
2016-03-09 14:48:47吴长安


[主持人语] 近年来,构式理论在我国语言学界成为关注的热点,用“构式的眼光”观察、研究汉语,发现了许多以往不曾注意的问题,得出了一些不同于以往的结论,也展示了汉语的新面貌,有学者称此研究热潮为“构式崇拜”现象;同时,随着研究的深入,一些疑惑也逐渐浮出水面,比如:构式理论是否只是一种研究观念?它有没有自己的方法论?构式是怎么产生的?它的本质特点是什么?构式既然各自独立,相互不具有推导性,是否会导致构式繁多,与人的记忆规律矛盾?还有,把语素、词等都看作构式,句子的层次性如何体现等等。针对这些问题,本刊邀请了几位国内有关专家,就构式研究到今天,一些疑惑该如何理解,还有哪些问题需要深入探究,提出专家们的理解和认识,是为构式专题之缘起。本次参加讨论的4篇文章中,陆俭明教授提出构式语法理论应该深究的3个问题:(1)构式的本质特点,(2)构式是怎么产生的,(3)怎样提升构式理论的方法论价值,指出三个课题深究的路径和可行性目标。吴长安教授认为从心智语库理论背景下观察汉语待嵌构式,可以从近来构式研究拘泥于具体的构式样本的分析中走出来,从表达中、从与基本构式和固定构式的比较中显示待嵌构式的特点,深化研究的意义和价值。陈满华教授指出:构式语法尚未表现出明显的方法论价值:(1)构式语法相对地疏于设计和运用比较系统、成熟的分析手段和手续。(2)构式语法对语言单位的认识决定其难以形成清晰有序、层级分明的语言分析方法。施春宏教授梳理了“构式”观念的内在逻辑结构及其理论意义,从交际和习得的过程来重新认识构式范畴的原型性,从构式语法所主张的方法论原则来推导构式理论的基本特性,并将构式的观念推展到语言学之外,借以彰显构式观念所蕴涵的理论张力。4篇文章观点不尽相同,但分析了构式研究历程,又设计了未来的课题与话题,具有重要的学术参考价值。

Host’s words:In recent years, construction theory has become a hit in our country’s linguistic field. Studying Chinese from a constructive view helps to notice some previous overlooked issues and come to some different conclusions, which makes Chinese language take on a new look. Some scholars call it “construction idol” phenomenon. In the meantime, as the research goes deep, some confusions appear, for example, is construction theory only a research perception? Does it have its own methodology? How does construction emerge? What are its essential characteristics? Now that constructions are independent of each other, will it lead to overloaded constructions and conflict with human being’s memory pattern? Also, if morphemes and lexicons are considered as constructions, how to embody sentence arrangement? Faced with these questions, our journal gathered some relative scholars and asked about their understanding and knowledge about the above questions. Thus is the origin of construction theory topic.

In the four articles of this discussion, Lu Jianming puts forward three subjects that should be deeply studied about construction theory: 1) What are the essential characteristics of construction theory? 2) How does construction theory emerge? 3) How to improve the methodological value of construction theory? He also points out the research method and objectives of these three subjects. Wu Chang’an thinks if we want to observe Chinese pending construction from the mental corpus background, we should not be limited within construction sample analysis, but focus on expression, and comparison between fundamental construction and fixed construction, therefore find out characteristics of pending construction, thus deepening research meaning and value. Chen Manhua points out that construction grammar has not yet exhibited any obvious methodological value: 1)Relatively speaking, construction grammar lacks design and systematic and mature analytic technique. 2) Construction grammar’s recognition of language unit leads to the difficulty of forming a clear and graded language analysis method. Shi Chunhong sorts out the inner logic and theoretical meaning of construction theory. She regains the knowledge of construction prototype from communication and learning process, and deduces its essential characteristics via construction theory methodology. What’s more, she popularizes construction theory ideas beyond the field of linguistics, showing its theoretical tension force. Although these four articles are different from each other, they all discuss construction theory’s developing process, and point out future subjects and topics, thus possessing important academic reference value.

The Discussion about Construction Theory

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