马克思的学说在何种程度上与民族国家发生关联,值得探究。马克思对古典自由主义的批判,即包含了对单一民族国家构想的批判。单一民族国家(single nation,single state)是合于古典自由主义及其早期资本主义的民族国家类型,单一民族国家理论体系,正是由亚当·斯密初步开展而在李斯特那里完成的。古典自由主义及其古典国民经济学,即是单一民族国家观的学说及其学理支撑①。古典自由主义最初偏向于无政府主义,但在论证财产权、国民保护以及领土归属的过程中,逐渐形成单一的民族国家观。对于亚当·斯密而言,单一民族国家观乃从民族到国家的直观想象;对于穆勒与马志尼而言,则是政治国家对民族的自觉规定(其间欧洲各国又有差异)。前者只是族群国家(ethnic nation),后者则是民族国家(nation state)框架下的民族自觉及其自治,尽管在现代世界史上,族群国家与民族国家之间一直处于难分难舍且艰难的结合地带(其中,族群国家与民族国家各自理据迥异,前者是族群的自然且前现代式的集聚,后者则是国族的集聚与社会动员)。而且尽管“族群国家的思想往往孕育着悲惨事件诸如人口迁徙、领土瓜分和种族清洗的种子”②,但是,在民族国家的形成过程中,族群国家实际上被民族国家所默认,并不加分辨地形成所谓单一民族国家观。而单一民族国家观,同时也成为当时保守的国家主义及其历史主义的现成观念。18世纪末至19世纪初,英法“先进国家”大体都经历了从普遍化的世界主义向国家主义的转变,而“落后”的德国所表现出来的观念论探索,有其实实在在的客观精神,即“国族精神”或“民族精神”的自觉——一种最后由俾斯麦实现出来的国家精神。欧洲先进国家的现代转变经历了由此前激进的社会运动(启蒙运动算是其中温和的一种,激进民主主义及共产主义运动乃其典型)到保守的民族国家观再到扩张的帝国主义的转变,在这一向海外持续扩张的殖民化世界地理空间中,民族国家与帝国主义合为一体,即“民族帝国主义”。
What Kind ofAcademic History Do We Need?
—Centered on the Studies of Ancient Chinese Literature
Zuo Dongling
In the past two decades,China has gained remarkable achievements in the field of academic history; yet there still exist many defects which need systematic theoretical reflection. To contribute works on academic history that really meet the needs of academia, the basic principles of “clarifying the purpose” and “distinguishing the origins” proposed inTheLearningCasesofConfuciansintheMingDynasty(MingruXue’an) should be obeyed, and the basic connotation of clear “purpose,” fair evaluation, and prediction of academic growth points should be held to. Accordingly, such objectives require researchers with high academic accomplishment as well as rich experience in professional fields.
Historical Textual Criticism in Studies of the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties
Sun Zhengjun
Criticism of historical materials is a kind of research paradigm, popular in recent studies of the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties, which mainly regards historical documents as objective records formerly integrated into the consciousness of historians, so the structure, character, and intention for writing of the historical documents are increasingly sought after. Besides benefiting from the further development of traditional handling of historical materials, the rise of such criticism is also driven by the idea of “text” proposed by post-modern historiography. As a trend, the criticism of historical materials has attracted a batch of young scholars, and has produced abundant illuminating results. But there are still some deficiencies which need our reflection and vigilance, such as overmuch speculation, breaking much more than establishing, and excessive skepticism regarding the historical texts.
