齐兴源,周志艳,2※,杨 程,罗锡文,2,谷秀艳,臧 禹,刘武兰
(1.华南农业大学工程学院/广东省农业航空应用工程技术研究中心,广州 510642;2.南方粮油作物协同创新中心,长沙 410128)
齐兴源1,周志艳1,2※,杨 程1,罗锡文1,2,谷秀艳1,臧 禹1,刘武兰1
(1.华南农业大学工程学院/广东省农业航空应用工程技术研究中心,广州 510642;2.南方粮油作物协同创新中心,长沙 410128)
目前在水稻的机械追肥作业中以离心圆盘式撒肥机为主,该方式在作业幅宽方向上的撒施均匀性不稳定,且难以实现作业幅宽方向上的变量施肥。为了满足水稻变量追肥作业的需要,达到化肥减施增收的目的,设计了一种外槽轮式排肥、以空气流为肥料输送和撒播动力的稻田气力式变量施肥机。文章对该机器的关键部件进行了仿真和测试试验,研究了排肥轮转速与排肥量之间的相关关系,并对排肥管道长度对排肥出口风速与排肥滞后时间的影响、排肥管出口相对高差对排肥滞后时间的影响进行了试验。试验结果表明:排肥轮转速与排肥量之间存在极显著的线性相关关系,相关系数R2=0.998,调节排肥轮转速可以较精确的调节施肥量的大小,在变量作业时,结合施肥量的需求及施肥机具的前进速度,对排肥轮的转速进行实时调节,从而达到变量施肥的目的。当机具前进速度为1 m/s,排肥轮转速在10~40 r/min之间变化时,单凭转速调节可实现每公顷施肥量在40~200 kg范围内的变量调节,此外,各排肥口的排肥量误差小于±5%,基本上达到了施肥均匀性的要求。文章还研究了排肥管道长度及安装高差对排肥滞后时间的影响,结果表明:排肥管道长度对排肥出口风速有显著影响,排肥管长度和出口安装的高差对排肥滞后性亦有显著的影响,因此,为了尽可能减小因排肥滞后对排肥均匀性的影响,应避免排肥管过长,并尽量使排肥管出口不高于入口。该研究为进一步的样机制造和优化提供了依据。
齐兴源,周志艳,杨 程,罗锡文,谷秀艳,臧 禹,刘武兰.稻田气力式变量施肥机关键部件的设计与试验[J].农业工程学报,2016,32(6):20-26.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.06.003 http://www.tcsae.org
Qi Xingyuan,Zhou Zhiyan,Yang Cheng,Luo Xiwen,Gu Xiuyan,Zang Yu,Liu Wulan.Design and experiment of key parts of pneumatic variable-rate fertilizer applicator for rice production[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE),2016,32(6):20-26.(in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.06.003 http://www.tcsae.org
图1 气力式施肥原理示意图Fig.1 Principle diagram of pneumatic variable-rate fertilizer applicator
为了防止肥料从排肥轮侧边流出,在每个排肥轮两侧各加一个挡板,施肥机整体由多个排肥轮组成,排肥管可以水平延伸至4 m外,在保证排肥均匀性的前提下,实现宽幅作业,提升作业效率。
2.1 交错直齿式排肥轮的设计
图2 交错直齿式排肥轮Fig.2 Staggered straight-tooth fertilization wheel
2.2 气流肥料混合接头的设计
图3 气流肥料混合接头Fig.3 Mixed joint of air and fertilizer
图4 小孔对气流肥料混合接头气流场的影响对比Fig.4 Influence of small hole to airflow field in mixed joint
2.3 气流分流箱的设计
分流箱的目的是能够将气流尽可能均匀的在各个出口排出,如图1中所示,气流分流箱的气流入口处厚度尺寸大于各分流口的尺寸,而如图5中所示,在宽度上,入口处宽度又远小于分流口宽度,宽度和厚度协同作用下,气流能够初步进行分流。其中,图5中所示气流分流箱的入口内径为55 mm,图5a中的小孔即为气流肥料混合接头小孔结构,小孔出口内径为12 mm,图5b中出口即为无小孔结构气流混合接头,出口内径为21 mm。
如图5a所示,气流肥料混合接头采用小孔结构时,分流箱腔体中的平均压力达到110 400 Pa,最大压力与最小压力差为3 000 Pa。如图5b所示,气流肥料混合接头未采用小孔结构时,分流腔中的平均压力为101 550 Pa,最大压力与最小压力差小于100 Pa。压力差越大,越能够使各出口出风量趋于平均[37]。从流动迹线来看,有小孔时分流腔腔体内流迹线更规整,形成的回流场更少,气流均匀性相对较好,对气体流动的阻碍更小。
图5 混合接头小孔对气流分流箱流动迹及内部气压影响图Fig.5 Influence of small hole in mixed joint to pressure of air divider box
3.1 测试方法
试验所用肥料为复合肥(氮磷钾含量质量比值为15∶6∶15,总养分≥36%,深圳市芭田生态工程股份有限公司),容质量为10 023 N/m3,粒径2~4 mm大于90%。通过测试试验分别测量无肥料时不同长度排肥管道出口风速、排肥轮不同转速下对应的排肥量、不同管长对应的排肥滞后时间以及不同高度对应的排肥滞后时间。参照标准《NJ/ T 2013-0608气力式肥料变量播撒系统技术及评价方法》进行试验[38]。
试验中均采用750 W漩涡风机正压输出作为空气动力源,恒流输出量110 m3/h,气流分流箱中压为110 kPa,风机出口内径55 mm。
3.2 结果及分析
3.2.1 不同长度排肥管道出口风速
表1 不同长度排肥管道出口风速Table 1 Air velocity of pipeline outlet in different length
经分析,在未安装排肥管时,各出口风速的均值为20.08 m/s,方差值为0.043,各出口风速均匀性良好。安装排肥管之后,各出口风速与管长度呈现出线性变化关系,其显著性值小于0.01,说明管长对出口风速产生极显著影响。
3.2.2 排肥轮转速与排肥量的关系
