
2016-03-21 12:50:37丁启朔董盛盛李毅念薛金林何瑞银南京农业大学工学院南京210031
农业工程学报 2016年2期

丁启朔,董盛盛,李毅念,邱 威,薛金林,何瑞银(南京农业大学工学院, 南京210031)


(南京农业大学工学院, 南京210031)



丁启朔,董盛盛,李毅念,邱威,薛金林,何瑞银. 耕层构造的土壤结构质量-径级数字图像分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(2):134-140.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.020http://www.tcsae.org

Ding Qishuo, Dong Chengsheng, Li Yinian, Qiu Wei, Xue Jinlin, He Ruiyin. Digital image processing of mass-size distribution of soil structures in plough layer[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016,32(2): 134-140. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.020http://www.tcsae.org

0 引 言


土壤结构体的感官评价是土壤物理学的常规分析方法[19]。相关学者提供了土壤结构体的外观评价指标与方法[20-22],但是目前感官评价法仍存在主观性大、统一性差等状况。相对于土壤结构体的感官评价存在的主观因素而言,用于土壤团聚体及土壤孔隙的定量方法较多,包括土壤切片、计算机断层扫描(computer tomography,CT)和核磁共振波谱法(nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, NMR)[23-25]。然而这些用于土壤结构分析的定量方法主要涉及土壤的微形态特征分析[26],并不适用于耕层构造的土壤结构体定量分析。


1 材料与方法



使用田间原位综合耕作试验台[30]挂接铧式犁进行测试,单铧犁工作幅宽21 cm,控制耕深为15 cm,牵引速度为0.2 m/s,耕作测试的有效行程3 m,试验过程中测取0~15 cm土层的含水率、容重分别为30.79%、1.61 mg/m3,试验随机重复3次。原位自然风干2天后缓慢地取出耕作范围内大径级土垡并放置在海绵垫上,同时集取耕作范围内的较小的土壤结构体。所得土壤结构体粒径分主要布于4~180 mm范围内,其中小于4 mm粒径的土壤结构体质量占总质量6.6%,3次试验土壤结构体粒径在128~180 mm数量较少,分别为6个、7个、7个。

1.2 土壤结构体的图像采集与筛分

土壤结构体的数字图像采集、标定及预处理参照高雅等[29]的方法,图像采集设备如图1所示。将土壤结构体随机平铺于尺度为80 cm×80 cm的浅色背景板上,三脚支架上安装的数码相机型号为Cannon A 3300,拍摄时光圈焦距调至F3.2。俯视角拍摄时,相机与土壤结构体垂直距离为1 m,与背景板中心水平距离为80 cm(图1);90°拍摄时,相机位于背景板中点正上方,与土壤结构体垂直距离为1 m。所有拍摄的图片以JPEG格式保存。

数字图像采集完成后,对3次试验样本分别进行手工测量,采用2倍频径级划分区间,为了较少地破坏土壤结构体,手工测量使用不同径级机加工的圆环逐个测量土壤结构体,记录其质量与相应径级。手工测量与干筛法采用2倍频径级划分区间,径级区间为>4~16 mm、>16~32 mm、>32~64 mm、>64~128mm、>128 mm,在试验取样中发现>128 mm土壤结构体数量占样本总量的6‰,将>64~128mm、>128 mm土壤结构体划分至>64 mm径级区间。

图1 图像采集装置Fig.1 Image acquisition device




表1 土壤结构体质量—径级分布模型及参数Table 1 Soil structure mass-size distribution models with parameters

2 结果与分析


数字图像分析能够按照任意的径级区间对土壤结构体进行图像筛分[29],按8 mm等间距径级划分得到土壤结构体的棱角性、矩形度、形状指数随径级变化规律如图2所示,随径级的增大,棱角性呈线性递增趋势,矩形度随径级增加有下降的趋势。犁耕处理的耕层构造土壤结构体在不同的径级范围具有不同的外观几何特性,在一定程度上,数字图像分析作为一个精细的定量方法能够为耕层构造的土壤结构体单元提供几何外观的模型信息。

图2 土壤结构体几何指标Fig.2 Box plots of soil structure geometry indicator


将俯视角30°、45°、60°以及90°的拍摄结果进行处理,所得土壤结构体的2D投影面积与对应的土壤结构体质量进行拟合,发现在不同径级区间以及用不同拍摄角所得的土壤结构体投影面积与质量的相关性各不相同。在>4~16 mm径级区间径级区间R2表现为,R2(30°)<R2(90°)<R2(45°)<R2(60°),60°拟合效果最好,其R2为0.89。R2在>16~32 mm以及>32~64 mm表现一致,为R2(90°)<R2(30°)<R2(45°)<R2(60°),60°拟合效果较好,R2分别为0.91 与0.94,在90°拍摄拟合效果很差,可能是由于在该区间的土壤结构体形状极其不规则导致的,需要在今后的研究中进一步试验探讨;在>64 mm径级区间R2表现为,R2(90°)<R2(60°)<R2(45°)<R2(60°),60°拟合效果较好, R2为0.95。相对于试验其余拍摄角度,60°拍摄时,土壤结构体质量与投影面积拟合精度最优。与此同时,随着土壤结构体径级增大,R2逐渐增大。因此为了较为准确描述土壤结构体质量-径级分布,本文选择在俯视角为60°拍摄时的土壤结构体投影面积与质量的函数关系。

