
2016-03-21 12:37:32张逊逊许宏科长安大学电子与控制工程学院西安710064
农业工程学报 2016年2期

张逊逊,许宏科,朱 旭(长安大学电子与控制工程学院,西安 710064)


(长安大学电子与控制工程学院,西安 710064)



张逊逊,许宏科,朱旭. 低空低速植保无人直升机避障控制系统设计[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(2):43-50.

Zhang Xunxun, Xu Hongke, Zhu Xu. Design of obstacle avoidance control system for low altitude and low speed eppo unmanned helicopter[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(2): 43-50. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.007http://www.tcsae.org


0 引 言


针对无人机的避障问题,国内外学者进行了大量的研究,并取得了一些成果[5-8],常用的避障控制方法有人工势场法[9-11]、最优化方法[12-13]、蚁群算法[14]、博弈法[15]、流水避石法[16]等。人工势场法因其物理意义明了、算法简明、实时性好,引起了广泛关注[17-18]。但传统人工势场中存在虚拟势场作用区域固定、避障角度过大的问题[19]。针对此问题,Lee J等[20]优化了安全避障中人工势场中圆形虚拟力场作用域模型,实现了小角度避障,但仅限于平面避障。Mujumdar A等[21]考虑障碍物闯入的突然性,使用非线性预测控制与人工势场相结合的方式,启动快速规避。彭建亮等[22]通过构造不同威胁源的势函数来解决多威胁交互问题,但只是局部最优。为避免人工势场的局部极小值问题,张涛等[23]通过构建人工势场函数和变权重函数,提出了RHC-APF启发粒子群算法。


1 最小安全区域





图1 低矮型障碍物的最小安全区域Fig.1 Minimum safety area of low obstacles



式中t0为无人机开始机动避障时刻,s;z0为障碍物的高度,m;zH(t0)为t0时刻无人机高度,m;α为障碍物最小安全区域斜面与水平面的夹角,(°);γl(t0)为无人机开始机动避障时最小安全区域在无人机飞行高度截面的半径,m;V(t)为无人机与障碍物相对运动速度,m/s,靠近时为正,远离为负;Vz(t)为V(t) z轴分量,m/s;t为时间,s;γl(t)为最小安全区域在无人机飞行高度截面半径,m。






图2 圆柱体型障碍物最小安全区域Fig.2 Minimum safety area of cylindrical obstacles





图3 长方体型障碍物最小安全区域Fig.3 Minimum safety area of cuboid obstacles

根据图中几何关系,分别得到H(t)的位置向量ρH(t)=[xH(t), yH(t), zH(t)]T和J(t)的位置向量ρJ(t)=[xJ(t),yJ(t),zJ(t)]T,其中H(t)为t时刻植保无人直升机所在的位置,J(t)为t时刻HT连线与最小安全区域的交点。



2 基于改进人工势场的避障控制算法




式中Jr(‖ρHT‖,V(t))为人工势场函数;f(V(t))为由相对运动速度V(t)产生的补偿系数,无量纲,当V(t)>0时,f(V(t))为递增函数,即靠近速度越快,f(V(t))值越大。又f(V(t))<1,即由相对运动速度V(t)产生的斥力场不会超过单纯‖ρHT‖产生的斥力场的影响,速度V(t)产生的斥力场起辅助作用。g和n均为常数,分别决定斥力场的幅值和变化速度,无量纲。ρHT为无人直升机H对障碍物中心T的相对位置矢量;‖ρHT‖是ρHT的向量范数,为无人机与障碍物之间的距离;‖ρHT‖∈[‖ρHT‖min(t), ‖ρHT‖max],‖ρHT‖max是规避障碍物边界,当‖ρHT‖>‖ρHT‖max时无需规避障碍物。‖ρHT‖min(t)为t时刻人工势场作用区域的最小安全距离,对于不同类型的障碍物是不同的,即


式中Fr(‖ρHT‖, V(t))为人工势场产生的虚拟力,N;▽为一算子,表示求梯度;▽Jr(‖ρHT‖,V(t))为对人工势场函数Jr(‖ρHT‖,V(t))求梯度;ρT为障碍物的位置向量,为ρT=[xT,yT,zT]T,m。虚拟力随无人机与障碍物之间距离的减小而增大,随速度的增大而增大。且当‖ρHT‖和V(t)一定时,‖ρHT‖min(t)越小,虚拟力越小。同时,增加了相对运动速度对斥力场的影响,以补偿障碍物不能主动规避无人机的缺点,用来改善避障控制的效果。






