闫 波,周 婷,王辉民,陈竹君,曹京阳,刘淑敏,周建斌
(1西北农林科技大学资源环境学院/农业部西北植物营养与农业环境重点实验室,陕西杨凌 712100;2杨陵区农业技术推广服务中心,陕西杨凌 712100)
(1西北农林科技大学资源环境学院/农业部西北植物营养与农业环境重点实验室,陕西杨凌 712100;2杨陵区农业技术推广服务中心,陕西杨凌 712100)
【目的】北方石灰性土壤钙、镁含量丰富,镁素供应充足,缺镁主要发生在南方高度风化的酸性土壤,但近年来北方日光温室栽培番茄等作物缺镁现象频发。因此,解析导致石灰性土壤日光温室栽培番茄缺镁的主要因素,可为日光温室番茄镁素缺乏的矫正和合理施肥提供科学依据。【方法】在陕西省杨凌示范区大寨镇日光温室栽培基地,于秋冬茬栽培番茄普遍发生缺镁的盛果期(11月份),选择番茄定植时间和品种一致,叶片形态呈现不同程度缺镁症(不缺镁:外观未观察到番茄缺镁失绿症状;中度缺镁:上部1/2叶片未表现缺镁失绿症状;严重缺镁:上、下叶片均表现缺镁失绿症状)的日光温室,分别采集温室0—20 cm耕层土样和番茄第2穗与第3穗果间的叶片(下部叶片)以及上部完全展开的新生叶片(上部叶片)样品;测定土壤pH、电导率、有机质、NO3--N、NH4
+-N、有效磷、速效钾以及交换性钾、钙、镁离子含量,番茄叶片钾、钙、镁含量,计算土壤交换性钾、钙、镁离子饱和度和K/Mg、Ca/Mg、Ca/K离子比例,并调查番茄产量;分析番茄缺镁程度不同的日光温室土壤基本性质差异,交换性钾、钙、镁离子含量及平衡状况与番茄叶片养分含量和产量的关系。【结果】番茄缺镁程度不同的温室土壤性质存在差异,番茄缺镁严重的土壤电导率、NO3--N、速效钾显著增加。番茄缺镁和不缺镁的土壤交换性镁含量均高于缺镁临界值(0.5 cmol·kg-1);随番茄缺镁程度加剧,钾离子饱和度增加,钙、镁离子饱和度降低,Ca/Mg和K/Mg离子比例升高,Ca/K离子比例下降;与不缺镁相比,番茄中度缺镁的土壤交换性钾离子饱和度、K/Mg离子比例均增加了22%,严重缺镁的则分别显著增加了56%和88%;番茄严重缺镁的土壤Ca/Mg比例较未缺镁的升高了17%;番茄中度缺镁和严重缺镁的土壤Ca/K比未缺镁的分别降低了19%和37%。番茄中度缺镁的土壤Ca/Mg略高于适宜值上限(7.0),K/Mg则高于适宜上限(0.6)47%,番茄严重缺镁的土壤Ca/Mg和K/Mg分别高于适宜值上限28%和125%。番茄上、下部叶片镁含量和番茄产量分别与土壤速效钾含量、交换性钾含量、钾离子饱和度、K/Mg均呈极显著或显著负相关,与土壤有机质和Ca/K呈极显著或显著正相关,而与土壤交换性镁含量、镁离子饱和度及Ca/Mg比例间未达显著相关性;随番茄缺镁程度加剧,产量显著降低,中度和严重缺镁的番茄产量分别降低了38%和60%。【结论】番茄缺镁程度不同的温室土壤交换性镁含量均在丰富水平,而镁离子饱和度偏低;番茄表现缺镁的土壤Ca/Mg和K/Mg均呈养分比例失调状态,特别是K/Mg严重失调。土壤中钾离子过高造成阳离子比例失调是诱导番茄缺镁症的主要因素,温室高集约栽培下过量施肥影响阳离子养分平衡是值得关注的问题。
于2014年11月15日(11月份为当地秋冬茬番茄(‘铁观音’)盛果期,此时,从果实叶片开始陆续向上蔓延出现典型缺镁失绿症)。选择定植时间(2014年8月5日)一致,根据番茄叶片是否出现典型缺镁症状及严重程度(图1),划分为不缺镁、中度缺镁和严重缺镁(不缺镁:外观未观察到番茄缺镁症状;中度缺镁:上部1/2叶片未表现缺镁失绿症状;严重缺镁:上下叶片均表现缺镁失绿症状)的温室各3个,采集各温室0—20 cm耕层多点混合土样;同时采集每个温室第2穗和第3穗果间的番茄叶片(下部叶片)以及上部完全展开的新生叶片(上部叶片),清洗后杀青,60℃烘干。此外,调查采样温室当季施肥、灌溉量(表1)以及番茄总产量。当地有机肥主要施用干鸡粪和干羊粪,种植期间地面全覆盖聚乙烯薄膜,灌溉和追肥采用滴灌+文丘里施肥器的水肥一体化系统。
图1 缺镁程度不同的番茄叶片Fig. 1 Tomatoes with different degrees of Mg deficiency
表1 番茄不同缺镁程度的日光温室当季施肥灌水量Table 1 Fertilization and irrigation rates with different degrees of Mg deficiency of tomato in solar greenhouse
分析土壤样品pH、电导率、有机质、硝态氮、铵态氮、有效磷、速效钾以及交换性钾、钙、镁含量。其中pH用雷磁PHS-3C型pH计测定;电导率用雷磁DDS-307A型电导率仪测定(5∶1水土比);有机质为重铬酸钾-外加热法测定。硝态氮和铵态氮用鲜土壤样以1 mol·L-1氯化钾溶液浸提,流动分析仪测定;有效磷用钼锑抗比色-分光光度法测定;速效钾用1 mol·L-1醋酸铵浸提,火焰光度法测定。土壤交换性钾、钙、镁采用1 mol·L-1pH 8.2的醋酸钠反复交换至胶体上无钙离子[20],交换溶液分别用火焰光度法测定钾,原子吸收分光光度法测定钙、镁。由于石灰性土壤交换性阳离子主要为K+、Ca2+、Mg2+,分别以K+/(Ca2++Mg2++K+)、Ca2+/(Ca2++Mg2++K+)和Mg2+/(Ca2++Mg2++K+)百分率代表交换性钾、钙、镁离子饱和度(cation percent saturation,分别用CPSCa2+、CPSMg2+和CPSK+表示)。
试验数据采用Microsoft Excel和SAS软件进行统计分析,Sigma Plot 12.0作图。
番茄缺镁程度不同的土壤pH、NH4+-N和有效磷含量无显著差异(表2),番茄严重缺镁的土壤电导率、NO3--N含量显著高于番茄中度缺镁和不缺镁的土壤,番茄严重缺镁的土壤速效钾含量也显著高于番茄未缺镁的土壤。番茄严重缺镁的土壤NO3--N含量高于蔬菜生长土壤适宜上限值(150 mg·kg-1)[21],番茄缺镁土壤速效钾含量则均大于设施菜地的过量值(350 mg·kg-1)[22]。
表2 番茄缺镁程度不同的土壤基本理化性质Table 2 Physical and chemical properties of soils where tomatoes displayed different degrees of magnesium deficiency
表3 番茄缺镁程度不同的土壤交换性阳离子组成Table 3 Compositions of exchangeable cations in soils where tomatoes displayed different degrees of magnesium deficiency
图2 番茄缺镁程度不同的土壤阳离子比例Fig. 2 Ratios of Ca/Mg, K/Mg and Ca/ K in soils where tomatoes displayed different degrees of Mg-deficiency