不同径级区间土壤结构体投影面积(s)与质量(m)对应的关系如图3所示,>4~16 mm径级区间:m=0.8562s−0.199;>16~32 mm径级区间:m=1.7446s−3.4554;>32~64 mm径级区间:m=3.5626s−20.425;>64 mm径级区间:m=7.5087s− 279.12。然而结果也进一步表明构成犁耕耕层构造的土壤结构体在不同径级范围的质量分布特征并不完全相同。

图3 60°拍摄各径级区间的土壤结构体质量-投影面关系Fig.3 Mass-projection area relation of soil structures in each size range for 60° projection



构成犁耕耕层构造的土壤结构体径级分布模型分别使用Weibull模型、Rosin-Rammler模型和Gaudin-Schuhmann模型进行拟合。为了确定土壤结构体质量-径级分布模型的适用性,分别使用3种评价指标:相关系数(correlation coefficient, R2)、均方根误差(root-meansquare error, RMSE)以及Akaike信息准则(akaike information criterion, AIC)评价模型的拟合精度[35]。其中R2值越大表示拟合效果越好,RMSE和AIC越小拟合效果越好。通过对3种模型拟合精度分析表明(表2),对于R2,Gaudin-Schuhmann模型>Weibull模型> Rosin-Rammler模型,Gaudin-Schuhmann模型与Rosin-Rammler模型差异显著(P<0.05),与Weibull模型差异不显著(P>0.05),Gaudin-Schuhmann模型R2为0.93;RMSE和AIC表现一致,均为Gaudin-Schuhmann模型<Weibull模型<Rosin-Rammler模型,Gaudin-Schuhmann模型与Weibull模型、Rosin-Rammler模型差异显著(P<0.05)。综合比较得出Gaudin-Schuhmann模型的拟合效果最好,Weibull模型次之,Rosin-Rammler 模型拟合效果最差。因此用Gaudin-Schuhmann模型表达水稻土耕层构造的土壤结构体质量-径级分布效果最优。

表2 不同模型的相关系数、均方根误差和信息准则Table 2 Correlation coefficient, Root-mean-square error and Akaike information criterion of different models


将手工测量所得土壤结构体的质量-径级及数量径级分布信息与数字图像筛分的结果进行统计分析(表3)。在<8 mm径级区间内2种方法所得的土壤结构体质量-径级分布(累积质量分数)差异显著(P<0.05),而在<16 mm、<32 mm、<64 mm、<128 mm 以及<256 mm径级区间,手工测量与数字图像筛分的结果差异不显著(P>0.05)。表明8 mm以下的土壤结构体粒径较小,图像分析的误差相对较大,而8 mm以上土壤结构体的图像分析结果较为准确。土壤结构体的质量-径级分布的手工测量与数字图像结果差异不显著(P>0.05),说明用数字图像分析方法得到土壤结构体的2D平面信息能够准确描述土壤结构体3D(质量)信息。

表3 2种方法的土壤结构体—径级分布Table 3 Cumulative percentage soil structure distribution of two methods

使用3种土壤结构体质量-径级分布模型中最优的Gaudin-Schuhmann模型拟合(表2),干筛法以2倍频获得的土壤结构体质量-径级分布模型为F( d< D)=( d/252.102)0.77,R2为0.93(图4a);数字图像筛分以4 mm等间距径级分布获得的土壤结构体的质量-径级分布模型为F( d< D)=( d /171)1.096,R2为0.98(图4b)。对于土壤结构体的数量径级分布而言,干筛法所得模型为w1=116.95ln(d)+653.87,R2为0.74(图4c);数字图像筛分得到的模型为w2=136.93ln(d)+582.8,R2为0.83(图4d)。相对于干筛法,数字图像筛分能够便捷、精细的划分区间,所得质量-径级分布模型与数量径级分布模型精度更高。

使用模型描述土壤结构体的质量-径级分布的优点是土壤结构体的形状参数能够量化。干筛法和数字图像筛分所得的模型的形状参数λ分别为252.102和171,造成这一差异的原因是手工筛分所用的筛孔径级为2倍频径级,间距较大,径级的上限为256 mm。与此不同,数字图像筛分按照取样所得的实际土壤结构体粒径最大值确定(最大粒径值为180 mm),因此可见模型的参数λ与土壤结构体的径级上限相关,Diaz-Zorita[34]等的研究中也得到同样的结论。土壤结构的质量-径级分布模型将耕后土壤结构参量化,从而有助于建立更高阶的土壤耕作力学模型[28]。试验发现>32 mm土壤结构体的质量份额超过样本总质量的60%(图4c,d),表明水稻土条件下犁耕的耕层构造质量较差,碎土效果不良。Arvidsson[36]研究发现,在黏性土壤条件下犁耕的耕层构造质量较差,土壤结构体(>32 mm)质量分数为47%。

