文/梅州市平远县田家炳中学 陈红咏
使用人教版 《新目标英语》以来,我在自己上课或听课过程中,发现课堂教学中词汇教学费时多,学生进行语言能力培养的时间相对少了;部分教材的编排不太恰当,有的内容太零碎,缺乏整体性,有的内容编排轻重不一。基于这种现象,我们有必要通过优化教学设计来提高课堂效率。
通过一节课使每个学生个体都有所发展,这样的课堂称之为高效课堂。“高效课堂”主要涉及两个方面的研究:教师与学生,即教与学以及两者之间的相互关系。打造高效课堂不仅仅是让学生能学有所获,教师也能在教学中实现成长找到成就感,形成 “学生乐学,教师乐教”的良好局面。
2.单元教学要整体安排。每一单元有个话题 (topic),整个单元都围绕这个话题开展,教师需要考虑所教内容在整个单元中处于什么位置,对前面已学知识和将要学到的知识有整体安排。然后想到课堂教学优化设计,这样课堂优化设计就有了前面的基础,为后面进一步的学习也奠定了基础。
以 《新目标英语》八年级上Unit 1“Where did you go on vacation?”Section B的教学实践为例,谈谈我在以话题为主线的单元整体教学方面的尝试。
自主设计题目:My trip to Beijing
Step 1Warm ing up
(1)Teacheruses the flash cards and gets students to go over the verbs’past form.eg:go—went,am(is)—was,are—were.
(2)Teachersays:in Section A,we talked about people’s vacation. We know,some people would like to stay at home,do some washing,watch TV,read books and have a goodrest for vacation.However,some people would like to go out to enjoy some interesting places for their vacation.Now,what do you usually do for your vacation?Where would you like to go on vacation?I have some pictures of world’s interesting places.Look at the screen and let’s enjoy these interesting places.
(3)Teacher shows PPT about “the statue of liberty”.
T:Which place is it?
Ss:It’s the statue of liberty.
T:Where is it?
Ss:It’s in New York city in the USA.
(Teacher showsmore pictures such as Big Ben,Eiffel tower,Sydney Opera,etc)
(4)Students do pairwork
—Wheredid yougoonvacation?
—Iwent to…
—Did you go to…?
—Yes,Idid./No,I didn’t.
—How great!/Whata pity!
Step 2 Leading-in
T:Let’s look at another picture.Which place is it?Where is it?(Ss…).LastMay day,Iwent to Beijing.I knew something about Beijing’s interesting places,Beijing’s food,people…Do you want to enjoy my trip to Beijing and know more about Beijing?
Step 3 Presentation
T:What’s this?(Show a picture of Beijing duck)
Ss:It is Beijing duck.
T:How was Beijing duck?
Ss:itwas delicious.
Step 4 Practice(pair work)
—How’s itgoing?
—Pretty good.
—Where did you go on vacation?
—Iwent to Beijing.
—Did you visit the greatwall?
Step 5 Listening
Play the tape and Ss do listening on P 62,2b,2c.
(1)First try to get the Ss to listen,then answer two questions.
(2)Listen again and choose the correctwordswhich you hear:
her vacation:great/terrible
the people:warm/friendly/unfriendly
the food:delicious/awful
the stores:expensive/cheap
Step 6 Task Reading
Task1:Teacher shows the PPT (a readingmaterial about traveling),Ss try to read and find the answers to the questions that are given by the teacher.
Task2:Look atyourbooks P 63. Thereare three diariesaboutBob.Now read them quickly then find the followinganswers to thequestions.(Teacher showsquestionson the PPT)
T:After reading,can you find what kindof writing way it is?(Ss:….)
T:Well,it’s a diary.(Talks more abouthow to write a diary)
Step 7 W riting—My trip to Beijing
T:Now,we have learnedmore about Beijing.Let’s write a diary aboutmy trip to Beijing,open your books and try to finish the writing (Students’books 3b).