose, the paper will discuss their shared interests, beliefs or rationalities and the way they use storylines to frame problems. In this context, a lot of local knowledge and expert knowledge is activated and utilized to construct those storylines. The urban regeneration process of Enning Road involves continuously changing problem definitions and continuous experimentation, translating into emergent adaptive strategies. It also shows the interplay between different ways of problem framing, and the complex interaction between problem framing and strategy promotion.
Key words::urban redevelopment strategy; problem framing; discourse analysis; Guangzhou; old town regeneration
来源出版物: Habitat International, 2016, 56: 245-257
Artists and Shanghai’s culture-led urban regeneration
Zhong, Sheng
Abstract: In recent years, Shanghai has seen a surge of culture-led urban regeneration efforts. The paper discusses the differentiated roles of artists in shaping Shanghai's three prominent arts districts. For simplicity of analysis and illustration, visual artists and environmental designers were crudely categorized into elite and non-elite groups depending on their exercised power in decision making in the transformation of the three sites. It was found that arts production and urban regeneration, two tightly state-controlled fields in China, were increasingly linked together in Chinese cities through capital circulation and conversion. Artists were a critical link of the two fields.There was a clear stratification and fragmentation among Shanghai artists. Elite artists possessed huge amounts of all types of capital, whereas non-elite members were disadvantaged on all fronts. In the field of urban regeneration, artists were not simply used unconsciously as“catalysts” by property interest and regeneration officials,but their elite segment also proactively helped reconstruct the physical and the symbolic urban spaces. The active participation in the real estate sector by cultural entrepreneurs aided the conversion of esthetic proposition in the arts field to culturally valorized spaces for sale in the urban regeneration field and this was enabled by the elite’s extensive connections with other powerful social agents in the business and the state sectors built over previous experiences. For the non-elite artists, they participated in the transformative process unaware of their auxiliary roles yet they had not acted as a collective critical force against the hegemonic growth regime.
Key words::artists; culture; urban regeneration; Shanghai
来源出版物:Cities, 2016, 56(S1): 165-171
Estimation of salt mixture damage on built cultural heritage from environmental conditions using ECOS-RUNSALT model
Menendez, Beatriz
Abstract: Salts are among the most active weathering agents acting in the degradation of cultural heritage,especially on stone and brick buildings. Most of the previous works on salt weathering studied only single salt composition despite the fact that in buildings a mixture of different salts is always present. This paper presents a methodology to estimate salt weathering from complex solution composition and meteorological data, temperature and relative humidity. The proposed method uses a thermodynamic model (ECOS-RUNSALT) to predict the variation of salt volume with changing environmental conditions. To illustrate how the developed method can be applied, two examples are presented. Firstly, the model has been applied to real measurements on a repairing mortar sample sampled from a building in the center of Paris.Secondly, the model has been applied to estimate salt damage produced by a theoretical salt composition in different locations of France. Possible applications in cultural heritage conservation are (i) the prediction of future behavior of cultural heritage building materials taking advantage of climatic models and (ii) a help to determine the optimal conditions to avoid, as much as possible, salt damage.
Key words::architectural heritage; contingent valuation;mountains; cultural goods
来源出版物:Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2017, 24: 22-30
Research of high speed train carbody structure vibration behaviors and structure fatigue strength characteristic technology
BR Miao; WH Zhang; GH Huang; et al.
The hybrid simulation method based on Multibody Simulation (MBS) and finite element method(FEM) were proposed here and applied to study the relation between carbody structure vibration behaviors and structure fatigue strength characteristic. The detailed steps include: Firstly, rigid-flexible couple vehicle multibody system dynamic model was created and performed to obtain the load time histories corresponded to the typical load cases. Secondly, the carbody structure stresses was calculated through Finite Element (FE) quasi-static stress method. Finally, with the material fatigue property and some uncertainty factors, carbody fatigue damage distribution and life was calculated and evaluated. And the conclusions can be understood that the mechanism between the full vehicle dynamic property and structure damage distribution. The results are also shown that the hybrid simulation technology could be applied into the carbody structure fatigue design.
:carobody, dynamic stress analysis; finite element method (fem); multibody system; structure fatigue