Jilly Dos Santos really did try to get to school on time. She set three successive alarms on her phone. Skipped breakfast. Hastily applied makeup while her fuming①fuming [fjumiŋ] adj. 熏的;冒烟的 v. 蒸发;冒烟(fume的现在分词)father drove. But last year she rarely made it into the frantic②frantic 英 ['fræntɪk] 美 ['fræntɪk] adj. 狂乱的,疯狂的scrum at the doors of Rock Bridge High School here by the first bell, at 7:50 a.m.
Then she heard that the school board was about to make the day start even earlier, at 7:20 a.m.
"I thought, if that happens, I will die," recalled Jilly,17. "I will drop out of school!"
That was when the sleep-deprived③sleep-deprived 睡眠不足teenager turned into a sleep activist.
She got the idea in her team-taught Advanced Placement world history class. One morning,the teachers mentioned that a school board committee had recommended an earlier start time to solve logistical④logistical 英 [lə'dʒɪstɪkl] 美 [lo'dʒɪstɪkl] adj. 后勤方面的;运筹的,逻辑的problems in scheduling bus routes. The issue would be discussed at a school board hearing in five days. If you do not like it, the teachers said, do something.
That Wednesday, she pulled an all-nighter⑤all-nighter 英 ['ɔ:l,naitə] n. 通宵的活动;通宵活动的人. She created a Facebook page and set up a Twitter account, alerting hundreds of students about the school board meeting: "Be there to have a say in your school district's decisions on school start times!"
The testy school board meeting that Monday was packed. Jilly, wearing a demure⑥demure 英 [dɪ'mjʊə; dɪ'mjɔː] 美 [dɪ'mjʊr] adj. 端庄的;娴静的;严肃的;假装正直的,ruffled whiteblouse and skirt,addressed the board, blinking owl-like. The dignitaries' faces were a blur⑦blur 英 [blɜː] 美 [blɝ] vt.涂污;使……模糊不清;使暗淡;玷污 vi.沾上污迹;变模糊 n.污迹;模糊不清的事物to her because while nervously rubbing her eyes,she had removed her contact lenses. But she spoke coolly about the adolescent sleep cycle:"You know, kids don't want to get up," she said. "I know I don't. Biologically, we've looked into that."
The board heatedly debated the issue and decided against the earlier start time.
After high schools in the South Washington County district, outside Minneapolis,switched to an 8:35 a.m. start,grades in some first- and thirdperiod classes rose between half a point anda full grade point.
Last February, the school board in Columbia met to consider later start times. "It is really reassuring to know that students can have a say in the matter," Jilly told them. "So thank you,guys, for that."
The moment of decision arrived at the board's next meeting in March. Jilly sat in the front row, posting on Twitter, and addressed the board one last time. "I know it's not the most conventional thing and it's going to get some push back," she said, referring to the later time. "But it is the right decision."
The board voted,6 to 1, to push back the high school start time to 9 a.m.
A Fight to Push Back the High School Start Time. Win!