(Financial Accounting Research&Development Center,Chongqing University of Technology)
Abstract:Under the new economic norm,enterprises put forward higher requirements for financial management.In the process of enterprise value creation,the financial cloud and management accounting have a high degree of agreement,so it is possible to construct the cooperative operation mechanism between them.Based on the synergetic theory,this paper discusses the feasibility of cooperative operation between financial cloud and management accounting.We construct the coordination mechanism of enterprise financial cloud and management accounting based on the strategic management,organizational structure,practical application and other aspects,and put forward the implementation strategies of the cooperative mechanism from strengthening the cooperative idea,performing the cooperative responsibility,cultivating the talents and so on,so that we can provide reference and guidance for the study of the combination of financial cloud and management accounting.
Key words:Synergetic financial cloudFinancial shared servicesManagement accounting
A Comparative Study of Certified Public Accountant to Participate in the Proceeding as the Judicial Accounting Appraiser and the Expert Assistant
Tang YuanyuanFan Weihong
(Southwest University of Political Science&Law)
A feature of the new procedure law is establishing the expert assistant system,as an important supporting system of the appraiser program.As a specialist in the field of financial accounting,certified public accountant involved in litigation as the judicial accounting appraiser and the expert assistant has become a practice and trend.Compare the two in lawsuit qualification,status,rights and obligations,comments effect,the paper finds that the new expert opinion review system plays an important role in improving the quality of identification,reducing misjudgment,maintaining procedural justice.But because of the legislative defects,this system may cause negative effects such as repeated identification,trial delay.In order to provide institutional guarantee for the certified public accountant to carry out the two types of business,the law-making organ should perfect the expert assistant system,reform judicial expertise system and make special judicial accounting professional standards.The Chinese institution of certified public accountants should strengthen the professional training of CPA.The CPA should adjust knowledge structure,keep a positive attitude,and take an active part in Litigation activities.
Certified public accountantJudicial accounting appraiserExpert assistantLitigation activities
The Discussion on the Accounting Information Disclosure of Government Accounting under the Performance Evaluation Perspective
Lv JunShen Xiaofeng
(Jiangsu Academy of Educational Sciences;School of Finance and Economics)
Abstract:With the development of new public management movement,western countries set off a wave of the reform of government accounting,which aims to improve the efficiency of government operations,business performance and finally release the public fiduciary duty.The measurement of government management accurately have significant correlation with performance evaluation which relies on the government accounting information disclosure.Based on this,this paper selects government accounting information disclosure as research object,does the analysis of theories of new public management,principal-agent and information asymmetry,states that the mechanism of government accounting information disclosure has several weaknesses,such as insufficiently,low efficiency and less users of disclosed information.Then,this paper analyses the information demand of government accounting towards performance evaluation-oriented.Finally,the paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions from three aspects:perfecting the government accounting system,taking the needs of stakeholders into account and building a rapid information feedback mechanism.
Keywords:Performance evaluationGovernment accountingAccounting information disclosures
Research on the Evaluation System of Mineral Environmental Restoration Project Performance Audit
Hou Xiaojing Zhao Yuan
(School of Economics and Management,Xi'an Petroleum University)
Abstract:As far as possible to prevent and reduce the destruction of geological environment which caused by mining,on the basis of the principle of whoever development and protection,whoever pollution and governance,whoever damage and recovery,to restore the mineral geological environment,among this,the government audit play an important role of supervision for the governance and executive condition of the relevant system.For environmental restoration projects,in this paper,we build evaluation index system of environmental restoration project performance audit from the reasonable legitimacy,economy,efficiency and profitability four aspects and use the analytic hierarchy method to give evaluation index assignment,for consistency check.Through analysis of the index put forward policy suggestions,in order to promote the audit role into full play,in the work of supervision and governance of our country environment restoration.
Keywords:Environmental restoration projectsPerformance auditThe audit evaluationAnalytic hierarchy process
The Analysis of the Replaced the Business Tax With Value-added Tax and the Impact on the Real Economy
Huang Qingping Shu Yue
(Jiangsu Open University;Lishui Vocational and Technical College)
Abstract:At the end of March 2016,the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued file announced construction,real estate,finance and consumer services will become the last four industries switch from business tax to value-added tax(VAT),starting from May 1.The pilot is called the last war of switch from business tax to VAT.The paper first interprets the New Deal,and then analyzes switch from business tax to VAT,the impact of the four industries and the real economy. Finally,how to increase the business prepared to deal with the pilot gives the corresponding recommendations.
Keywords:Switch from business tax to VATinterpretFour industries operationaGuidance
The Construction and Implementation of the Cooperative Mechanism of Enterprise Financial Cloud and Management Accounting
Xiong Lei