吴 钊,陈乃松,华雪铭,黄旭雄,陈晓明,王 坛,王 刚,朱伟星,孔 纯
(上海海洋大学农业部水产种质资源与利用重点开放实验室,上海 201306)
吴 钊,陈乃松,华雪铭,黄旭雄,陈晓明,王 坛,王 刚,朱伟星,孔 纯
(上海海洋大学农业部水产种质资源与利用重点开放实验室,上海 201306)
分别用9种等氮等能的饲料投喂初始体质量为(34.72±0.28)g的大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea)。其中1组投喂对照饲料(含50%鱼粉,不含豆粕),另外8个试验组分别投饲由去皮豆粕(DSM)、酶解豆粕(ESM)、发酵豆粕Ⅰ(FSMⅠ)和发酵豆粕Ⅱ(FSMⅡ)替代20%和40%的鱼粉的饲料,9组分别命名为FM、DSM20、DSM40、ESM20、ESM40、FSMⅠ20、FSMⅠ40、FSMⅡ20、FSMⅡ40。在海水浮式网箱中进行7周的养殖实验后,评定4种豆粕替代鱼粉的可行性及适宜替代水平。结果显示,试验组与对照组鱼存活率和特定生长率无显著差异(P>0.05)。血清生化指标显示,FM组和FSMⅡ20组超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性显著高于其它试验组(P<0.05),FM、DSM20、FSMⅠ40、FSMⅡ20组过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性显著高于DSM40、ESM20、ESM40及FSMⅠ20组(P<0.05),不同试验组的丙二醛(MDA)含量均不同程度高于对照组。酶解豆粕替代40%鱼粉导致实验鱼的血清对哈维氏弧菌的抵抗能力下降,去皮豆粕替代20%鱼粉导致血清对溶藻弧菌抵抗能力下降;但发酵豆粕不影响血清及黏液对3种菌的抵抗能力。研究表明,以特定生长率、饲料转化率和抗菌能力为评价指标,发酵豆粕是鱼粉的最佳替代源,发酵豆粕Ⅰ和Ⅱ均能替代20%~40%的鱼粉,但存在抗氧化能力下降的风险,尤其是发酵豆粕Ⅰ40%替代组;去皮豆粕和酶解豆粕替代鱼粉在抗菌能力和抗氧化能力方面无优势。
大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea),属鲈形目,石首鱼科,黄鱼属,又名黄鱼、黄瓜鱼,为我国特有的地方性种类,主要分布在福建和浙江沿海地区,因其生长迅速、肉质鲜美而深受消费者的青睐。研究表明,0.57 g的大黄鱼饲料中所需蛋白质水平在47%以上[22],且饲料的蛋白质主要来源于鱼粉。鉴于目前鱼粉的供求矛盾和价格情况,寻找鱼粉的替代源成为大黄鱼配合饲料研制中需要重点解决的问题之一。目前,大黄鱼饲料中鱼粉替代的研究已有报道[23-25],主要集中在蛋白源选择以及替代水平方面,涉及肉骨粉、各种植物蛋白及复合蛋白等,但尚未见几种不同加工工艺的豆粕对鱼粉替代效果的比较研究。另有研究表明,添加晶体氨基酸可以缓解豆粕中氨基酸不平衡;去皮可以消除种皮中的大部分单宁;酶解可以消除豆粕中的植酸以及大豆低聚糖等;微生物发酵可降低豆粕中胰蛋白酶抑制因子、皂甙、植酸等抗营养因子的抗营养效应,从而提高鱼类的摄食及生长[26]。因此,本研究拟在添加包膜晶体氨基酸的条件下,用去皮豆粕、酶解豆粕以及两种不同发酵程度的豆粕分别替代配方中20%和40%的鱼粉,从生长性能、抗氧化以及抗菌能力等方面综合判断4种豆粕替代鱼粉的可行性,以期为豆粕在大黄鱼人工配合饲料中的应用提供参考。
1.1 实验饲料
1.2 养殖实验的设计和饲养管理
养殖实验于上海农好饲料有限公司养殖基地(位于福建省宁德市蕉城区三都澳海区)的网箱中进行。在开始正式实验前,将大黄鱼放入4 m×4 m×3 m的网箱中暂养、驯化2周。经24 h饥饿,挑选体格健壮、大小均匀的大黄鱼(34.72 g ±0.28 g)随机分为9组。每组随机分配3个浮式海水网箱(长×宽×深:1.2 m×1 m×2 m),每个网箱放养40 ind,每天饱食投喂2次(06∶00和16∶00)。养殖周期为49 d,养殖期间每天记录投喂量以及死亡情况。
1.3 样品采集和分析
养殖结束后,将实验鱼饥饿24 h,从网箱中全部捞起,用丁香酚麻醉后计数并称重。分别从每个网箱中随机取12 ind鱼,尾静脉抽血;将血样置于4℃冰箱静置4h后,离心(836×g)10 min,分离取得血清,并于-20℃保存。对抽取血液的6 ind鱼取其肝脏,并称重用于计算肝体比。分离背部侧线上方的肌肉,于-20℃保存用于测定肌肉成分;参考PALAKSHA等[28]的方法,用细胞刮棒在鱼背侧面轻轻刮取体表黏液。剩余的鱼置于-20℃保存用于体组成分析。
血清及黏液抗菌活力测定根据SUNYER等[29]方法稍作修改。将100μL稀释的菌液(哈维氏弧菌、溶藻弧菌、嗜水气单孢菌)加入96孔板,并加入等体积的血清或黏液,另取不加菌作阴性对照,不加血清和黏液作阳性对照,将其置于28℃条件下恒温孵育24 h,在620 nm波长条件读取OD值,每2 h读一次,最后结果根据前后两次稳定的OD值来计算。
1.4 计算公式
1.5 数据处理与统计分析
采用SPSS 17.0对数据进行单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA),用Duncan氏法进行多重差异显著性比较,显著水平P<0.05。