The Confucian andLiberal Concepts of Human Nature and Politics (Written Conversations)
Xiao Gongqin, Fang Zhaohui, Gao Quanxi, Xie Wenyu
Editor’s Note: In the beginning of May 2015, the Editorial Department ofWenShiZheheld a forum on “Good Nature or Evil: a Dialogue between Confucianism and Liberalism,” and this group of written conversations are based on the talks presented at the forum. Xiao Gongqin criticizes the over-optimistic Confucian presupposition on human nature, which strengthened the thinking of moral constructivists, so that liberal and New Left scholars in today’s China are still inheriting the Utopian tradition of the “moral ideal.” Fang Zhaohui points out that the opinion which regards good human nature as the mainstream of Confucian theory does not accord with the historical facts. Besides, in Western history, most scholars who advocated autocratic monarchy advocated a theory of evil nature, and most scholars who advocate liberal democracy advocate the theory of a good nature. Gao Quanxi considers that, for political affairs, i.e. how to construct a righteous social system, the presupposition of an evil nature will be more helpful in restricting private use of public rights than one of a good nature; furthermore, it is necessary both for Confucianism to step out of the total focus on human nature (especially a good human nature), and for liberalism to be more inclusive of the Chinese tradition. Those are the inevitable routes for Confucianism’s modern transition as well as for liberalism taking deeper root in today’s China. Xie Wenyu raises the distinction between a politics of rights (i.e., Western constitutionalism) and a responsible politics (i.e., Confucian benevolent government), pointing out that the former resorts to the constitution and legal provisions for protecting the fundamental rights of citizens, yet has difficulty controlling consciousness of right regardless of social consequences; the latter emphasizes cultivation of people’s consciousness of responsibility, but does not explicitly stipulate fundamental rights even if they are generally accepted, so rights are inevitably stomped out in the name of responsibility. In the future, Chinese politics must possess a sufficient and balanced consciousness of both responsibility and right.
Confucianism vs. Liberalism:
Distinguishing Theories of Human Nature and the Historical and Cultural Consequences
He Zhonghua
Theories of human nature are essentially prescriptive, not descriptive. As a kind of logical demand, the presupposition of good human nature standardizes human being as the need of transcendent existence. It only tries to grasp what it should be, not how it is. Although the presupposition of evil human nature accords with empirical facts of the majority’s actual behavior preference, it just embodies a kind of descriptive perspective. The revelation of human nature by such an empirical standpoint is internally related with empiristic liberalism defending a strategy of human willfulness. Generally speaking, Confucianism tends to the theory of good human nature, represented by Mencius’ idea. Western empiristic liberalism cannot do without the presupposition of evil human nature, because the empiristic perspective can only discover human beings corporeally. Different presuppositions of human nature cause different historical and cultural consequences. Historically, the theory of a good human nature shaped the cultural tradition of moralism, and the theory of an evil human nature shaped the cultural tradition of “rule of law.”
Introduction to Collation and Annotation ofNewWordsbytheGreenWindow
Huang Xiaoshu
Only two editions ofNewWordsbytheGreenWindow(LüchuangXinhua) can be seen in Mainland China, i.e., the Jiaye Hall edition in Wuxing, and the Dianyi Hall edition in Dehua. Its author, Master Huangdu Fengyue may have lived in the early years of Southern Song Dynasty, and certainly not later than the Yuan Dynasty. He was probably a scribe in ashuhui(a place where scripts of folk arts are written or compiled) of Lin’an City. From the special style of the book’s compilation and related records inConversationswithaDrunkard(ZuiwengTanlu), it can be judged that the book contained important material for the storytellers and scribes to practice or redact novels. About the story’s sources, there are 114 pieces with proper attribution, and 28 pieces whose lost titles can be given references by textual research. The content of the book contemplates social reality, shows behaviors of people from various classes, and a considerable part of it reflects the conditions of a newly arisen stratum and special social customs at that time. The stories in the book had a far-reaching influence on the folk art circles of the time and later periods.
The Domination of New Learning and Eulogistic Rhapsodies in the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties
Liu Pei
Despotism and eulogistic literature are twin brothers, which means autocracy needs ideological safeguards highly consistent with it. The New Learning advocated by Wang Anshi demonstrated a relatively strong character of political despotism. In the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties when the New Learning occupied the dominant position, political despotism further strengthened, and eulogistic literature greatly expanded. Imperial power originated in violence, but the rulers preferred to make people believe that their power was granted by Heaven and possessed decisive legitimacy and uniqueness. Many of the eulogistic rhapsodies at the time served just that aim. Dynastic momentum is the self-knowledge of a country. And the momentum showed in the eulogistic rhapsodies at the time was not only the personal perception of the writer, but also acted as a voice representing the ideology and the shaping of dynastic momentum by imperial power. Some rhapsodies also directly eulogized sage emperors and ideal politics, and actively sought theoretical support for them. The eulogistic rhapsody cannot simply be considered a means by which the literati demonstrated their psychological state of measureless submission to imperial power, it can also construct a false popular will, interpreting political intentions, strengthening ideology, and hereby offering loyalty to imperial power.
