
2016-09-03 01:44:15岳杰综述于振涛审校
中国肿瘤临床 2016年4期

岳杰 综述 于振涛 审校





食管癌是全球范围内发病率位于第8位的常见肿瘤,位居肿瘤致死原因的第6位。2012年,全球新发病例456 000例,死亡病例400 000例[1]。我国为食管癌高发区,根据《2012中国肿瘤登记年报》的报道,食管癌发病率为22.14/10万,居各类恶性肿瘤第5位;死亡率为16.77/10万,居第4位。


1 表皮生长因子受体(epidermal growth factor receptor,EGFR)为靶点的药物





2 HER-2为靶点的药物

原癌基因HER-2/neu位于染色体17q,编码跨膜酪氨酸激酶生长因子受体HER-2[22]。研究证实在平均23%的食管癌患者中存在HER-2/neu过表达,与肿瘤转移和较差的预后相关[23]。亦有研究证实在Barrett食管中HER-2的表达与癌变,增加的肿瘤侵袭和淋巴结转移相关[24]。Thompson等[25]评估了89例食管腺癌HER-2/ neu基因扩增及对生存的影响,92%患者显示高水平HER-2/neu扩增,5年生存率为57%,无扩增组5年生存率仅为32%。尽管整体生存时间无显著性差异,但首次将HER-2抑制剂如西妥昔单抗和拉帕替尼应用于转移性食管腺癌的治疗。

曲妥珠单抗为人源IgG1抗体,批准用于HER-2/neu阳性的转移性乳腺癌的治疗[26]。一项研究显示曲妥珠单抗联合化疗治疗转移性食管或胃腺癌,能显著提高整体生存率[27]。TOGA是一项多中心的Ⅲ期随机对照试验,评估曲妥珠单抗联合化疗(卡培他滨联合顺铂或氟尿嘧啶联合顺铂)用于HER-2阳性的食管腺癌或胃癌[28]。594例患者按照1:1随机分别入组单纯化疗组(n= 296)和联合靶向治疗组(n=298)。两组比较,总反应率(47.3%vs.34.5%)及总生存时间(13.8个月vs.11.1个月)具有显著性差异。这些发现提示曲妥珠单抗能作为新的标准治疗用于HER-2阳性表达的转移性食管腺癌或胃癌联合化疗。

拉帕替尼是口服双重TKI,同时阻断HER-2/neu和EGFR[29]。已被FDA批准联合卡培他滨用于HER-2阳性的乳腺癌的治疗。Guo等[30]发现联合拉帕替尼和5-FU显著降低食管癌细胞HER-2和EGFR的磷酸化,抑制下游信号通路的活化。2013年ASCO年会TRIO-013/ LOGiC试验为双盲的随机对照试验,评估了拉帕替尼联合化疗用于转移性食管或食管胃交接部腺癌的安全性和有效性。试验组中位生存时间为12.2个月,对照组10.5个月(P=0.35)。


3 小结与展望


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Research progress on molecular targeted therapy for metastatic esophageal cancer patients

Jie YUE,Zhentao YU
Correspondence to:Zhentao YU;E-mail:yuzhtao@hotmail.com
Department of Esophageal Tumor,Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital,National Clinical Research Center for Cancer,Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cancer Prevention and Therapy,Tianjin 300060,China

Esophageal cancer is a highly aggressive malignant tumor of the digestive tract.Despite the continuous development of surgical techniques and multidisciplinary treatments,the prognosis and overall survival of esophageal cancer patients is still poor.In recent years,the development of new molecular targeted therapy has become well advanced.Drugs that target tumor-related signal pathways and block the transmission of downstream signals can inhibit the growth and metastasis of tumor cells.Currently,esophageal cancer-targeted drugs are rarely approved officially.HER-2 inhibitor represents these types of drugs because of its positive expression of metastatic adenocarcinoma.However,studies on the preparation of new drugs are not extensive.In this paper,the research progress of a new targeted therapy for metastatic esophageal cancer is reviewed.

metastatic esophageal cancer,molecular targeted therapy,EGFR,HER-2




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