表2 不同排肥轮转速对排肥量的影响Table 2 Fertilizer sowing amount in different rotational speed
表3是每个转速下各排肥口的排肥量的t检验结果,从表中可看出,所有检验值均在差分的95%置信区间内,依据标准《NJ/T 2013-0608气力式肥料变量播撒系统技术及评价方法》,说明各排肥口排肥量的均匀性满足设计要求。
表3 各排肥口排肥量t检验结果Table 3 T-test result of each outlet’s fertilizer sowing amount
在该条件下,本试验装置共4个排肥口,若取b=1 m,v=1 m/s,则每公顷施肥量可通过排肥轮转速实现40~200 kg范围内的变量调节,结合不同机具前进速度还可实现更大范围的施肥量调节。
3.2.3 排肥管长度对排肥滞后时间的影响
表4 排肥管长度对排肥滞后时间的影响Table 4 Influence of pipeline length to fertilize delay time
排肥管道越长,肥料在管道中滞留的时间就越长,排肥时间的延迟,对于施肥的均匀性有一定影响。为便于后续进行变量施肥控制时进行修正,对排肥管长度与排肥滞后时间进行线性回归分析,分析结果的显著性值sig.= 0.005,R2=0.990。因此排肥管长度与排肥滞后时间线性拟合结果为极其显著,拟合方程为:
3.2.4 排肥管出口高差对排肥滞后时间的影响
前文已经验证当排肥管出口与入口在同一水平面时,排肥管长度与排肥滞后时间之间呈显著线性关系。由于排肥管安装过程中,难免出现出口与入口出现高差的现象,需要测试排肥管出口高差(即排肥管出口与入口之间的高度差)对排肥滞后时间是否有影响。为了保证因素单一,也为了便于计时更准确,将排肥管长度固定为4 m进行测试试验,排肥管出口高差设置了5个梯度,测试结果如表5所示。
表5 排肥管出口高差对排肥滞后时间影响Table 5 Influence of outlet height difference to fertilize delay time
表6 排肥口相对高度与滞后时间分析结果Table 6 Analysis result of outlet height and fertilize delay time
1)排肥轮转速与排肥量之间存在极显著的线性相关关系,相关系数R2=0.998,因此,可以通过排肥轮转速来控制排肥量,在变量作业时,结合施肥量的需求及施肥机具的前进速度对排肥轮的转速进行实时调节,从而达到变量施肥的目的。当机具前进速度为1 m/s,排肥轮转速在10~40 r/min之间变化时,单凭转速调节可实现每公顷施肥量在40~200 kg范围内的变量调节,此外,各排肥口的排肥量误差小于±5%。对照标准《NJ/T 2013-0608气力式肥料变量播撒系统技术及评价方法》,各排肥口排肥量的均匀性能满足设计要求。
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Design and experiment of key parts of pneumatic variable-rate fertilizer applicator for rice production
Qi Xingyuan1,Zhou Zhiyan1,2※,Yang Cheng1,Luo Xiwen1,2,Gu Xiuyan1,Zang Yu1,Liu Wulan1
(1.College of Engineering,South China Agricultural University/Engineering Research Center for Agricultural Aviation Application(ERCAAA), Guangzhou 510642,China;2.Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain and Oil Crops in South China,Changsha 410128,China)
Variable-rate fertilizer applicator is one of the most important machines of precision agriculture.Nowadays,the main machine for topdressing in rice is centrifugal disc distributor,and this machine has a better width,but has an unstable spread uniformity at the direction of working width,and most of them also cannot fertilize with a variable rate at the working width direction.In order to satisfy the needs of variable-rate fertilizer application in rice,and use less fertilizer to produce more yield,a pneumatic variable-rate fertilizer applicator for rice production,which used outer groove-fertilizer-wheel and pneumatic fertilizer spreader,was designed.Firstly,the simulation of the key components of the variable-rate fertilizer applicator was carried out to optimize the structure of the mixed joint and the air divider box under the following initial boundary conditions:the inlet gas velocity was 12 m/s,the inlet gas volumetric flow of air divider box was 0.03 m3/h,and all the