表1 实验饲料配方及成分分析(%风干物质)Tab.1 Analysis on composition and proximate of the experimental diets(%air-dry matter)
2.1 不同豆粕替代鱼粉对大黄鱼生长和存活率的影响
表2 不同豆粕替代鱼粉试验组中大黄鱼生长和存活状况Tab.2 Grow th and survival of large yellow croaker in different experimental groups
表3 各组的饲料转化率、摄食量、肝体比以及肥满度Tab.3 Feed conversion ratio,feed intake,HSI and CF in experimental groups
2.2 不同豆粕替代鱼粉对大黄鱼体组成的影响
2.3 不同豆粕替代鱼粉对大黄鱼生化指标的影响
表4 各组全鱼及肌肉组成Tab.4 Proximate composition of fish and muscle in experimental groups (%)
表5 各组鱼血清生化指标含量Tab.5 Contents of biochemical indexs in serum of fish in experimental groups
表6 各组鱼肝脏生化指标含量Tab.6 Contents of biochemical indexs in liver of fish in experimental groups
2.4 不同豆粕替代鱼粉对大黄鱼血清及黏液抗菌能力的影响
表7 各组鱼黏液-生化指标含量Tab.7 Contents of biochemical mucus in liver of fish in experimental groups
表8 血清及黏液抗菌活力Tab.8 Antimicrobial activity of serum and mucus
3.1 不同豆粕替代鱼粉对大黄鱼生长和存活率的影响
本实验中试验组与对照组相比,存活率、增重率与特定生长率均无显著差异,表明在一定的范围内豆粕对鱼粉的替代效果不受替代水平的影响[26]。同样的实验在虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)[30-31]、奥尼罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus ×O.aureus)[32]上也均显示用适量的豆粕替代鱼粉不会对鱼生长造成负面影响。LI等[33]在大黄鱼的研究中发现,大黄鱼幼鱼饲料中豆粕替代鱼粉的最适替代比例为30%,而本研究在40%的替代水平下依然不会对大黄鱼生长造成负面影响,这可能与本研究所使用豆粕的抗营养因子减少[26,34-35]以及添加复合包膜晶体氨基酸有关。在虹鳟[36]、红拟石首鱼(Sciaenops ocellatus)[37]的研究中已证实添加晶体氨基酸可以改善豆粕替代鱼粉的效果。
3.2 不同豆粕替代鱼粉对大黄鱼体组成的影响
ZHANG等[24]在大黄鱼饲料中用植物蛋白替代鱼粉的研究中发现,随着替代水平的增加,鱼体粗蛋白质含量出现降低趋势,而本实验中也出现相同的趋势,这可能是由于植物蛋白替代鱼粉虽能满足大黄鱼生长所需的蛋白质量,但仍存在包膜晶体氨基酸用于合成鱼体蛋白质的利用率不如蛋白质来源的结合态氨基酸,游离氨基酸的不同步吸收导致鱼体内蛋白质的合成下降的可能[24,38]。随着替代比例的增加,鱼体肌肉中蛋白含量出现下降,脂肪含量出现上升的趋势,这与陈乃松等[38]在大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)中的研究结果一致。
3.3 不同豆粕替代鱼粉对大黄鱼健康的影响
鱼体血清及黏液含有一些抵御病菌的分子[44-45],其抗菌能力是鱼体免疫机能强弱最直接的一种表现。本实验中不同豆粕替代鱼粉对大黄鱼血清及黏液抵抗嗜水气单孢菌的能力没有影响,酶解豆粕替代40%的鱼粉会导致大黄鱼血清对哈维氏弧菌抵抗力下降,酶解豆粕替代20%或40%鱼粉会导致大黄鱼体表黏液对溶藻弧菌的抵抗力下降,而两种发酵豆粕分别替代20%及40%鱼粉均没有导致大黄鱼血清及黏液对3种菌的抵抗能力显著下降,这可能是由于在发酵过程中,大豆异黄酮中的葡萄糖苷会转化为葡萄糖苷元,从而使得苷元成分大增,因此抗菌性能提高[46]。以上结果说明,大黄鱼血清及黏液的抗菌能力因病原菌种类而异,SANGEETHA等[47]发现河鳟(Salvelinus alpinus)、黑线鳕(Melanogrammus aeglefinus)、黏液鳗(Myxineglutinosa)的酸性黏液提取物对鱼和人类的病原具有较强的特殊抗菌活性,这与鱼体表黏液中的丝氨酸和半胱氨酸蛋白水解酶类溶解寄生物有关[48-49]。
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Effects of replacement of dietary fish meal by four kinds of soybean meal on grow th,antioxidant and antibacterial ability of Pseudosciaena crocea R.
