孙元章 崔明建 柯德平 甘迪
摘 要:风电功率爬坡事件越来越影响风力机在电网中的运行,随之而来的爬坡事件预测问题成为国内外新的研究热点。综述了风电功率爬坡事件的研究背景、定义和特征,建立了考虑频率偏差量的含风力机的准稳态潮流计算模型,将频率偏差量和滑差修正量引入雅可比矩阵中进行含风力机的潮流计算,采用两种频率偏差指标PRESF指标和APRESF指标对爬坡事件进行预测。将所述预测模型应用于5节点和10机39节点系统进行算例仿真,对结果的对比分析验证了该方法的有效性。
关键词:频率偏差 风电功率 爬坡事件 预测模型 准稳态潮流
"The Analysis, Forecasting and Control of Wind Power Ramp Characters with Large-scale, High Concentration and Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales "General Technology Report
Sun Yuanzhang Cui Mingjian Ke Deping Gan Di
(School of Electrical Engineering, Wuhan University)
Abstract:Wind power ramp events influenced the wind machine operation in power system more and more. Ramp events prediction problem becomes a new research hotspot at home and abroad. Research background, definitions and characteristics are summarized with respect to ramp events in this paper. Quasi steady state power flow calculation model is established with wind machine considering the constraint of frequency deviation value. Frequency deviation value and slip correction value is introduced into the Jacobi matrix to calculate the power flow. Two kinds of PRESF and APRESF index are adopted to forecast the ramp events considering the frequency constraint. The proposed forecasting model was applied to 5 nodes and 10 generators 39 nodes system for the validation simulation. The results verified the validity of the method with comparison and analysis.
Key Words:Frequency constraint; Wind power generation; Prediction model; Quasi steady power flow