3 植保无人直升机避障控制系统研究


图4 避障控制系统结构Fig.4 Structure of obstacle avoidance control system



式中Π=[φ, θ, ψ, z]T为无人直升机地面坐标系下的滚转角、俯仰角、偏航角和位置的z轴分量;Γ为状态矩阵;Ω=[p, q, r, Vz]T为无人机机体坐标系下角速度分量和垂直速度;Δ为常系数矩阵;F、X均为非线性矩阵函数;U=[δlon,δlɑt]T是控制输入,δlon和δlɑt分别由纵向周期变矩操纵输入量与横向周期变矩操纵输入量,(°);Λ=[Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixz,m]T为自整定参数向量;m为植保无人直升机的质量,kg;植保无人机喷洒作业过程中,负载发生变化故而引起系统质量与惯性矩阵的不确定性。Ixx、Iyy、Izz分别为直升机对机体坐标x、y、z轴的转动惯量;Ixz为直升机对x轴和z轴的惯性积。小型植保无人直升机的主旋翼挥舞模型为

式中α与b分别为主旋翼纵向与横向挥舞角,(°); te为主旋翼挥舞时间常数,s;Alɑt和Alon分别是主旋翼伺服输入比例系数;Blɑt和Blon分别是副翼伺服输入比例系数;q 和p分别是绕机体坐标系y、x轴的角速度,rad/s。


飞行控制器的目标是使系统存在不确定参数的情况下,通过设计Tm、Tt、δlon、δlɑt使Π=[φ, θ, ψ, z]T能够跟踪姿态和位置指令Πd,Ω=[p, q, r, Vz]T能够跟踪速度指令Ωd;其中,Πd=[φd, θd, ψd, zd]T为地面坐标系下的滚转角、俯仰角、偏航角指令和位置的z轴分量指令;Ωd=[pd, qd, rd,Vzd]T为地面坐标系下的滚转角速度、俯仰角速度、偏航角速度指令和垂直速度指令。




式中δφ, δθ, δψ, δz分别为滚转角误差、俯仰角误差、偏航角误差和位置的z轴分量误差。对式(21)求导可得





式中δp, δq, δr, δVz为无人直升机地面坐标系下的滚转角速度误差、俯仰角速度误差、偏航角速度误差和垂直速度误差。对式(26)两边同时乘以Δ并求导可得







令式(28)中ɑd和bd对应的控制力矩Ud作为式(33)的虚拟控制输入Ud,即可获得Tm, Tt, ɑd, bd,并代入主旋翼挥舞模型(19),最终得到δlɑt和δlon为


4 仿真算例及分析


表1 2种人工势场的最小安全距离Table 1 Minimum safety distance of two kinds of artificial potential fields

图5 有效载荷为10 kg的无人直升机避障位置响应Fig.5 Position response of unmanned helicopter with its payload weight 10 kg to avoid obstacles

仿真模型采用小型单旋翼无人直升机,农药有效载荷为10 kg,喷洒作业时速度为3 m/s,喷头流量为800 mL/min。初始位置为[0, 0, 3]Tm,目标位置为[750, 750, 3]Tm,初始垂直速度和初始偏航角均为0。在[230, 230, 0]Tm处设置障碍物1,为圆柱体障碍物,其中R=3 m,高度为15 m;在[420, 420, 0]Tm处设置障碍物2,为圆锥体型障碍物,其中α=45°,高度为6 m;在[627, 612, 0]Tm处设置障碍物3,此为长方体型障碍物,其中D1=66 m,D2=120 m,高度为10 m。改进人工势场设置不同的最小安全区域,传统人工势场的最小安全区域均采用球形区域。2种人工势场的最小安全距离如表1所示。

使用改进人工势场算法式(17)和传统人工势场算法进行对比仿真,飞行控制器均采用式(34),仿真时间为380 s,仿真结果如图5、图6所示。

图6 有效载荷为10 kg的无人直升机避障姿态响应Fig.6 Altitude response of unmanned helicopter with its payload weight 10 kg to avoid obstacles

植保无人直升机在喷洒作业过程中,无人机系统质量以0.8 kg/min的速度减少,根据图5a,所设计的基于改进人工势场的避障控制系统能实现有效避障。且由图5可知,改进人工势场和传统人工势场均规避了障碍物。


对于障碍物2和3,2种算法的避障效果有明显差别,主要体现在避障路径和避障时间上。对于低矮型障碍物2,根据图5d中点1、2的坐标,改进人工势场越过障碍物0.6 m,而传统人工势场越过1.6 m,可见改进人工势场避障路径更短;又根据图6a、6b,无人直升机通过调整速度爬升越过,由局部图6b可知,改进人工势场用时约40 s,而传统人工势场用时约60 s,避障时间缩短20 s,避障时间更短。对于高杆型障碍物3,无人直升机侧方绕过,根据图5c中点1、2的坐标,与传统人工势场相比,改进人工势场最远绕过最小安全区域边界缩短了19 m,即图5c中点1、2间的距离,因此,改进人工势场避障路径更短;又根据图6c,无人直升机通过调整偏航角爬升越过,而传统人工势场用时较长。

