
2016-08-04 09:50:04李开春杜杰程诗宇综述李进审校
中国肿瘤临床 2016年13期

李开春  杜杰  程诗宇  综述  李进  审校



小肠腺癌(small bowel adenocarcinoma,SBA)是一种预后不良,发病率增加,且比较少见的肿瘤。该疾病常被延误诊断,大多数患者确诊时已为晚期。由于缺乏随机对照研究数据,临床治疗决策较为困难。根治性手术通常认为是必要的。辅助化疗预计是有益的,但仍未被随机研究结果证实。对于晚期SBA患者,回顾性研究表明以铂类为基础的化疗方案似乎最有效。靶向治疗仍缺乏足够数据支持。本文综述SBA的诊断与治疗进展。


小肠包括十二指肠、空肠和回肠。小肠肿瘤占消化系统肿瘤比例不足5%,主要包括腺癌、神经内分泌肿瘤、间质瘤以及淋巴瘤等[1]。小肠腺癌(small bowel adenocarcinoma,SBA)约占小肠肿瘤40%。SBA的发病率有地域差异,北美及西欧高发,亚洲低发。十二指肠是SBA的好发部位(55%~82%),其次空肠(11%~25%)和回肠(7%~17%)[2]。近年来,SBA发病率呈上升趋势,主要因为十二指肠腺癌的增长[3]。本文仅讨论SBA诊治进展。

1 诊断要点








2 治疗原则

手术切除是唯一可能的治愈方法。新辅助化疗可能使初始不可切除的患者获得根治手术的机会。SBA根治术后是否行辅助化疗仍有争议。一般建议Ⅱ期和Ⅲ期高危SBA患者术后行5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)联合奥沙利铂为基础的化疗方案6个月。就目前有限的循证医学证据表明,对于Ⅳ期患者且PS评分<2分,一线可选择FOLFOX(奥沙利铂+5-FU)或CapeOX(奥沙利铂+卡培他滨)方案化疗,二线可选择FOLFIRI(伊立替康+5-FU)方案化疗。抗血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)或表皮生长因子受体(epidermal growth factor receptor,EGFR)的单克隆抗体贝伐珠单抗或西妥昔单抗用于晚期SBA的疗效仍不确定。姑息性放疗可能是局部晚期十二指肠腺癌的一个治疗选择[7]。

3 治疗策略






辅助化疗指根治术后所进行的化疗。目的在于杀灭手术无法清除的微小病灶,减少复发,提高生存率。几项回顾性研究表明[11-13],SBA根治术后行辅助化疗并未生存获益。然而Overman等[14]回顾分析54例行根治性手术切除的SBA患者,术后行辅助化疗能够延长无病生存时间(disease-free survival,DFS)(HR=0.27,P=0.05),高危复发组(淋巴结≥10%阳性)辅助化疗能够延长生存(HR=0.04,P=0.04)。Ecker等[15]回顾分析1998年至2011年美国国家癌症数据库(National Cancer Data Base,NCDB)1 674例术后接受辅助化疗的SBA患者和3 072例单纯接受手术的SBA患者,辅助化疗能够延长Ⅲ期SBA患者的中位生存时间(overall survival,OS)(42.4个月vs.26.1个月,P<0.001)。





有回顾性研究表明[17-20],相比最佳支持治疗(OS 仅4~7个月),姑息化疗能够延长晚期SBA患者OS (11~15个月)。常用的化疗药物包括5-FU、卡培他滨、奥沙利铂、顺铂、吉西他滨和伊立替康等。5-FU药物与铂盐的结合临床验证是最有效的化疗方案。

有关晚期SBA化疗的最大样本研究(共入组93例患者)是来自法国的多中心回顾性AGEO研究[21],表明一线FOLFOX方案是最有效的含铂化疗方案。一线采用FOLFOX方案化疗的晚期SBA患者的中位无进展生存期(progression-free survial,PFS)为6.9个月,中位OS为17.8个月。日本一项回顾性研究发现,姑息化疗可以延长Ⅳ期SBA患者OS,中位OS为11个月,而未接受化疗的Ⅳ期SBA患者仅3.3个月[22]。

迄今为止,仍缺乏前瞻性Ⅲ期随机对照研究比较不同化疗方案治疗晚期SBA的疗效区别。两项前瞻性Ⅱ期临床研究[23-24],分别采用一线改良FOLFOX 和CapeOX方案治疗晚期SBA患者,客观有效率(ob⁃jective response rate,ORR)分别为48.5%和52.0%,PFS分别为7.8个月和11.3个月,OS分别为15.2个月和20.4个月。





4 预后

SBA的部位、大小和TNM分期是独立预后因素,其中TNM分期是最重要的预后因素[29]。SBA总的5 年OS:Ⅰ期≥50%、Ⅱ期为40%~50%,Ⅲ期为10%~40%,Ⅳ期<5%[30]。

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Advances in diagnosis and treatment of small bowel adenocarcinoma

Kaichun LI,Jie DU,Shiyu CHENG,Jin LI
Correspondence to:Jin LI;E-mail:tianyoulijin@163.com
Department of Oncology,Tianyou Hospital of Tongji University,Shanghai 200331,China

Small bowel adenocarcinoma(SBA)is a relatively uncommon neoplasm with poor prognosis.However,the incidence rate of this condition increases.SBA is usually diagnosed at the late stages,and the majority of patients present with the advanced stage. Data are limited when making decisions for treatment because of the lack of randomized trials for SBA.Radical surgery is considered necessary when possible.Adjuvant chemotherapy is predicted to be beneficial,but this procedure has not yet been investigated through randomized trials.Platinum-based chemotherapy is apparently the most effective treatment regimen used in retrospective trials for advanced SBA.Targeted therapies,such as those against the angiogenetic pathway or the epidermal growth factor receptor pathway,have not yet been established for this type of cancer.This article reviews the progress in the diagnosis and treatment of SBA.

small intestine,adenocarcinoma,diagnosis,therapeutics






Table 1TNM classification of small bowel adenocarcinoma

Note.The non-peritonealized perimuscular tissue for the jejunum and ileum is part of the mesentery.For the duodenum,it is part of the retroperitoneum in areas where there is no serosa

Item Primary tumour(T)TxT0 Tis T1 T1a T1b T2T3T4 Primary tumour cannot be assessed No evidence of primary tumour Carcinoma in situ Tumour invades the lamina propria,muscularis mucosa or submucosa Tumour invades the lamina propria or muscularis mucosa Tumour invades the submucosa Tumour invades the muscularis propria Tumour invades 2 cm or less into the subserosa or into the non-peritonealized perimuscular tissue(mesentery or retroperitoneuma)Tumour perforates the visceral peritoneum or directly invades other organs or structures,including: -other loops of the small intestine,mesentery or retroperitoneum by more than 2 cm -through the serosa into the abdominal wall -the pancreas(only for tumours in the duodenum)Regional lymph nodes(N)NxN0N1N2 Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed No regional lymph node metastasis Metastasis in 1-3 regional lymph nodes Metastasis in 4 or more regional lymph nodes Distant metastasis(M)MxM0M1 Distant metastasis cannot be assessed No distant metastasis Distant metastasis

Table 2Tumor stages of small bowel adenocarcinoma

Stage T 0ⅠⅡA Tis T1,T2ⅡB ⅢA ⅢB ⅣT3T4 Any T Any T Any T N N0N0N0N0N1N2 Any N MM0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M1


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