图4 土壤结构体径级分布Fig.4 Soil structure size distribution

3 讨 论

耕层构造是耕层土壤的三相搭配及垒结[37],土壤结构体(土垡、土块)由机械耕作生成,是构成耕层构造的基本结构单元。对耕层构造的土壤结构的研究主要采用土壤团聚体的组成以及稳定性等指标[38]。多数研究认为土壤结构的基本单元是土壤团聚体[26,39-40],因此土壤团聚体的形成和变化过程、团聚体稳定性以及影响因素等是土壤结构研究的主要内容,其中干筛法、湿筛法是土壤学中定量描述土壤团聚体的常用方法[26,41-42]。在试验预处理中,人们通常将大土块按自然裂痕手工剥离为1 cm3左右的土壤结构体并进一步筛分[11,41,43],但是这样获得的团聚体显然不是机械耕作创建的(块状)土壤结构体。丁启朔[37]对机械耕作生成的土壤结构体径级进行了界定,耕层构造的径级范畴在cm-dm水平[37,44],高出土壤结构一个径级量级以上,可见现有的针对耕层构造的土壤结构体定量方法存在欠缺,限制了人们对耕层构造的定量描述。



4 结 论


2)犁耕耕层构造的土壤结构体在不同径级范围的质量分布特征并不完全相同。60°拍摄获得的土壤结构体质量-投影面积的拟合精度较之其他拍摄角度更高;通过比较数字图像筛分与手工测量得到的土壤结构体的质量-径级分布,在<8 mm径级区间内2种方法所得的土壤结构体质量-径级分布差异显著(P<0.05),而在<16 mm、<32 mm、<64 mm、<128 mm以及<256 mm径级区间,手工测量与数字图像筛分的结果差异不显著(P>0.05)。



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Digital image processing of mass-size distribution of soil structures in plough layer

Ding Qishuo, Dong Chengsheng, Li Yinian, Qiu Wei, Xue Jinlin, He Ruiyin
(College of Engineering, Nɑnjing Agriculturɑl University, Nɑnjing 210031, Chinɑ)

Abstract:In many instances the basic structural units of plough layer are soil aggregates which are resulted from tillage operation and packed into layers to form the seedbed. Quantification of plough layer is limited to a few basic soil parameters,including cone index, bulk density and porosity. Soil aggregates are assessed with dry sieving. These parameters do not provide the detailed structural information of plough layer. Precision management of plough layer requires that soil structures be quantified with more parameters that are geometrically quantifiable. Quantitative method for tilled-layer soil structures was adopted; the digital images of soil structures were taken, the aggregate mass was calculated and the mass-size distributions of soil structures sampled from a plowed paddy field were studied. The tilt angle of camera was set to 30°, 45°, 60° and 90°,respectively, when taking the photos of soil structures. Soil structures were also measured manually with dry-sieving method for comparison. During the manual measurement of soil aggregates, a caliper was used and both the long and the short axes of the aggregates were measured. The dry-sieving used the nested sieves with the openings of 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 mm,respectively. Geometrical parameters of soil structures in each size range were calculated with an image-processing program developed in MatLab, including angularity, shape index and rectangle degree. Collected data for the mass-size distribution of the soil aggregates after plowing were also fitted respectively with 3 models, i.e. Weibull model, Rosin-Rammler model and Gaudin-Schuhmann model. It showed that, along with the increase of size range, both angularity and shape index increased,but rectangle degree decreased, meaning that different effects of mechanical operation were induced by different size ranges of soil structures, even though under the same plowing treatment. Detailed analysis on each size range and each tilting angle showed that photos taken with 60otilting angle yielded the best fitting results compared with other tilting angles. The 60otilting angle was the most suitable for camera when used for on-line soil structure monitoring. No significant difference (P>0.05) was observed between digital image processing and manual measurement, proving that the digital image processing was an accurate method to acquire mass-size distributions of soil structure. Compared with Weibull and Rosin-Bammler distribution, Gaudin-Schumann model provided the best fitting between aggregate mass and size, with the R2of 0.98. Digital image processing discriminated soil structures in finer scales and provided a higher precision curve fitting for soil structures compared with dry-sieving method. The variation of the acquired results from dry-sieving was significant due to the large size ranges between adjacent sieve sizes. Unlike the limited methods for tilled-layer soil structure quantification, such as dry sieving, image-processing was capable of not only quantifying the geometrical parameters of soil structures, but also distinguishing and separating soil structures in finer scales, such as 5 mm size range or any other arbitrary scales. This fine scale distinction was helpful in providing more precise modeling on soil structures. The results prove that the image-processing is a powerful tool to calculate geometric parameters of soil structures and discriminate soil structural features in detail.

Keywords:soils; models; image processing; soil tilth; soil structure; digital image processing; mass-size distribution









吉林蔬菜(2021年2期)2021-07-19 08:09:24
地球(2015年6期)2015-03-31 07:03:10