张惠锋 杨慧芬 杜芳 郝亮
[摘要] 目的 探讨非肿块的乳腺导管原位癌(DCIS)的MRI表现与病理分级之间的相关性。 方法 回顾性分析我院2012年9月~2015年9月经手术病理证实的DCIS 67例患者并与MRI影像表现进行对照分析。 结果 在67例DCIS病例中,乳腺导管原位癌的非肿块样强化以线样(34.3%)和局灶(26.8%)强化为主,两组的病理VanNuys分级以Ⅲ级为主,各占26.8%和17.9%。组内差异有统计学意义。内部强化特征以混杂(38.8%)和均匀(31.3%)强化为主,两者病理分级分别以Ⅲ级(31.3%)和Ⅱ级(14.9%)为主,组内差异有统计学意义。曲线类型以平台型21(31.3%)和廓清型(58.2%)为主,病理分级廓清型以Ⅲ级(58.2%)为主,差异有统计学意义。 结论 非肿块样DCIS MRI的形态、强化特征和曲线类型与病理分级有密切相关性。
[关键词] 乳腺导管原位癌;磁共振成像;BI-RADS;病理分级
[中图分类号] R737.9;R445.2 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2016)06-0084-04
Comparison between magnetic resonance and pathology in ductal carcinoma in situ patients
ZHANG Huifeng1 YANG Huifen2 DU Fang1 HAO Liang1
1.Department of Radiology,Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hangzhou 310007,China;2.Department of Breast Surgery,Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hangzhou 310007,China
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the correlation between characteristics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) and pathological classification, ductal carcinoma in situ(DCIS) patients were observed. Methods Sixty seven DCIS patients verified by surgery pathology from September, 2012 to September, 2015 were retrospectively analysed, and were compared to characteristics of MRI image. Results In 67 cases, non-masslike enhancement lesions were observed mainly. 34.3% of linear ductal enhancement and 26.8% focal enhancement occupied among the non-masslike enhancement lesions, respectively. And the corresponding rate of pathological VanNuys classification was 26.8% and 17.9% respectively. Intra group statistical significance was approached. 38.8% of mixed reinforcement and 31.3% of homogeneous enhancement occupied in internal schedule of reinforcement. The Ⅲ pathology grade occupied 31.3% and Ⅱ grade accounted for 14.9%. Intra group statistical significance was approached in Ⅲ pathology grade, meanwhile,no significance was found in Ⅱ pathology grade. Platform 21 type(31.3%) and dissection(58.2%) type mainly showed in the dynamic enhancement curves, with Ⅲ pathology grade(58.2%) majorly found among dissection type. Statistical significance was approached. Conclusion Closely correlation between characteristics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) and pathological classification was approached in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) patients, in non-masslike enhancement lesions, internal schedule of reinforcement.
[Key words] DCIS;MRI;BI-RADS;Pathology grade
乳腺癌发病率有逐年上升的趋势[1],乳腺癌最常见的病理类型为浸润性乳腺导管癌,它一般由于乳腺导管原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ,DCIS)未被及早发现,逐步发展而成[2]。研究表明,病理学上,高级别的DCIS发展为浸润性导管癌和局部复发的危险性显著高于非高级别[3,4],因此如何早期发现乳腺导管原位癌以及如何进一步分析MRI表现与病理学分级的相关性成为临床迫切解决的问题。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
回顾性分析我院2012年9月~2015年9月经术后病理证实的单纯性DCIS 67例,所有患者术前均行过乳腺MR动态增强扫描检查,患者均为女性,年龄35~75岁,平均(56.37±13.42)岁。临床均未扪及肿块,局部皮肤增厚8例,乳头溢血性液6例,仅表现局部胀痛4例,其余49例均无明显临床症状。
1.2 设备与检查方法
磁共振检查采用Philip Intera 1.5T双梯度超导磁共振成像系统。患者俯卧于专用乳腺八通道相控阵表面线圈上,使双侧乳房自然悬垂于线圈洞穴内。扫描参数:TSE-T1WI ,TR764 ms,TE7.2 ms,层厚3 mm,层间距0.6 mm,FOV340×340 mm,矩阵312×442;TSE-T2WI,TR5100 ms,TE115 ms,层厚3,层间距0.6,FOV340×340 mm,矩阵378×510;Tirm-T2WI TR4500 ms,TE64 ms,层厚3,层间距0.6 mm,FOV340×340 mm,矩阵314×320;DWI采用EPI序列,TR11780 ms,TE75 ms,层厚3 mm,层间距0.6 mm,FOV340×340 mm,矩阵230×175,b值0,500,700,1000 s/mm2;动态增强扫描采用Flash-3D 脂肪抑制T1WITR5.2 ms,TE1.6 ms,层厚1 mm,层间距0 mm,FOV340×340 mm,矩阵320×342,翻转角(FA)10°,相位编码为左右方向,单期扫描时间约为60 s,共扫描6个期像,第一与第二期像扫描间隔30 s,增强采集时间416 s。增强扫描经肘正中静脉留置静脉留置针,0.2 mL/kg,经高压注射器注射钆喷酸葡胺(GD-DTPA),速率0.2 mL/s。
1.3 影像资料分析及病理学分级
磁共振影像分析是由2名专门从事乳腺研究的放射科医师,在确定DCIS但不知病理分级的情况下,根据磁共振成像乳腺影像报告与数据系统(BI-RADS)(第5版,2013年)的标准进行影像描述[5]。描述包括,病灶形态、强化特征、信号强度-时间曲线特征[6]。DCIS形态为非肿块样强化(NME)局灶、线样、叶段、区域、多区域、弥漫[7];内部强化特征为均匀、混杂、集丛状、簇环状;信号强度-时间曲线分为增强早期和延迟期,增强早期为第一个2 min或在曲线趋势开始改变时的强化模式,分为慢、中等、快速,延迟期为2 min后或在曲线开始变化后的强化模式,分为流入型、平台型、廓清型[8]。病理分级:根据细胞核的形态及有无坏死的VanNuys组织学分级,组织病理学上根据细胞核的异型程度、管腔内坏死、核分裂象和钙化将DCIS分为Ⅰ~Ⅲ级别[9]。
1.4 统计学处理
2 结果
表1 67例DCIS的NME和病理学分级相关性[n(%)]
3 讨论
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