表4 番茄缺镁程度不同的叶片养分含量及番茄产量Table 4 Leave nutrient contents and fruit yields of tomatoes displayed different degrees of magnesium deficiency
表5 番茄叶片养分含量和产量与土壤理化性质的相关性Table 5 Correlation between leaf nutrient contents, fruit yield of tomato and soil physical-chemical properties
一般采用有效镁含量、离子饱和度以及镁与其他阳离子间的平衡关系等3个指标来评价土壤镁的有效性[23]。以土壤交换性镁丰缺指标看,番茄缺镁和不缺镁的土壤交换性镁含量均高于以往认为的缺镁临界值(0.5 cmol·kg-1)4倍以上[24],说明石灰性土壤温室栽培番茄缺镁不是土壤有效镁含量缺乏所造成的。土壤养分离子饱和度反映了养分的供应强度,KOPITTKE等[23]提出,理想的土壤交换性钙、镁、钾离子饱和度为65%、10%和5%,WHITE[25]认为,土壤胶体上阳离子饱和度适宜的比例关系应为80%的Ca2+、15%的Mg2+及K+、Na+和NH4+等其他阳离子占5%。显然这两个指标适宜不同的土壤,前者适宜盐基不饱和的酸性土壤,后者适宜于盐基饱和的中性和石灰性土壤。也有研究认为,土壤交换性镁的饱和度低于10%[24]就有缺乏的可能。因此,从番茄缺镁程度不同的土壤交换性镁离子饱和度判断,镁素供应强度并不高,番茄严重缺镁的土壤镁离子饱和度处于缺乏状态。
目前,温室高集约栽培中过量氮、磷肥施用带来的养分盈余和环境问题引起人们的关注,钾肥过量施用虽然对环境无明显影响,但钾肥过量施用造成的阳离子平衡失调,进而影响作物对其他养分吸收及产量的降低并未引起足够重视。特别是钾、钙、镁丰富且易于在土壤中累积的北方石灰性土壤地区,温室栽培番茄等作物钾肥的过量施用在一些地区尚有严重化趋势,许多冲施肥为高钾含量型肥料,2015年笔者对杨凌58座温室土壤速效钾含量测定结果显示,平均含量高达735 mg·kg-1,最高达1 423 mg·kg-1,含量超过土壤供钾过量临界值(350 mg·kg-1)的占94%。因此,钾肥过量引起的土壤胶体上阳离子组成改变和平衡失调,进而影响其他养分离子吸收、转运等所造成的作物生理紊乱值得关注和重视。
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The Relationships Between Magnesium Deficiency of Tomato and Cation Balances in Solar Greenhouse Soil
YAN Bo1, ZHOU Ting1, WANG Hui-min1, CHEN Zhu-jun1, CAO Jing-yang2, LIU Shu-min2, ZHOU Jian-bin1
(1College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University/Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and the Agri-Environment in Northwest China, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi;2Yangling Agricultural Technology Extension Station, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi)
【Objective】It is generally considered that the contents of calcium and magnesium (Mg) in calcareous soil are rich. Therefore, Mg deficiency usually occurs in acidic soil in south China, where the weathering is very strong. However, Mg deficiency of tomato under solar greenhouses in calcareous soil in north China becomes common. It is urgent to understand the reason of Mg deficiency of tomato under solar greenhouses in the region, which will provide scientific knowledge to solve the Mg deficient problem in the solar greenhouse. 【Method】The different degrees of Mg deficiency of tomatoes with the same transplanting times and varieties in the greenhouses in Dazhai, Yangling, Shaanxi were chosen. The degrees of tomato Mg deficiency were divided into three types based on the severity of the symptoms. The three types of Mg deficiency included the leaves without Mg deficiency, the leaves with moderate (half of the upper leaves showed deficiency) and severe (all leaves showed deficiency) Mg deficiency. The soil samples (0-20 cm), lower leaves samples (the leaves between the second and third fruit sets) and upper leaves samples (the fully developed leaves on the top plant) were taken from different greenhouses. The basic soil properties were determined, including soil pH, electric conductivity (EC), organic matter, available nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and soil exchangeable K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+, and their contents in tomato leaves. The ratios of exchangeable K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ions, and their saturation percentages in soil colloid were calculated. The fruit yields of different greenhouses were also surveyed. The relationships between Mg deficiency of tomato and the parameters determined were analyzed.