夏俊丽,张玲燕,张丽慧,申 羲
夏俊丽,张玲燕,张丽慧,申 羲
(铜仁职业技术学院, 贵州 铜仁 554300)
氮原子既是供电子原子同时也是很好的配位基团,在研究手性的同时很多含氮手性配体被开发出来,与过渡金属络合的含氮手性配体在不对称催化反应中也越来越重要。这主要是因为相比于其它的类型的配体来说,含氮手性配体易得, 而且还稳定,不易变质[1]。
1997年,Andrus[4]小组也合成了具有轴手性的联苯骨架配体5,并研究了配体5与化合物CuSbF6络合后用于催化不对称环己烯的烯丙基氧化反应,结果显示,用乙腈作溶剂,在-20oC下,反应5 d后,产率可达76%,对映选择性为73%。
Rippert[5]等人也开发了一系列含氮噁唑啉配体6,配体的骨架苯环上也有取代基,噁唑啉上也有不同的取代基,并把这些配体用在Cu(I)催化下的苯乙烯环丙烷化反应,即当R1= R2= R3= OMe 时,R6= R5= H, R4= ()--Bu,配体的选择性最好,反式产物的ee值为88%, 顺式产物的ee值为89%,而且顺式产物与反式产物之比为33 : 67。
2000年,张万斌、Ikeda[6]开发了一系列的含氮联芳基骨架的双噁唑啉配体,包括Atropos配体和Tropos配体,将这些配体在Et2Zn作用下用于对苯甲醛的不对称诱导反应中,对于Atropos配体来说构型的配体催化效果较好,把配体()-8用于对苯甲醛加成反应中,产率能达到92%,而对于Tropos配体当R = Me时即7a取得了较好的对映选择性。产率93%,对产物的对映选择性为78% ee。
1996年,Ikeda小组[7]合成了一系列的二茂铁双噁唑啉配体9,这些都是具有面手性的配体,并研究了在Pd(II)催化烯丙基烷基化的不对称诱导反应,在0oC下反应8 h,配体的不对称诱导效果最好,产率高达95%,不对映选择性为92% ee。
2000年,Ikeda小组[8]又报道了在噁唑啉环上具有羟基取代的一系列二茂铁配体(10-12),并将这类具有二茂铁骨架的双噁唑啉配体应用于Et2Zn作用下的苯甲醛加成反应中,得到了很好的催化结果。最优实验条件下,取代基R =-Bu时催化效果最好,化合物10和11的ee值分别为91%和93%。
1997年,张万斌、Ikeda[10]就报道了一些轴不稳定的含氮噁唑啉配体,这些配体在溶液中是以一对对映异构体的形式存在,但意外的是一旦与金属配位以后,就会只形成其中一种配合物。化合物 15 与 Cu(I) 配位后,就检测不到()-16构型的配体存在,只生成单一的配合物()-16,直接应用于催化苯乙烯的不对称诱导反应中。取代基为叔丁基时催化效果最好,ee 值为92%。dr 值为81 : 19 。
2006年,Ikeda、张万斌等为深入了解这些一系列Tropos配体中电子效应以及空间位阻对不对称催化诱导反应中的影响,又制备了一些Tropos配体[11],结果显示,配体17的催化效果最好,在最优条件下,dr (trans: cis) = 83: 17, cis 的ee 值为96%, trans 的ee值是89% 。
2004年,Busacca[12]小组制备合成了一系列的BIPI类单咪唑啉配体20,而且在Pd(Ⅱ)催化下研究了配合物用于分子内的Heck反应。在最优条件下对映选择性可达87.6% ee。
2006年,宋毛平课题组首次报道了双咪唑啉钳形配体(Phbim) 的合成[13]21,这些配体都是由廉价易得原料设计合成的,目前已合成出20多种此类配体,并广泛用于各种不对称催化反应中。
[1]Helen A. M.,Patrick J. G. Recent Developments in the Application of Oxazoline-Containing Ligands in Asymmetric Catalysis[J]. Chem. Rev. ,2004, 104(9): 4151-4202.
[2]Imai Y., Zhang W., Kida T., et al. Novel C2-Symmetric Chiral Bisoxazoline Ligands in Rhodium(I)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrosilylation[J]. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 1996, 7(8):2453-2462.
