
2016-04-11 09:21:55工程设计维克托马尔凯利罗克姆拉卡尔庞廷工程顾问有限公司EngineersViktorMarkeljRokMlakarPontingLtd
世界建筑 2016年3期

工程设计:维克托·马尔凯利,罗克·姆拉卡尔/庞廷工程顾问有限公司Engineers:Viktor Markelj,Rok Mlakar/Ponting Ltd.


Marinič Bridge,Škocjan Caves Park,Slovenia,2010

工程设计:维克托·马尔凯利,罗克·姆拉卡尔/庞廷工程顾问有限公司Engineers:Viktor Markelj,Rok Mlakar/Ponting Ltd.

1 峡谷中的步行桥/the Marinič bridge across the gorge

2.3从下往上看桥底/Upward views





整个桥梁包含三段独立的结构,每段重约3.5t,都在工房中通过了力学测试。这些节段在建造时被运送到溶洞上方的高地上,并从那里被移动吊车吊装下降107m,进入了预定的位置。(张裕翔 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data



高差/Height Difference:4.50m

宽度及净宽/Width and Clear Width:1.50m,1.25m扶手高度/Railings Height:1.10~1.38m

甲板面积/Deck Area:45m2

结构重量/Structure Weight:11,300kg

总造价/Overall Cost:€298,800

摄影/Photos:Ponting Ltd.




WANG Xiangrong:Winding through rocks and cliffs and spanning over steep gorges,Marinic Bridge is constructed along complex landforms to lead visitors into a cave.Industrial materials stand in stark contrast to nature hills,but light structures and transparent shapes which reduce bridge weight merge in the natural environment of the gorges.The adventurous walking on the bridge adds unusual experience to the gorges.


DOU Pingping:Marinic bridge offers much more than just a connection from A to B.It creates an unparalleled opportunity for being inside the gulley gorges and turns traversing into an exhilarating,breath-taking experience.The curvy line of the bridge reflects and echoes the wildness of the cave.Maneuvering carefully along the sinuous and slender walkway,one perceives the sculptural silhouette changes.Marrying bold whimsy to ingenious structural design,the bridge integrates sensitively with the rough yet crisp surroundings.By putting the strong tubular beam underneath the translucent decking,it creates a smooth and safe,yet perceptually thrilling experience that is similar to walking on a single-plank bridge.The only two tie bars minimize construction damage to the rocks,while at the same time contributing to the lightness of the artificial work in the natural environment.

A new bridge has been realized in the eastern part of Škocjan Caves Park,replacing the old structures destroyed by a devastating flood and overtaking a 4.50m height difference between the extremities,in order to assure a safe passage over the wild Reka River Gorge.The aim was to conceive a lightweight structure to fit into the sensitive natural gorge environment and in the meantime to provide visitors an attractive walkway,offering a vivid cave experience.

The bridge has been designed as a curved,slender and almost transparent steel structure:a 30m long sinuous tubular beam supports several transversal ribs and a grid decking.The structural design and the shape of the bridge meet the peculiar conditions given by the characteristic natural environment:thanks to its curvature towards the cave entrance,the path avoids falling debris and thanks to the rock-anchoring stable support conditions are provided.Its lightness and organic shape suits well with the fragile natural environment,laying under the UNESCO protection.

The main bearing structure is a steel tube 457.1mm/20mm,consisting of three separate manufactured sections,connected over round steel plates and pre-stressed bolts.T-shaped steel cross-beams are positioned every 2.25m:they are made of 10~25mm thick plates,directly welded onto the main tube,supporting the bridge deck.The cross-beams are longitudinally connected via 400mm/10mm steel band,which increases the overall bridge rigidity,supports the bridge deck lattice and serves as outer beam.

Bridge bearing structure is made of structural steel S355,while bridge deck,railings and other equipment are manufactured of prefabricated stainless steel elements

The bridge is supported by both end anchors fixed into the ground rock and by two additional elastic M 28 tie bars assuring overall bridge stability.The tie bars are hinge-connected to the bridge over specially designed and strengthened cross beams and hinge-anchored into the south cave wall by two permanent,prestressed,13.0m deep,ground anchors,following the tie bar geometry into the firm rock wall.The anchoring works in the south rock wall have been performed by professional climbers.

The structure consisted of three separate sections weighting up to 3.5t each,and it was checked and test-mounted in the workshop.It was transported separately together to the plateau just over the bridge location and then and placed into its final position,107m beneath,using a mobile crane.

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