Reflection on the Status of Wang Zhong’s Parallel Prose
Lü Shuangwei
In a position between a Confucian anda literatus, Wang Zhong neither gained any appreciation for parallel prose, nor left any critiques on parallel prose during his lifetime. After his death, although his parallel prose gained some recognition, these works were mostly juxtaposed with his ancient prose and poems, or with parallel prose written by Hu Tianyou, Hong Liangji, Yuan Mei, and others, and never held a dominant position. In the reign of Emperor Qianlong, when the sense for and creation of parallel prose were high, Wang’s indifference to parallel prose was just the result of his scattered style in writing. His writings were often four-character but seldom six-character sentences, regularly phrased yet ignoring neat antithesis, and four- and six-character antithesis to every other line were barely used. His language was quite refined, his writings combining parallelism and prose, featuring the deep meaning and elegant style of prose popular in the Eastern Han, Wei, and Jin Dynasties. This kind of prose was not regarded as orthodox for parallel prose, so his writings were rarely selected in collections of parallel prose at that time. From the reigns of Emperors Daoguang and Xianfeng, however, with a deepening trend of combining and integrating parallelism and prose, Wang’s renown in parallel prose gradually increased. However, most works of history of Chinese literature and parallel prose written after 1949 regard Wang’s parallel prose as supreme in all the Qing Dynasty, bestowing on him the dominant position. The reasons for this change deserve our reflection.
A Textual Research of the Status of Despotic Chieftains of Wuchuan Town in theFubingSystem
in the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties:
With a Discussion of Chen Yinke’s Opinion on theFubingSystem
Xue Haibo
From the time Yuwen Tai became the commander-in-chief of the Guanlong Army, there formed a relationship of commander and subordinate between he and Zhao Gui et. al., the despotic chieftains of Wuchuan Town. The title of so-called “peer” accorded to Yuwen Tai, Zhao, and the others only refers to their relationships as contemporaries in the society of the Six Towns of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and to their achievements since the Six Towns revolt. Zhao Gui et. al. became Pillars of State not because of their peer relationships, nor because Yuwen Tai pursued the old Xianbei system of Eight Ministries, nor because Yuwen was forced into it by Zhao et. al.’s military and political power, but due to his realistic consideration of the need to stabilize the dramatic changes in military ranking caused by the promotion of large numbers of local tyrants and rural commanders in the Guanlong area and elsewhere after the War of Mount Mangshan, and to coordinate the political status of various groups and commanders in the army. As Pillar of State, Zhao Gui and the others did not possess the right to transferfubing(militia garrisons), did not have the capability to provide for large numbers of militia troops, nor could they control the militia garrison by granting the minority Hu surname, let alone form what may be called strong factions in the militia garrison. The rank of peer was just a symbol of their group’s veteran status in the army. Under pressure from Yuwen Hu, the imperial clan of the Northern Zhou replaced most of the Pillar of State group originally comprised of the despotic chieftains of Wuchuan Town, thus forming a militarily decentralized structure in which the Northern Zhou emperor and imperial clan jointly controlled the militia garrison. The effort to centralize military power under imperial authority engendered constant slaughter between the Northern Zhou emperors and the imperial clan over who could master the army, which led in part to Yang Jian establishing the Sui Dynasty instead of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.
