(北京城市学院 北京 100083)
(北京城市学院 北京 100083)
本文以罗斯福总统演讲和朱纯深先生对宋代词人李清照《声声慢》的翻译为素材,尝试通过认知语言学里的框架理论来评论词语的选择。框架分析以语言视角(perspective)、句法结构(syntactic slot)为维度,经过直观分析,对于品评选词、造句、甚至文章风格的斟酌都有着积极意义。
认知语言学 框架 词语选择
“框架”(the Frame)理论是语言学家Charles Fillmore于20世纪70年代中期引入,这一理论的提出是通过其经典的“Commercial event frame”例子进行说明。在这一案例中,他列出四个表达相同意义的句子:1)David bought an old shirt from John for ten pounds. 2)John sold an old shirt to David for ten pounds. 3)John charged David ten pounds for an old shirt. 4)David paid ten pounds to John for an old shirt. 通过框架分析,可以十分清楚地辨析 “buy, sell, charge, pay” 四个近义词的不同内涵和用法。如下图(Fillmore 1977a:106ff)所示:
“Buy” 是A购买了B; “pay” 是A花钱C; “sell” 是D出售了B; “charge”是D向A收费。这四个单词是从不同的语言视角(perspective),采用不同句法结构(syntactic slot)描述同一事件。它们都是同一“框架”下的不同视角转换。经过这样直观的图表分析,我们可以轻松区分开这四个词义。这一点,对于选词、造句、甚至文章风格的斟酌都有着积极意义。下面,我以两篇例文为素材从“框架”角度分析词语的选择。[1]
第二次世界大战期间,美国珍珠港被日本偷袭。1941年12月8日,美国第32任总统罗斯福Franklin Roosevelt在美国国会发表演说,游说国会对日本宣战。以下是演讲稿节选。[2]
Yesterday, December 7, 1941---a date which will live in infamy---the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the empire of Japan.
Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.
Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam.
Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.
Last night Japanese forces attacked Wake Island.
And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island.
Japan has therefore undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacifi c area.
As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense.
Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us.…..
With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph. So help us God.
I ask the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.
第一段向美国国会和全国人民陈述珍珠港被日军偷袭的客观事实,语言平实、简洁、悲痛。当时美国国内有相当一派民众反对美国卷入二战,罗斯福总统此次演讲的目的就是为了说服这群人士同意让美国参战,可是又不能操之过急、适得其反,于是在演讲一开始,语言尽量简朴而低调。关于“袭击”, 有许多英文单词可供选择:surprise attack, raid, assault, sneak attack等等。可是罗斯福总统就选择了,没有任何修饰的成分。根据Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary注 释,Attack指violently attempt to hurt,overcome or defeat sb./sth. (袭击,进攻) e.g.: They decided to attack at night. (他们决定夜袭)。Raid 指sudden surprise attack or withdrawal by troops, ships or aircraft (突击)。A security guard was killed in the bank raid. E.g.: Customs men raided the house. (海关人员突击搜查了这所房子)。Assault定义为suddenly and violently attack (突袭), e.g.: He got two years of imprisonment for assaulting a police offi cer. (他因为袭警而遭两年监禁)。Raid, assault都有attack的意思,但是更加偏重某一方面,相比较而言,一词的内涵最为专一,语体色彩为中性,而raid, assault都含贬义,加上attack通俗易懂,受众面更广,所以这里用attack一词效果更佳。通过之后一系列重复(repitition),排比(parallelism)造势,给听者带来及其强烈的听觉震撼。
最后,在通过排比句唤起听众的共鸣,语言感染力度达到顶峰时,罗斯福总统向国会请求宣布美国参战。这里,他选择使用ask这个不起眼的常用词语。为什么呢?表达请求意义的词语有许多:request, petition, beg, entreat, implore, beseech等等,不一而足。如果要求别人做事,“ask”是最通俗、最口语化的词,例如:He asked me for a light. / May I ask a favor of you? “Request”主要用于庄重场合或者书面文字中,多用于被动。比如:Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke at the buffet counter. “Beg”指以谦卑的姿态请求给予巨大的帮助。比如:He knew he had hurt her and begged her for forgiveness. “entreat, implore, beseech”都比词义加强而且更加文雅,举例说:He entreated her not to desert him。根据以上分析,兼顾到演讲的对象是罗斯福总统的下级,所以他不会选择太谦卑的字眼“Beg”,而太文雅的词语显得与听者距离感拉大,所以他才会使用“ask”一词表达自己真挚的请求,事实证明他成功了。不久,美国加入二战,加速了法西斯集团的灭亡进程。由此可见,词语选择有时甚至会左右一个国家的前进方向,不可小觑。[3]
寻寻觅觅, Look. Seek. Sink. Sinking into thinking of everything
冷冷清清, About nothing, and nothing
凄凄惨惨凄凄。 About everything is a lonely heart, in the gloomy fold
乍暖还寒时候, Of a most dismal, unrestful season
最难将息。 --- now warm, then cold.