[3]Bedekar A. V., Koroleva, E. B., Andersson P. G. Investigation of the Effects of the Structure and Chelate Size of Bis-oxazoline Ligands in the Asymmetric Copper- Catalyzed Cyclopropanation of Olefins: Design of a New Class of Ligands[J]. J. Org. Chem., 1997, 62 :2518-2526.
[4]Andrus M. B., Asgari D., Sclafani. Efficient Synthesis of 1,1’- Binaphthyl and 2,2’’-Bi-o-tolyl-2,2’-bis(oxazoline)s and Preliminary Use for the Catalytic Asymmetric Allylic Oxidation of Cyclohexene [J]. J. Org. Chem. ,1997, 62: 9365-9368.
[5]Rippert A. J. New Axially Chiral Bis(dihydrooxazoles) as Ligands in Stereoselective Transition-Metal Catalysis[J]. Helv. Chim. Acta., 1998, 81: 676-687.
[6]Imai Y., Matsuo S., Zhang W., et al. Novel C2-Symmetric Chiral Oxazolinyl Biaryl Ligands Bearing a Hydroxyl Group[J]. Synlett. , 2000: 239.
[7]Zhang W., Hirao T., Ikeda I. Interesting and Effective P, N-Chelation of Tetrasubstituted Ferrocene Ligands for Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Substitution[J]. Tetrahedron Lett., 1996, 37:4545-4548.
[8]Zhang W.,Yoshinaga H., Imai Y., et al. Oxazolinylferrocene Ligands for the Addition of Diethylzinc to Benzaldehyde: Effects of the Symmetry and the Substituent on the Oxazoline Ring of the Ligands on Asymmetric Catalysis[J]. Synlett., 2000:1512-1514.
[9]Liu D., Xie F., Zhang W. The synthesis of novel C2-symmetric P, N-chelation ruthenocene ligands and their application in palladium-catalyzed asymmetric allylic substitution[J]. Tetrahedron Lett. ,2007, 48:585-588.
[10]Imai Y., Zhang W., Kida T., Nakatsuji Y., Ikeda,et al. Novel Axial Chiral Catalyst Derived from Biphenyl Ligand Bearing only two ortho-[J].Substituents. Tetrahedron Lett., 1997, 38: 2681-2684.
[11]Zhang W., Xie F., Matsuo S., et al. Bisoxazoline ligands with an axial-unfixed biaryl backbone: the effects of the biaryl backbone and the substituent at oxazoline ring on Cu-catalyzed asymmetric cyclopropanation[J]. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry ,2006, 17: 767-777.
[12]Carl A., et al. Electronic Control of Chiral Quaternary Center Creation in the Intramolecular Asymmetric Heck Reaction[J]. J. Org. Chem., 2004, 69:5187-5195.
[13](a) X. Q. Hao, J. F. Gong, C. X. Du, L. Y. Wu, Y. J. Wu, M. P. Song, Synthesis,characterization and photoluminescent properties of platinum complexes with novel bis(imidazoline) pincer ligands[j]. Tetrahedron Lett. ,2006, 47, 5033-5036. (b) L. Y. Wu, X. Q. Hao, Y. X. Xu, M. Q. Jia, Y. N. Wang, J. F. Gong, M. P. Song, Chiral NCN pincer Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes with 1,3-bis(2′-imidazolinyl) benzene: Synthesis via direct metalation, characterization, and catalytic activity in the Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction[j]. Organometallics, 2009, 28: 3369-3380.
[14]Lin S., You T. Synthesis of 9, 9’-biphenanthryl-10, 10’-bis(oxazoline) s and their preliminary evaluations in the Friedel- Crafts alkylations of indoles with nitroalkenes[J]. Tetrahedron, 2009, 65:1010-1016.
Research Progress of Nitrogen-containing Chiral Ligands
(Tongren Polytechnic College, Guizhou Tongren 554300,China)
Oxazoline ligands and imidazoline ligands were introduced, including planar chiral compounds and axially chiral compounds. Because their synthesis is simple, raw materials are cheap and easy to get, and they have broad practicability, So they have become one of the research hotspots in recent years .
nitrogen-containing chiral ligands ; catalysis; axial chirality
TQ 201