OO 元音字母组合自然拼读

2016-05-08 08:04:55刘春平
小学教学设计(英语) 2016年8期

曹 华 刘春平






1.T:First let’s say a chant.If I say I like food,you repeat:I like food,too.Now let’s begin.(PPT shows the chant below.)

T:I am good.

T:I am in a good mood.

T:I like food.

T:I stood on the roof.

T:From what we say,what have you found? Yes,so many words with“oo”.Show the words,pronounce“oo”as/u/.


2.Let’s say a long sentence,see who can read it more quickly.An owl in good mood stood on the wood and ate some good food.

Then show them the sentence that“oo”is missing.Ask them to fill in the blanks.

An owl in g____m____s___t_on some w____and ate some g____f____d.

3.Now let’s meetmore words like“food”.We have just learned“ood”is/ud/,so how about“oot”?That’s right.“oot”as in“foot”.Let’s read together.o-o-t-/ut/-foot.Here are some words with “oot”,try to read them.

4.In this class we learned“ood”and“oot”,please remember them and the words with them.Next class, let’s have a dictation.


1.First ask students to listen and write down the words they hear.Such as:foot,mood,shoot,good,root...

2.Can you remember the long sentence aboutan owl?Here is something about a kangaroo.Show it on PPT,with the help of the pictures,understand the meaning.

Then follow to read.Read again with actions. While reading,ask students to pay attention to the underline words and try to remember them.

3.Now let’sfillin the blanks,see if you can remember them.

Some seed t__ r__ in Kangar__’s b__.Can Kangar__use the b__to sh__some h__ps.Or can Kangaroo use his b___ts to play f__ball?

4.Now let’s put the sentence with“oo”which we have leaned together, read again.Then ask students to read more often.Next class show them.


1.First show their reading.

2.Now let’s continue to learn more wordswith “oo”.Look at the word form below.“ook”as in“look”.So“ook”is/uk/.Let’s read and remember:o-o-k-ook/uk/.Who can lead all the class to read these words?Ask someone to lead the class to read.

3.T:Boys and girls,by now we have learned “ood”,“oot”“ook”.What have you found?Yes,if“oo”with“ t,d,k”,it is oo/u/.学生发现规律并记忆ook,oot,ood中oo的发音。

4.Here are two stories,please read and tell me which story you like and why.If you want to learn how to cook,do you need a book or not?Why?

Story 1.(图片来自http://bulo.hujiang.com/menu/12578/


Story 2.

(图片来自“Phonics kids”)

5.Choose one story you like and practice it.Next class show your story.


1.First ask students to show the story that they have chosen.

2.T:Look,I will draw something.Look,what are they?Good.A brook,a spoonand a moon.Listen:Brook,spoon,moon.Can you tell the differences? Yes.“ook”is/uk/,but“oon”/u:n/.Look again:Who can read it?Ask some students to read.

3.Now let’s read more.Here“oon”as in“moon”,so“oon”is/u:n/.Let’s read them as:noon-noon,sp-oon-spoon,cartoon-cartoon,ba-lloon-balloon.

Now we can read“oon”.In the same way,we can pronounce“oom”,oom as in “room”.Use the same method to read the words with“oom”.

Now read the words one by one and make sure everyone can read them quickly.

4.Here are two short passages with funny pictures.Can you find out the words with“oo” and read them? Show them the two short passages.

Passage 1. Look! The moon.It’s noon.A balloon goes up to the moon!It looks like cartoon!

Passage 2.A broom in the room wants to bloom.A groom took the broom.Boom!

5.Follow me,let’s read with actions.After many times,ask them to read in groups.See who can rememberthe two short passages with actions.And that’s their homework.


1.First ask one or two groupsto read the two short passages.

2.T:We have learned that“oon”as in“moon”,and“oom”as in“room”.How about“ool”?Do you know any words with“ool”?Think of some words with“ool”.Yes,cool,school.Write“cool” or “school” on the blackboard.Can you remember more words with “ool”? Ask them to think it over,and then show them the words below.

First listen and then imitate to read.Then in groups check each other.Make sure everyone can read the words quickly.

3.Here are some sentences made with these words.Now let’s read together.

4.T:I have a short story for you.Listen! Please imitate and then read it.

A fool stood on a stool near a school pool.Boom! He fell into the pool.How cool!

I hope you can remember and write the story.After this class,practice more.I believe you can do it.


1.First let’s have a check.Ask students to take out their note books.Look at the story and fill in the blanks and read aloud.

A f__st__on a st__near a sch__p__.B__! He fell into the p__.How c__!

2.Up to now what have we learned?Yes,We have learned“oot”, “ood”, “ook”,“oom”,“oon”,“ool”.Who can say some words with them?

3.Now let’s know more words about “oo”.Show them the words below.Can you read them?

Now I put them into a story about“Goose,Moose and Kangaroo”.Now look,this is a goose and this is a moose.Read and tell,what happened?

In a zoo.A goose and a moose are good friends.A goose is riding on the moose.A kangaroo near some bamboo shows his tooth:My goodness!My tooth, my tooth, loose,loose.The moose shook his body:“Oh,my goodness!”Oh,my goodness,the goose fell off the moose!

Now listen and follow,then read by yourselves,try to help each otherand read itmore smoothly.I think you know the meaning of the story,so after this class,please draw a picture for the story.

4.We have learned lot of wordswith “oo”.Afterthis class,pleaseread them more and make them perfect.


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