WU Zhao,CHEN Nai-song,HUA Xue-ming,HUANG Xu-xiong,CHEN Xiao-ming,WANG Tan,WANG Gang,ZHU Wei-xing,KONG Chun
(Key Laboratory of Freshwater Fishery Germplasm Resources,Ministry of Agriculture,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306)
Due to the high protein content and rich essential amino acids for aquatic animals,fish meal has been widely used in aquaculture feed industry.However the worldwide fish meal supply can not meet thegrowing demand for aquaculture,it is necessary to look for alternative sources for fish meal.Soybean meal is easily digested and absorbed by aquatic animals,so it is one of the most widely used plant protein sources in aquatic feed.While excessive use of soybean meal with amino acid imbalance and many antinutritional factors in feed,affects not only feeding and growth of fish,but also the health and immune function.It has been demonstrated that the problem of antinutritional factors and amino acid imbalance can be eased by enzyme additives,microbial fermentation and crystalline amino acids additive.Large yellow croakerPseudosciaena croceaR.is an important commercial marine fish species in China.It is favored by consumers due to its high nutritional value.As other carnivores,the high protein requirement of large yellow croaker is mainly from fish meal,so substitution of fish meal in the feed is also a key problem in their culture.In this study,a total of1080Pseudosciaena croceaR.with an average body weight of(34.72g±0.28g)were randomly divided into 9 groups with 3 replicates each,and each replicate contained 40 fish.Fish were fed with 9 isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets,the control group(50%fishmeal,without soybean meal)and 8 experimental groups formulated by replacing 20%or 40%fish meal with dehulled,enzyme-treated,fermented soybean mealⅠor fermented soybean mealⅡwith crystalline amino acids,respectively.The 9 groups was respectively named as FM,DSM20,DSM40,ESM20,ESM40,FSMⅠ20,FSMⅠ40,FSMⅡ20,FSMⅡ40.A 7-week trial was conducted in floating nets to evaluate the feasibility of the replacement of fishmeal by four different kinds of soybean meal,and to measure the appropriate replacement level.Results showed that there was no significant difference in the survival rate,special growth rate between the control group and experimental groups.And there was no significant difference on feed conversion ratio,hepatosmatic index and condition factor among all groups.The superoxide dismutase activity and catalase in serum,liver and mucus were significantly different among groups.The superoxide dismutase activity of serum in FM and FSMⅡ20 was higher than other experimental groups.The catalase of serum in FM,DSM20,FSMⅠ40 and FSMⅡ20 was higher than that in DSM40,ESM20,ESM40 and FSMⅠ20.The malondialdehyde in serum and liver of replacement groups were higher than that in the control group.Serum showed significantly lower capacity to killV.harveyiin the group of 40%fish meal replaced by enzyme-treated soybean meal and lower capacity to killV.alginolyticusin the group of 20%fish meal replaced by dehulled soybean meal.Serum and mucus showed no significant difference on the capacity to killA.hydrophilaamong all groups.Fermented soybean meal did not affect serum and mucus to kill the three kinds of bacteria.In conculsion,among the tested soybean meal,fermented soybean meal was the best substitution for fish meal,it could replace 20%-40%fish meal based on the specific growth rate,feed conversion ratio and antibacterial ability,but there was a risk of reduced antioxidation ability especially in the group of40%fish meal replaced by fermented soybean meal I.While dehulled and enzyme-treated soybean meal had inferior position on antibacterial ability as well as antioxidation ability.
Pseudosciaena crocea;fish meal;soybean meal;antioxidant ability;antibacterial ability
S 963.31
吴 钊,男,硕士研究生,研究方向为水产动物营养学。