
2016-03-21 12:37:36罗福强薛福英吴习文江苏大学汽车与交通工程学院镇江2203中国人民解放军镇江船艇学院动力指挥系镇江22003
农业工程学报 2016年2期

罗福强,周 群,薛福英,吴习文,2,仲 达(. 江苏大学汽车与交通工程学院,镇江 2203; 2. 中国人民解放军镇江船艇学院动力指挥系,镇江 22003)


(1. 江苏大学汽车与交通工程学院,镇江 212013;2. 中国人民解放军镇江船艇学院动力指挥系,镇江 212003)



罗福强,周群,薛福英,吴习文,仲达. 农用柴油机喷油器各孔喷油规律验证及流动特性模拟[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(2):58-63.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.009http://www.tcsae.org

Luo Fuqiang, Zhou Qun, Xue Fuying, Wu Xiwen, Zhong Da. Building 3-D model of diesel injector used in agriculture verified by injection rate of each hole and simulation on internal flow characteristics[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(2): 58-63. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.009http://www.tcsae.org

0 引 言


国内外研究的试验结果表明[1-4],这种喷油器各孔喷油规律(喷油量)并不一致,流动方向改变较大的孔喷油量相对较少。喷油过程对喷雾、混合气形成及燃烧有较大影响,从而影响发动机动力性、经济性、排放等。喷油过程是研究喷雾燃烧的基础,喷孔内部流动可作为喷油嘴出口燃油雾化、缸内燃烧等模拟计算的边界条件[5],而空穴现象是喷孔内部燃油流动过程中不可忽视的现象。在喷嘴内部空化流动的相关研究中,Payri F等[6]、崔慧峰等[7]、何志霞等[8-9]研究了稳态条件下喷孔内部空化过程,而实际喷油器喷油过程中会伴随着针阀的开启和关闭,以及喷油压力的波动等非稳态工况,如:Blessing M等[10]、He等[11]、郑金保等[12]研究了针阀运动对喷嘴瞬态流动特性的影响,Wang等[13-14]、张辉亚等[15]指出非稳态工况下压力波动会导致不稳定空化。上述研究都是针对单个喷孔或多孔对称分布喷油器某一孔内部空化进行的研究,而在农用柴油机中,两气门发动机用喷油器各孔布置不对称,影响各孔之间内部空穴流动,导致各孔出口燃油喷雾有很大差异,进而影响燃烧和排放性能[16-17]。为满足农用柴油机日益严格的排放法规,有必要针对两气门用喷油器的各孔内部流动特性进行研究。


1 数学模型







式中p为压强,Pa;tkT为k相雷诺应力,Pa;τk代表k相切应力,Pa;Mkl为k相对l相的界面力,N; g为重力加速度,m/s2。





喷油器压力室容积易对燃烧放热和HC(hydrocabon碳氢)排放产生不利影响,为了降低因压力室内受热膨胀气化而流入气缸的燃油,选择某两气门柴油机用非均匀布置的5孔无压力室喷油器建立三维模型,其中5孔孔径相等,均为0.2 mm,孔长为1 mm。喷油嘴各孔分布结构如图1所示。

图1 无压力室喷嘴各孔分布图Fig.1 Distribution of each hole in valve covered orifice injector


图2 喷嘴计算网格Fig.2 Nozzle computational grid

2 试验验证


燃油供给系统为机械泵-管-嘴燃油供给系统(泰安试验设备厂,型号为12PSDB75A),试验台主要有低压供油系统:燃油滤清器,输油泵;动力传动系统:电动机,测速齿轮,联轴器;高压供油系统:喷油泵,高压油管,喷油器;试验台控制器:转速控制,量油计数,油温油压调节;燃油体积测量系统五部分组成,各孔喷油规律试验台架示意图如图3所示。结合动量守恒原理和牛顿第二定律等理论,通过长沙钛合电子设备有限公司(简称长沙钛合)生产的型号为PPM-SY02压电式外卡压力传感器3和长沙钛合生产的型号为PPM-SY05压电式微型动态力传感器2在试验工况为循环喷油量65 mm3,喷油泵转速1 200 r/min下分别测量喷油器喷油压力以及各孔喷雾冲击力,可得到喷油器各孔喷油规律和各孔循环喷油量[2-4]。