三杯两盏淡酒, Wine, two or three cups--- thin wine
怎敌他、晓来风急。 How can it hold off the biting gusts at dawn?
雁过也,正伤心 Overhead, a heart-rending line, southbound wild geese at morn,
却是旧相识。 Yet old acquaintances of mine.
满地黄花堆积, Massing chrysanthemums, everywhere;
憔悴损, Yet languid and grief-won,
如今有谁堪摘? Who could be out there buoyant in gathering mood?
守着窗儿, I sit, in solitude, waiting, at the windowsill,
独自怎生得黑! Yet dusk is so far off still!
梧桐更兼细雨, In a drizzle so light,
到黄昏、点点滴滴。 Dripping dropping into the oncoming night,In the garden a sycamore tree stands, blurred.
这次第, What a day,
怎一个愁字了得! How can you pick it away in a single word Dismay?
这篇译文总体上把握住了婉约派宋词的韵味,合仄压韵,可圈可点,语言意境都能尽可能得保留原文的风采。当然,也有个别词语的选择有待商榷。例如:“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清”译得十分优美到 位,“Look. Seek. Sink. Sinking into thinking of everything,About nothing, and nothing”。连续三个动词,看似简单,却十分见文化功底,全部都以k结尾,注意到rhyme修辞手法。如果把look 替换成search, 会丧失部分原词中茫然、漫无目的的情调,显得更加焦急,没有头绪。Look 指turn one’s eyes in particular direction or try to fi nd;search指empty the pockets, etc and examine his body and clothes to see if anything is concealed there,例如search one’s conscience(扪心自问),searchlight(探照灯),search-warrant(搜查令)。另外,“怎敌他 ”的“敌”,译者翻译为“hold off ”也更胜一筹。表示抵挡、抵抗的英文词语不少,resist, stand up to, boycott, keep away,prevent from都有相近的含义。参考Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, “hold off”解释 为restrain oneself from doing sth., or delay, or resist attack by others, 强调一种对于外界的主体的被动抵御。面对大自然乍暖还寒的天气,人们只能消极应对,这样更加突显出作者的凄凉与无助心情。“Resist”一词侧重use forces in order to prevent sth. happening or being successful or oppose,显然是更加主动积极地抵制,这与原来宋词的意境互相冲突,因此应该摒弃不用。类似的成功选词还有不少,比如“点点滴滴”翻译为“dipping dropping”,既顾及了语义,又兼顾了头韵尾韵的修辞手法(alliteration and rhyme),远胜过falling 或者drop by drop。
然而“淡酒”翻译为“thin wine”却有失文采, “thin”指having opposite surfaces relatively close together (薄的,细的),e.g.: a thin layer of butter (薄薄一层黄油); 也指lacking density (稀薄的), e.g.: a thin haste (薄雾)。根据这些注释,thin与wine语意场不重合,无法搭配。 “light”作形容词时可以理解为less than average weight (轻的),e.g.: light shoes (轻便鞋); 也可以理解为easy to understand (易懂的),e.g. :light music (轻音乐), light comedy (轻喜剧); 还可以指(of drinks) low in alcohol, or (of food) easy to digest (清淡的), e.g.: light souffl é (清淡的蛋奶酥), light ale (淡味麦芽啤酒)。综合比较而言,“淡酒”翻译为“light wine”更佳。[4]
以上是从“框架”角度对词语的选择进行分析,通过这些示例,不难看出Charles Fillmore提出的“框架”(the Frame)理论对于译者、作者、读者甚至是评论者来说都很适用,可以方便大家更加深入地潜词造句,去伪存真,锤炼出更加优秀的文章。[5]
[1] Ungerer, F. (ed.). An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2005.
[2] Guerin, Wilfred L. (ed.). A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2006.
[3] Thornborrow, Joanna. Patterns in Language: Stylistics for Students of Language and Literature. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2008.
[4] 崔希亮,《语言理解与认知》。北京:北京语言大学出版社,2001年。
[5] 朱纯深,《翻译探微:语言、文本、诗学》。南京:凤凰传媒出版集团,2008年。