
2016-12-29 03:42:40LidijaObradovic胥富元
国际人才交流 2016年5期

文/ Lidija Obradovic 译/胥富元


文/ Lidija Obradovic 译/胥富元

Spirit of China in Schools in Serbia




Learning Chinese language in primary and secondary schools in Serbia caused a great deal of attention for students and the public. This successful joint project between Serbia and China has made the two countries closer and brought a breath of China to a full classroom. Responsibility lies with the Chinese teachers and students desiring new knowledge首都贝尔格莱德及中部的6个城市中小学执教。





这场盛会也是由学校的地理教师比利亚娜·索洛维奇(Biljana Solovic)组织的,它不仅仅是学校的盛会,也是这个城市的盛会。



波格丹(Bogdan Topalovic) 和米尔科·潘泰利奇(Mirko Pantelic)作为学生代表,也发表了他们的感想:“我们特别开心,一切都很好。我们学校的礼堂座无虚席!对我们来说,为今天晚上做准备的那些时刻,是美好的时光。我们学习

Pilot Project “Learning Chinese language in schools in the Republic of Serbia” was realized in cooperation with Confucius Institute of People’s Republic of China based in Hanban and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia. After the initial memorandum on cooperation was signed in Belgrade in March 2012, the project was implemented during the school year 2013/2014, with 15 volunteer teachers from PR of China in 23 primary and 10 secondary schools in Belgrade, Serbia and in 6 cities in the interior of the country.

Teaching Chinese language is successfully progressing in all selected schools, one of them being high school Gymnasium, located in the town of Uzice, western Serbia. This city, known for the most beautiful mountains in Serbia - Zlatibor and Tara, glorious history and heroes, for a while was home for Chinese teacher Ma Lan from Beijing and He Jian from Qingdao. They quickly won the hearts of their students, and they became good friends. Their common desire was to organize a Chinese evening so that their parents and friends who are not learning Chinese became more familiar with this rich culture through song, dance and customs.

Imaginative play took place in a crowded conference hall the High school in Uzice. Students left a really good impression in front of all the guests. Smiling and cheerful, through song, dance, and tong twisters in Serbian and Chinese, they tried to maintain attention at all times.

They did it in a special way showcasing traditional and contemporary Chinese costumes, customs, culture and food from this country with the oldest civilization and a rich culture. The environment in which it was held was arranged and decorated in reminiscent of China and students along with their professor of Chinese language got a warm applause in the end.

China’s night to remember

This exceptional event was organized by geography professor in this school Biljana Solovic, and it was important not only for the school, but for the city too.

In her geography classes she held presentations on China to the second year students that were learning Chinese. This not only caused a great interest of students, but they were motivated to share their knowledge about this country and other performances, during the ceremonial Chinese evening. This was also a way for students to show respect and love for their teacher Ma Lan and prepare for her a special farewell before returning to homeland. But it was also a welcome for the new teacher He Jian, so this evening was organized for her too.

Filled with emotion, but also pleased with the success of the students, teacher Ma Lan spoke to the audience at the end of the evening:

“I think the evening was fantastic! I believe you have enjoyed yourselves, and I would like to thank all students who have been in recent weeks intensively preparing for this great evening. “了许多关于中国有趣的事情,并学会如何尊重中国文化!”

泰奥多拉·德约科维奇(Teodora Djokovic)尤其兴奋,她是乌日采高中三年级的优秀学生,她从一年级便开始学习汉语。去年她获得了“最佳汉语学习者”的荣誉。她在《国际人才交流》杂志对她的采访中谈到了她对中国的兴趣,以及她同马兰老师、何健老师学习汉语过程中的乐趣,她对这段汉语学习经历赞不绝口。




泰奥多拉·德约科维奇说她在学习汉语的3年间Among students present in the audience were Bogdan Topalovic and Mirko Pantelic. They said the following about their impressions:

“We are very satisfied, everything was great. The ceremonial hall of our school was filled to the last seat! We had a wonderful time while we were preparing for this evening, and we were able to learn many interesting things about China, and to learn how to respect it! “

Especially happy was Teodora Djokovic, excellent student of 3rd year of high school in Uzice. She has been studding Chinese language since the first year, and last year she was declared the best students of Chinese language. She spoke exclusively for International Talent magazine about her interest in China and about fun she had with Chinese Professor Ma Lan and He Jian, with words full of praise.

Miraculous Chinese letters

“I started to learn Chinese language from the first year of high school; I fell in love with this language. I am aware that it takes quite a lot of work and effort, but China is a beautiful country that attracts me, not only because of its size, but also because of their culture, traditions and various interesting things I’ve heard and和她优秀的汉语老师成为了很好的朋友,她特意提到马兰老师与何健老师:






当问及她想在来到中国后看到什么时,这个年轻的女孩说:“在中国有太多的城市值得一去,我无法决定我最想看哪一个。不论怎样,我最先希望游览的还是北京的故宫。我读过许多相关的材料,这个美丽的地方十分吸引我。我还想游览长城,哈尔滨的冰雪城和其他许多城市。我已经等不及梦想成真的这一天了!”read about this country. I would like to visit China, not only because of silk, ice cream and tea, but I would love to visit many interesting places that this country has. “

Teodora Djokovic says that during these three years of learning Chinese language she made friends with her extraordinary professors of Chinese, of whom there were few, but among which she points out Ma Lan and He Jian:

“Everything was great with all our Chinese professors. We get together, I teach them Serbian, they teach me Chinese. With them I learned how to prepare traditional tea and how to eat with the help of sticks. I have numerous sticks today. I even eat our dishes with chopsticks. I just love noodles and dumplings; I make them the same as Ma Lan and He Jian. They were thought by my grandmother how to make moussaka and apple pie. Our afternoon was wonderful and I only regret that they could not stay longer than six months. I hope I have a chance in life to be reunited with them. “

Teodora Djokovic says she started to learn Chinese language because Chinese letters seemed extremely interesting:

“Chinese letters are very interesting to me; I was attracted to learn the language because of it. Although everybody said it was difficult, I wanted to make sure myself. It was not so hard I did not expect that I would enjoy the language so much. “

The dream of studying in China

In high school in Uzice many Chinese teachers have thought so far and Tedori Djokovic lovingly mentions all their names (Jiang, Huang , He, Ma, Zhang, and Chang), with these words:

“They were very willing to help us to learn the language and they are one of the main reasons why I want to go to China. Spending time with them was unforgettable! I tried very hard to present them Serbia and my city Uzice. I hope that their stay here will stay with them in the most wonderful memories. “

Teodora has a great desire to study in China, and when asked why, this excellent student of 3 year student from Uzice said:

“I think that the experience that I would gain there would help me to become more independent. China is a beautiful country that should be visited over a long time period in order to get to know their traditions and culture that is completely different from what I’m used to. Chinese universities are very good, providing excellent conditions for a student’s life and education. “

And when asked what she wants to see when she comes to China, this young girl says:

“In China there are infinitely many cities worth visiting, I could not decide what I would like to see most. However, first I would like to visit the Forbidden City in Beijing. I read a lot about it and I’m very attracted to the aesthetics of the place. I would also like to visit the Great Wall, the ice and snow Festival in Harbin and other cities. I cannot wait for the day when all these wishes and dreams come true! “

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