图3 各孔喷油规律试验台架示意图Fig.3 Schematics experimental rig of fuel injection rate of each nozzle hole



图4 实测喷油压力Fig.4 Injection pressure in experiment rig


图5 各孔喷油规律试验值与模拟值对比Fig.5 Comparison of measured and simulated fuel injection rate of each nozzle hole

表1 各孔循环喷油量试验值与模拟值对比Table 1 Comparison of measured and simulated cycle fuel injection quantity of each nozzle hole

3 模拟计算结果与分析

选取试验工况为循环喷油量65 mm3,喷油泵转速1 200 r/min,用此工况下的喷油压力为进口边界条件进行模拟分析。



图6 各孔空穴对比Fig.6 Comparisons among cavitation distributions of each hole





图7 21℃aA 下各孔表面空穴分布及各孔出口截面空穴分布Fig.7 Cavitating distributions of surface and outlet section of each hole at 21℃aA




图8 各孔出口处径向气相体积分数和流动速度对比Fig.8 Comparisons among gas phase volume fraction and flow velocity of the outlet of each hole in the radial direction


4 结 论





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Building 3-D model of diesel injector used in agriculture verified by injection rate of each hole and simulation on internal flow characteristics

Luo Fuqiang1, Zhou Qun1, Xue Fuying1, Wu Xiwen1,2, Zhong Da1
(1. School of Automobile ɑnd Trɑffic Engineering, Jiɑngsu University, Zhenjiɑng 212013, Chinɑ;
2. Dynɑmicɑl Commɑnding Depɑrtment of Zhenjiɑng Wɑtercrɑft College of PLA, Zhenjiɑng 212003, Chinɑ)

Abstract:Agriculture-used diesel engine is widely used because of its simple structure, low engine cost and popularity. Because of the offset of the injector position to the cylinders’ center axis in a two-valve diesel engine, the angles between the nozzle hole axis and the needle axis are different, which hence enhances efficient distribution of the mixture. It was observed from investigations that the injection rate of each nozzle hole of the injector was different but smaller for the nozzle hole with the higher angle (between the nozzle hole axis and the needle axis). The injection process is important to the spray process,mixture formation and combustion. The internal flow characteristics of the injector hole is the boundary condition for the spray,combustion and so on, which play a crucial role in improving the spray quality, optimizing the combustion process and decreasing the pollutant emissions. In the present study, a three-dimension model of valve covered orifice (VCO) injector with 5 holes used in a two-valve diesel was established. The simulation of internal cavitation and velocity distributions of each hole in the VCO injector was based on the two-fluid model and the cavitation model. Because of the needle movement and the fluctuations of the injection pressure, the internal flows in the nozzle holes were unsteady. The internal transient flow could be technically reflected by the moving mesh. The simulated and measured fuel injection rates and cyclical fuel injection quantity of each nozzle hole were compared and analyzed. Experimental validation showed that their differences were under limits, and the relative error of the cyclical fuel injection quantity per cycle of each hole between the simulated and experimental value was less than 5%, which proved that such model could be used to study the transient flow characteristics and the influences on angle between each nozzle hole axis and needle axis of the nozzle. Comparison and analysis were done, and the results showed that there were significant differences in fuel flow characteristics and cavitation among nozzle holes, which were variable during the injection process. Firstly, the continuous changing of injection pressure destabilized the internal cavitation of each hole, which influenced the injection rate at the nozzle outlet in cam angle at maximum needle lift. The increasing injection pressure resulted in the bubble’s collapse, which made the effective flow area increase and the injection rate decrease, and vice versa. During the initial part of injection, the internal cavitations of the 5 holes were different and did not progress to the outlet of the nozzle holes. This extension in length of the internal cavitation did not affect the injection rate of each hole. Secondly,the bigger internal cavitation zone of the holes moved to the center with the increase in the angle between each nozzle hole axis and needle axis of the nozzles. This increased the flow velocity at the center of the holes, which enhanced the spray characteristics. The results obtained indicate that the spray characteristics and the injection rate should be comprehensively considered when designing and installing the two-valve multi-hole nozzle to ensure the optimum mixture formations, the combustion optimization and the reduction of emissions.

Keywords:diesel engines; models; fuel injection; injector; fuel injection rate; simulation calculation









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