【Result】There were significant differences in soil properties between the greenhouses with different degrees of Mg deficiency. The soil EC, contents of nitrate, readily available K in soil of tomato with severe Mg deficiency were significantly increased. The content of exchangeable Mg ions in soils was higher than the critical value of Mg deficiency both in tomatoes with and without Mg deficient symptoms. With the severity of Mg deficiency of tomato, the saturation percentage of K ion was increased and the ratios of Ca/Mg, and K/Mg also increased. On the contrary, the saturation percentages of Ca2+and Mg2+ions, and the ratio of Ca/K were decreased. Compared with tomatoes without Mg deficiency, the saturation percentage of K+and the ratio of K/Mg in soil with moderate Mg deficiency were increased both by 22%, and soil with severe Mg deficiency increased by 56% and 88%, respectively. Compared to soil without tomato Mg deficiency, the ratios of Ca/Mg in soil with severe Mg deficiency was increased by 17%, and the ratios of Ca/K in soil with moderate and severe Mg deficiency were decreased by 19% and 37%, respectively. The soil Ca/Mg ratio of tomato with moderate Mg deficiency was slightly higher than optimum value of Ca/Mg ratio (7.0), and K/Mg ratios was higher than optimum value (0.6) by 47%. The ratios of soil Ca/Mg, and K/Mg were higher than optimum value by 28% and 125%, respectively. The Mg contents in both upper and lower leaves and fruit yield of tomato were significantly and negatively correlated with the readily available K, exchangeable K+, saturation percentages of K+, and K/Mg ratio, and positively correlated with soil organic matter content and Ca/K ratio; and their correlations with exchangeable Mg2+and its saturation percentages, and the ratio of Ca/Mg were not significant. With the severity of Mg deficiency,the tomato fruit yields were decreased rapidly. The decreasing rates of fruit yields in moderate and severe Mg deficiency were 38% and 60%.【Conclusion】 The contents of soil exchangeable Mg2+was at optimum levels for tomatoes with or without Mg deficiency;however, the Mg2+saturation percentages was lower. The ratios of Ca/Mg, and K/Mg in soil with different Mg deficiency were imbalance, especially for the K/Mg ratio. The high level of K resulted in imbalances of cation ions was the main reason of Mg deficiency in solar greenhouse of calcareous soil. Therefore, more attentions are needed to deal with this problem.
solar greenhouse; magnesium deficiency of tomato; soil properties; balances of cations; nutrient contents