A New Discussion of Yang Miaozhen:The State of Research, Basic Deeds, and an Evaluation
Jiang Xidong
In her early years, Yang Miaozhen was aninvincible expert of pear-flower spear martial arts, and after the death of her elder brother Yang Anguo, she became the supreme leader of the Shandong Red Coat Army (i.e., Loyalty Army) equal to her husband Li Quan. Although the stress of circumstances brought her to surrender her army to the Song and Mongolian courts, Yang always kept the “Shandong standard” principle strategically in mind and sought independent development. In her later years, she was the “Special Departmental Clerk at Shandong and Huainan” as well as a female Taoist priest of Quanzhen Taoism. In A.D. 1252, she resigned the Departmental Clerk post, succeeded by her heir Li Tan. Li Tan’s defection to Mongolia and surrender to the Song Court was deeply influenced by Yang and Li Quan. Yang is a peculiar heroine who revolted against national oppression and class exploitation in ancient Shandong, as well as a prominent figure pursuing self-protection and autonomy; yet there still remain serious historical limitations and errors regarding her. The stirring history of Yang Miaozhen, Li Quan and others with their army reflects the great failures of the Jin Dynasty, the Southern Song Court, and the Mongolian government in the thirteenth century, leaving many lessons written in blood for later generations.
The Imperial Republic from the Qing Emperor to the Dasheng (Mahatma) Emperor:
A Study of the “Constitutional Draft Amended by Yuan Shikai”
Li Dongmu, Soto Wataru, Yoshida Tomio
As one of the handwritten documents preserved by Dr. Morohashi Tetsuji, the “Constitutional Draft Amended by Yuan Shikai” is now archived in the Morohashi Tetsuji Memorial Hall in Sanjō City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, and has not been made public. What kind of material is this draft written before the birth of the “republic”? What is its significance? Is there a final text based upon it? What kind of form, if any, did the codified edition have? As the design of a “republican” state system, what are the similarities and differences between it and contemporaneous constitutional plans currently known? On the birth of the “republic,” Yuan also prepared a scheme for a so-called “imperial republic” substituting a Mahatma Emperor for the Qing Emperor. The structure of this state system with coexistence of the Mahatma Emperor and the Grand President was different from any “constitution” officially released in that period, provided a new conception different from both “constitutional monarchy” and “constitutional republic,” and reflected a level once reached in constitutional design.
The Error in Cultural Comparisons: a Look into Roger Ame’s “Confucian Role Ethics”
Ben K. Hammer
Cultural comparisons have many different methods, but there is a commonality, a common error, prevalent in most models today. Cultural comparisons have an overwhelming tendency to set the East and the West in opposition to each other, and with this as their starting point, create an artificial juxtaposition. The definitions, analyses, and final judgments of cultural comparisons that stem from such a tendency inevitably paint the East and West as polar opposites. Such comparisons do not reflect the reality of either culture and are unfair to both. When looking at this issue historically we find that the erroneous attraction to polarize cultures has existed in academic circles for at least the last century. Looking into the matter even more deeply, psychological research reveals that polarizing“us” and “others” is in fact a natural disposition to humans, making this problem not just one of academic bias, but of epistemology itself. It is the author's hope that a thorough analysis of this phenomenon will reveal the problems with much work being done in cultural comparison today, with the further hope that they may be recognized and minimized, creating an opportunity for more accurate portrayals of different cultures and their defining characteristics. In particular, we will be using the popular theory of “Confucian Role Ethics” as a case study and typical example of “polarizing” cultural comparison.
Indigenized Marxism and the Modern Reconstruction of a Multi-ethnic China
Zou Shipeng
Marx’s critique of classical liberalism contains criticism of the view of single-national states and nation-states generally. The eastward transmission of Marxism brought radical national independence and liberation movements, including the independence and liberation of modern China. Yet because of China’s unique pattern of one multi-ethnic unity, it could not follow the model of the Soviet Union in the construction of a modern multi-ethnic country. In modern China, both liberalism and conservatism appeal to the nation-state, but indigenized Chinese Marxism consciously criticizes this appeal, continually devoting itself to the modern reconstruction of a multi-ethnic country, an approach continued after 1978, which makes China unlikely to repeat the mistakes of the former Soviet Union. Reconstructing modern China as a multi-ethnic country accords with the historical logic of indigenous Marxism in China, and also carries with it the reasonable consequence of modernizing Chinese tradition.
作者简介:邹诗鹏,复旦大学哲学学院、当代国外马克思主义研究中心教授(上海 200433)。