为进一步验证所设计避障控制系统的有效性,仿真模型采用有效载荷为16 kg的单旋翼植保无人直升机,喷洒作业时速度为3 m/s,喷头流量为800 mL/min。障碍物设置同表1,仿真结果如图7和图8所示。

图7 有效载荷为16 kg的无人直升机避障位置响应Fig.7 Position response of unmanned helicopter with its payload weight 16 kg to avoid obstacles

图8 有效载荷为16 kg的无人直升机避障姿态响应Fig.8 Altitude response of unmanned helicopter with its payload weight 16 kg to avoid obstacles

根据图7,在无人机系统质量以0.8 kg/min的速度减少的情况下,16 kg的无人机能有效避障。对障碍物1和3,根据图7、图8b,通过调整偏航角侧方绕过;对于障碍物2,根据图7、图8a,通过调整速度爬升越过障碍物。

总之,所设计的避障控制系统对有效载荷10或16 kg的无人机均适用,即基于自适应反步法的飞行控制器均能有效跟踪避障指令。改进人工势场算法式(17)和飞行控制器式(34)不仅能有效规避地表障碍物,而且与传统人工势场算法相比,避障路径更短,用时更少。

5 结论与讨论


1)无人机有效载荷是10或16 kg,而且作业过程中,载荷是不断变化的,控制系统均能有效跟踪避障指令,所设计的自适应反步控制器稳定可靠;

2)所设计的基于改进人工势场的避障算法无论从避障路径还是避障时间均优于传统人工势场避障,以有效载荷10 kg为例,对于低矮型障碍物,避障路径缩短66.7%,避障时间减少31%;对于长方体型障碍物,避障路径缩短约42%,避障时间减少25%。



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Design of obstacle avoidance control system for low altitude and low speed eppo unmanned helicopter

Zhang Xunxun, Xu Hongke, Zhu Xu
(School of Electronic ɑnd Control Engineering, Chɑng’ɑn University, Xi’ɑn 710064, Chinɑ)

Abstract:Considering the threat of ground obstacles in the process of spraying for the low altitude and low speed eppo unmanned helicopter, an obstacle avoidance method based on the improved artificial potential field was proposed. The ability of the helicopter to avoid obstacle was the key issue to improve the accuracy and the efficiency, which could be realized in the following steps. Firstly, because ground obstacles were various and of different shapes, most traditional artificial potential fields regarding obstacles as a mass point or a sphere was not conducive, and they could not spray precisely if ground obstacles were treated as the same type. To solve this problem, ground obstacles were divided into 2 types i.e. low and high ones, of which high obstacles contained both cylindrical and cubic obstacles. Their minimum safety areas were defined differently: cone was for low obstacles, cylinder for cylindrical obstacles and cuboid for cubic obstacles. To prevent the wide-angle maneuvers and improve the efficiency of spraying, 2 kinds of obstacle avoidance strategies were formulated, which were climbing over them for low obstacles and bypassing them for high obstacles respectively. Secondly, in order to conquer the defect that obstacles were unable to avoid the helicopter initiatively, an obstacle avoidance algorithm based on the improved artificial potential field was given by introducing the relative speed between the helicopter and the obstacle into the repulsive potential. Meanwhile, obstacle avoidance orders were given according to the proposed algorithm, such that the helicopter adjusted its velocity and altitude in real time. Then, in view of continuously changing payload weight during the spraying process, the flight controller was designed based on the adaptive back stepping theory, which was not only to track those obstacle avoidance orders precisely, but also to suppress the parameter uncertainty caused by the change of the payload weight. Both the obstacle avoidance algorithm and the flight controller constructed a whole obstacle avoidance system, aiming at ensuring the security of the helicopter. Moreover, how to combine the obstacle avoidance algorithm with the flight controller was clearly demonstrated. Finally, simulation results showed that the proposed obstacle avoidance method could avoid ground obstacles effectively and efficiently, whose obstacle avoidance path was shorter and obstacle avoidance time was less than the traditional artificial potential fields. For the low obstacles, the obstacle avoidance path was shortened by 66.7% and the obstacle avoidance time decreased by 31%; for the high obstacles, the obstacle avoidance path and time were nearly the same as the traditional artificial potential fields when avoiding cylindrical obstacles, but when avoiding cubic obstacles, the obstacle avoidance path was shorten by 42% and obstacle avoidance time decreased by 25%. On the other hand, the adaptive back stepping controller was verified with its effectiveness and stability. The helicopter could avoid obstacles quickly and smoothly whether its payload weight was 10 or 16 kg, even though the payload weight changed continuously in the process of spraying. In a word, the proposed method has a better effect, which can provide a reference for technical applications of eppo unmanned helicopter.

Keywords:agricultural machinery; design; control; eppo unmanned helicopter; obstacle avoidance; minimum safety area; artificial potential field








doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.007 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.007http://www.tcsae.org

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