吴 莎
(武汉理工大学 湖北 武汉 430070)
吴 莎
(武汉理工大学 湖北 武汉 430070)
广播新闻英语作为大众传媒的一种方式,可以起到传播信息,让人们获取信息的作用。此外,作为英语学习者,听广播新闻英语也是很好的学习英语的一种途径,它不仅使学习者听到地道的英语发音,英语表达,还使得学习者能够快速掌握世界最新鲜的资讯。语义学研究主要集中于词汇及其词汇关系和句子关系,其中上下义关系,是历代语义学家特别是结构语义学家(主要是研究“含蓄的”词汇-语义关系)十分重视的研究对象之一(伍谦光,1988)。上下义关系被广泛用于分析各种语篇的词汇特点(曾建彬,2009)。上下义关系实质上是一种“包含”关系,其中包括上义词和下义词,上义词是一个概括词,表达一般的概念,下义词则表达个别概念。比如fruit是一个表达一般概念的上义词,是“水果”的统称,而apple, pear, banana等则是被包含在fruit范围中的下义词,表达个别概念。广播新闻英语作为英语文体之一,其中也体现了上下义关系。本文试图从上下义关系这个视角对比分析voa中表达同一内容的标准英语新闻和特别英语新闻的词汇和句型特点,并为英语听力教学提供一些启示。
News 1(special English):Americans are buying more products and services than ever before through the Internet.Online sales now represent as much as one-tenth of all retail sales in the United States.This has led traditional stores to seek new ways to keep their customers loyal.Fifty-seven percent of Americans have bought something electronically.Store owners worry that this growing amount of online sales will hurt their business.Professor McLaughlin says traditional stores can keep their customers by selling goods like clothing, which buyers may want to see and try on before purchasing.He says the stores could also offer things that are difficult to ship.He also says some stores can please customers by offering to set up or repair electronic products.Bill Martin’s business helps stores learn about their customers.He told VOA by Skype that traditional stores offer a social experience that some people enjoy.Bill Martin says traditional stores can provide goods to buyers more-quickly than online stores.And some retailers are using websites to persuade people to visit their stores.
News 2(standard English):Lynne Shaner used the Internet to buy everything she needed for her wedding and holiday gifts for her husband and step daughter.Traditional merchants worry that growing e-commerce will shrink their share of the market.Cornell University Marketing Professor Ed McLaughlin says they have reason for concern.McLaughlin says traditional stores can keep their customers by offering goods like clothing, which customers may want to see and try on before purchasing - as well as items that are difficult to ship.He says some bricks and mortar stores are also pleasing customers with services that set up or repair computers and electronics.Traditional stores also offer a social experience that some shoppers enjoy.Traditional stores can also deliver goods more quickly than online retailers, Martin says.And smart merchants are using stores to guide customers to websites and using their websites to encourage customers to visit their stores.
以上两则新闻的主题都是讲网上购物对传统零售业的冲击,但是在特别英语和标准英语中的用词却有很多不同。比如News 1(以下简称N1)中使用的是 “store owners”(商店经营者),而News 2(以下简称N2)中却使用的是“traditional merchants”(传统商人)。显然 “store owners” 是“traditional merchants”的上义词,商店经营者包含传统的有门店的商人也包含网上虚拟商店的商人,标准英语中的用词用的更加详细。再如N1中用的“stores“,而N2中则使用的是“some brick and mortar stores”,后者是前者的下义词。N1中的“people” 在N2中表达为更加具体的“shoppers”。可以看出,在表达同一主题的两篇新闻中,标准英语多用下义词,力求准确详细的报道新闻内容和细节,而特别英语多用上义词,旨在简洁明了直观的表达新闻主要意思。
如N1中“Store ownersworry that this growing amount of online sales will hurt their business.”(商店经营者担心网上购物份额的增加将会打击他们的生意),在N2中的表达则换成了“Traditional merchants worry that growing e-commerce will shrink their share of the market.”(传统商店经营者担心电子商务的流行将会缩小他们的市场份额)。这两句话中首先就包含上下义词“store owners”和“ traditional merchants”。再从句义的角度分析,N2的表达比N1的表达更具体,而N1只是概括的表达了主题意思,“shrink”这个词用的很精确很具体。另外N1中表达“Andsomeretailersareusingwebsitestopersuadepeopletovisittheirstores.”(一些零售店使用网络说服人们进店光顾。),而N2的表达则是“Andsmartmerchantsareusingstorestoguidecustomerstowebsitesandusingtheirwebsitestoencouragecustomerstovisittheirstores.”(一些聪明的商家正在利用商店去引导消费者登陆他们的网站,同时又利用网站去鼓励消费者光顾商店。)这两句话中包含上下义词,比如“retailers”是“smartmerchants”的上义词,另外特别英语的这句话是一个概括句,而在标准英语中则是详细说明了商家是如何利用实体店和网络招揽顾客的,这两句话也是构成上下义关系。
[1] 伍谦光.语义学导论[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社,1988.
[2] 曾建彬.上下义和上下文[J].外国语文, 2009(4):21-26.
[3] 王 寅.语义理论与语言教学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001.