testing components were under the same pressure in outlet and environment.The results indicated that the small keyhole structure not only improved the average pressure in air divider box and the uniformity of airflow dividing,but also promoted the fertilizer falling for mixed joint of air and fertilizer.Secondly,a series of testing experiments of the key components of the variable-rate fertilizer applicator were carried out to investigate the correlation between the rotating speed of fertilization wheel and the amount of fertilizer application under the following conditions:use the mixed joint with small keyhole structure, the inlet gas velocity was 12 m/s and the air divider box pressure was 110 kPa.The results showed that there was a significant linear relationship between the rotating speed of fertilization wheel and the amount of fertilization,and the correlation coefficient was up to 0.998.Adjusting the rotating speed of fertilization wheel could accurately adjust the amount of fertilization.In other words,it could achieve the purpose of variable fertilization by real-time control the rotating speed of fertilization wheel combined with the fertilization demand and the forward speed of fertilizing machine.The variable amount of fertilization could be reached in the range of 40-200 kg per hectare when the forward speed of fertilizing machine was 1 m/s and the rotating speed of fertilization wheel was in the range of 10-40 r/min.And the errors of fertilizer application amount for each fertilizer ejector′s outlet was less than±5%,which basically reached the requirements of fertilization uniformity.Finally, the impacts of the fertilizer pipeline length and installation height difference on the fertilization outlet velocity and lag time were studied when the inlet gas velocity was 12 m/s and the air divider box pressure was 110 kPa.The results showed that the fertilizer pipeline length and installation height difference had a significant effect on the fertilizer ejector′s outlet velocity and fertilization lag time.Therefore,in order to minimize the influence of fertilization lag time on fertilization uniformity,the fertilizer pipeline length should not be too long,and it is also suggested that the fertilizer ejector′s outlet is not higher than the inlet in order to reduce the impact of installation height difference.This study provides a basis for further prototyping and optimization of the pneumatic variable-rate fertilizer applicator.
crops;agricultural machinery;design;paddy field;pneumatic;variable rate fertilizer;fertilization wheel; fertilizer transport
齐兴源,男(汉族),甘肃酒泉人,主要从事作物变量施肥机具的研究。广州 华南农业大学工程学院,510642。Email:529155434@qq.com※通信作者:周志艳,男(汉族),湖南永州人,博士,教授,主要从事精准农业关键技术研究。广州 华南农业大学工程学院,510642。