陈颖 吴亚君 韩建勋 赵镭 张燕
摘 要:在食品真实属性表征生物识别新技术研究方面,采用分子生物学技术,针对燕窝、王浆、海参等常见高附加值食品建立真伪鉴别新方法,为政府监管,企业质控提供技术保障,包括:采用免疫检测、酶活检测、毛细管电泳等技术,建立蜂王浆品质识别方法,收集不同产地和蜜源的王浆样品,初步建立了王浆属性表征数据库,进一步为王浆真伪鉴别和品质评价的应用奠定了基础;针对银耳、红藻、猪皮、蛋清等燕窝掺假物,建立燕窝真伪鉴别实时荧光PCR检测方法研究,开发燕窝真伪鉴别液相芯片检测方法,提高检测通量。采用双向电泳技术开展不同产地和级别燕窝样品的蛋白质组比较,为燕窝产品品质识别积累了基础数据。在蜂蜜蜜源品种溯源方面,建立8种蜂蜜蜜源植物的实时荧光PCR检测方法,可以灵敏检测不同蜜源蜂蜜混杂的产品。在鲑鱼和海参等海产品真伪检测方面,建立鲑鱼和海参真伪鉴别实时荧光PCR方法。在食品感官品质仿生识别技术研究与设备开发方面,开发了食品感官品质多通道识别信息融合技术与质量决策系统,采用传感器电子鼻、可视化电子鼻、电子舌等现代智能感官分析技术及气相色谱-质谱技术,针对普洱茶、绿茶、蜂蜜等食品建立品质识别新方法,为规范市场提供科学手段,包括:初步建立多种信息融合模式下的产品质量检测模型,开展了智能化电子舌传感器清洗、漂移校正、系统集成、标准操作应用方法学等产业化关键技术的研究,开发了利用4种天然植物色素作为气体敏感材料的可视化电子鼻技术,进行猪肉新鲜度检测应用研究,针对普洱茶品质和产地、绿茶产地、食用油品种等建立电子鼻品质识别方法。在食品质量属性分子识别技术及装备研究方面,重点针对组胺分子印迹技术、癸烯酸仿生免疫技术、蜂蜜红外光谱检测技术、杂胺免疫检测技术开展研究,包括:在前期组胺分子印迹聚合物合成的基础上,进一步优化构建了组胺分子印迹压电石英微天平传感器,并将其应用于实际样品的测定。建立了10-羟基-癸烯酸仿生免疫层析和高效液相色谱仪联用的检测方法来检测蜂王浆及其制品中蜂王酸的含量。采用近红外光谱技术结合化学计量学方法对掺入不同质量分数果葡糖浆的掺假蜂蜜进行定性和定量分析。在杂环胺半抗原合成、抗体制备的基础上优化建立了竞争ELISA方法,并优化建立了样品基质消除方法,对实际样品进行检测,并与仪器分析方法进行了比对。
关键词:食品 真实属性 感官品质 质量属性 分子生物学 电子鼻 分子印迹
Abstract:Molecular technology was applied for authentication of high end food products such as EBN, royal jelly, sea cucumber. Immuno-assay, enzyme activity, CGE methods were used to assess quality of royal jelly and a characterization database was preliminarily established based on products collected from various geographical origins. Real-time PCR method was developed to sensitively detect adulterants in EBN and a high throughput suspension chip method was developed. 2DGE was performed to compare proteome of different EBN products. For species trace of honey bee, sea cucumber and salmon, real-time PCR methods were researched and validated. A multichannel information analysis and quality judgment system was developed and related arithmetic model was set up. Intelligent electronic tongue was researched including such critical techniques as sensor cleansing, drift correction, system integration and standardized operation. A visible electronic nose method on the ground of four natural plant pigments was developed to detect freshness of pork. GC-MS and electronic nose techniques were performed to evaluate the grade and quality of Puer tea, green tea, edible oil and bee honey. Based on the previous research on hismatine molecular print a micro quatz balance sensor combined with hismatine piezoelectricity was assembled and applied for sample detection. 10-Hydroxyl-HAD was quantified by immuno-chromatography-HPLC to evaluate the quality of royal jelly. IR combined with stoichiometry method was applied to qualitative and quantitative analysis of bee honey adulterated by different mass fraction of high fructose corn syrup. A competitive ELISA method was set up on the basis of heterocyclic amine hapten synthesis and antibody preparation.
Key Words:Food;Authenticity;Sensible quanlity;Quality assessment;Molecular biology;Electronic nose;Molecular print